Language Acquisition Flashcards
What does pre-intentional communication involve?
The child is not intentionally sending messages.
Reacts to events - reflexive.
Starts to learn how to react to events - anticipatory.
What are the milestones at birth for a child? X4
- Turns towards a human voice and face.
- Makes eye contact with the caregiver.
- Makes spontaneous facial expressions e.g. smile
- Cries when uncomfortable.
What are the milestones for 1-2 months? x3
- Gazes at adults for prolonged periods e.g. when fed.
- Cries become more expressive.
- Starts to engage in cooing.
What are the milestones for 3 months? X3
- Recognises caregiver
- Cries continue.
- Makes non distress vocalisations e.g. cooing and gooing.
What are the milestones for 6 months? x7
- Turns immediately to caregiver’s voice even if they aren’t in view.
- Explores the face of person they are interacting with.
- Responds to different emotional tones of a familiar face.
- Babbling - canonical/reduplicated and variegated.
- Shows interest in people games e.g. peekaboo.
- Intentional communication.
- Locutionary acts - starts to associate words with actions e.g ‘up’ - gets picked up.
What is canonical/reduplicated babbling?
Infants repeat the same syllable over and over e.g. babababa.
Begins at 6 months.
What is variegated babbling?
Babies begin to string different syllables together e.g. “mado” or “babda.
Begins at 6 months.
What is intentional communication?
Infant sends purposeful messages to convey meaning.
Understands that their actions have an effect on others and that different actions produce different responses.
Begins at 6 months.
What are the milestones for 9 months? x3
- Starts to respond to their name and ‘no’
- Starts to use social gestures e.g. waving hello
- Produces jargon
What is jargon?
Long strings of sounds with adult like prosody and intonation (in the example video turn-taking was used).
Begins at 9 months.
What are the milestones for 12 months? x5
- Understands some words in a familiar context e.g. bath
- Understands simple instructions associated with a gesture e.g. ‘wave bye bye’
- Use pointing to request items
- Uses self-made jargon
- May use first words
What are the milestones for 15 months? x5
- Understands ‘show me’ and look’
- Points to familiar people and toys upon request
- Understands simple instructions e.g. ‘give me the teddy’
- Communications needs by pointing, vocalising, screaming
- Uses a few words in the correct context.
What are the milestones for 18 months? x8
- Points to body parts when asked
- Follow simple instructions e.g. ‘get your shoes’
- Enjoys nursery rhymes and will try to join in
- Communicates wants and needs by pointing alongside gesture, urgent vocalisations or words - will look back at adult to check when request has been noted.
- Uses 50-100 words (often CVC/CVCV).
- Overextends words/phrases e.g. dog would be used for all animals
- Often imitates the last word in a sentence used by an adult
- May still produce jargon
What are the milestones for 2 years? x7
- Begins to understand two-part instructions.
- Enjoys nursery rhymes and familiar songs
- 200-300 words
- May join two words together.
- Utterances are telegraphic.
- Imitates words used by others
- Speech sounds are emerging
What is meant by telegraphic utterances?
Not full sentences, but keywords are used to convey meaning e.g. I hungry.
What are the milestones for 3 years? x6
- Can follow 3-part instructions
- Can identify objects by function e.g. picks up toothbrush for brushing teeth
- Use 3 word+utterances
- Starts to use prepositions and early concepts e.g. big/little
- Grammar still emerging e.g. ‘mouses’ instead of ‘mice’
- Asks lots of ‘what, where, who?’ questions
What are the milestones for 4 years? x6
- Follows instructions with 3 parts +
- Selects colour by name
- Starts to use more complex sentence structures
- Asks lots of how & why? Questions
- Speech is largely intelligible
- Can talk about recent and past events
What are the milestones for 5 years?
- Understands time and sequence concepts
- Asks the meaning of more abstract language
- Uses grammatically conventional sentence structures
- Can participate in more advanced conversation
- Can tell a short imaginative story