Labelling Studies | 1 Flashcards
Becker, Rists, Rosenthal and Jacobsen, theories, sociologists, examples etc.
What is labelling?
Attach a meaning or defintion to someone.
What do studies show about how a teacher labels a students?
They label students based on the stereotypical assumptions of their background.
Who are Interactionists?
Study small scale face-to-face intercations between individuals.
What are some examples of *places *where you can find small scale interactions?
Playgrounds, classrooms.
Who was the sociologist who carried out the interactionist study of labelling?
How many high school teachers did Becker base his interviews in?
60 Chicago high school teachers.
What did Becker find in his study about how the teachers treated the children?
They based them upon the ideal pupil and judged them for it.
What were some of the key factors that Becker found were influencing teacher’s judgement on pupils?
Pupils’ work, conduct and apperance.
What were the differences between the social classes and labelling?
Middle class students seemed to fit the ‘ideal pupil’, while the working class pupils were ‘badly behaved’.
What did H. Jorgensen find about the social class ‘make-up’ of the school?
Ideal pupil- quiet, passive and obedient.
What did Rists find in his study in the American kindergartens?
Teachers used information ont he children’s home background and appearance.
How did Rists’ study support the labelling theory?
Fast learners were called ‘tigers’- good appearance.
W/C were considered ‘clowns’ & ‘cardinals’.
What were the outcomes of Rists’ research?
Self-fulfilling prophecy- they would start to act as their label.
What did Rosenthal and Jacobson find?
think about the pupils and the teachers.
Teachers’ belief about pupils had been influenced by the results.
Identify the 2 types of teacher’s interactions with students.
- Body language.
- The amount of attention and encouragement.