Larynx Flashcards
Where is the larynx located?
It extends from the inferior, laryngeal part of the pharynx to the pharynx of the trachea. It is located opposite C3-C6 in men, but is higher in women and children.
What is the role of the larynx?
It closes off the lower airways from the pharynx and contributes to the regulation of vocalization, or phonation.
Name the components of the laryngeal skeleton.
- Thyroid cartilage (hyaline)
- Cricoid cartilage (hyaline)
- Arytenoid cartilage (hyaline)
- Epiglottic cartilage (elastic)
What is the innervation of the laryngeal muscles (except the cricothyroid)?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve
Which nerve innervates the cricothyroid?
External branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.
What two parts can the rima glottidis be divided into?
Intermembrane part and intercartilagenous part
Which muscle is the extrinsic laryngeal muscle?
(The inferior constrictor and thyrohyoid muscles belong functionally with the extrinsic laryngeal muscles).
What is the function of the cricothyroid?
If the thyroid cartilage is fixed, the cricothyroid tilts the cricoid cartilage posteriorly agains the thyroid cartilage, tensing the vocal ligament.
What is the function of the posterior cricoarytenoid?
It acts to draw the muscular processes posteriorly, causing the vocal process to move laterally, thereby widening the rima glottidis. This is the only muscle that opens the entire rima glottidis for inspiration.
What is the function of the cricoarytenoid?
It draws the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage anteriorly. This causes the vocal process to move toward the midline, closing the rima glottidis. (It closes the intermembranous part of rima glottidis)
What is the function of the vocalis muscle?
It draws the thyroid cartilage toward the vocal process and completely closes the rima glottidis by becoming thicker as it contracts. The mostly isometric contraction of the muscle teases the vocal fold and adjust tension. The vocalis is continuous laterally with a broad, thin layer of muscle known as the thyroarytenoid.
What is the function of the thyroarytenoid?
Contraction of the thyroarytenoid draws the arytenoid cartilages forward, shortens the vocal fold, and closes the anterior, larger portion of the rima glottidis - the intermembranous part
What is the function of the “inter-arytenoid”?
Transverse and oblique arytenoid
Draws the arytenoid closer. Closes the intercartilagenous part and tenses the vocal ligament.
What is the name of the space between the vestibular and vocal fold?
Which of the vocal and vestibular fold lies most superiorly?
The vestibular fold