Indicatif: Imparfait Flashcards
What English verb tenses does l’imparfait correspond to?
The simple past and the past progressive.
What other English structures of speaking about the past does l’imparfait translate to?
- used to
- would
Is l’imparfait used more common in written French or spoken French?
Written French.
What do “perfect” and “imperfect” mean with regard to grammatical tenses?
- Perfect = a completed action or state of being
- Imperfect = an incomplete (ongoing) action or state of being
Use l’imparfait for descriptions (of age, feelings, health, time, the weather, etc.):
- Quand j’avais six ans, j’étais souvent malade et j’étais heureux de passer du temps seul.
When I was six years old, I was often sick and I was happy to spend time alone. (avoir, être)
Use l’imparfait for habitual actions or states of being:
- Je m’ennuyais souvent.
I was often bored. (ennuyer)
Use l’imparfait for actions or states of being with unspecified endings:
- J’allais au parc parce que je voulais me promener.
I was going to the park because I wanted to take a walk.
Use l’imparfait for background information:
- Où étais-tu quand tu as appris la nouvelle ? J’étais au bureau.
Where were you (in.) when you heard the news? I was at the office.
Use l’imparfait for indirect speech:
- Il m’a dit qu’il allait à la banque.
He told me he was going to the bank. (aller)
Use l’imparfait for most verbs followed by the infinitive:
*J’allais te téléphoner.
* Je voulais vous poser une question.
I was going to call you. (aller)
I wanted/would like to ask you (for.) a question. (vouloir)
Use l’imparfait for repeated or simultaneously occuring actions in the past:
- Tous les jours, il faisait un gâteau avec son amie Florence.
Every day he made a cake with his friend Florence. (faire)
Use l’imparfait after “si” to express something unreal or unknown in the present or the future:
- Si seulement je gagnais au loto !
- Si on allait au ciné demain ?
In this exceptional case, l’imparfait is not a past tense.
If only I won the lottery! (gagner)
How about going to the movies tomorrow? (aller)
J’ai dû arrêter de bleaché mes cheveux parce que je les abîmais.
abîmer: to damage; to spoil; to ruin
I had to stop bleaching my hair because I was damaging it. (abîmer)
abîmer: to damage; to spoil; to ruin
Je ne t’ai pas dit parce que tu travaillais tard hier soir.
travailler: to work; to knead; to work on
I didn’t tell you because you were working late last night. (travailler)
travailler: to work; to knead; to work on
Il partageait souvent ses collations à l’école.
partager: to share; to divide
He often shared his snacks at school. (partager)
partager: to share; to divide