Ethnicity and Achievement | Internal [1] +[2] Flashcards
things happening within the school.
[1]What does internal mean in this topic?
Labelling, identities, responses.
[1]What is labelling and teacher racism?
To attach someone in a meaning, in this case teachers > students.
[1]What are face-to-face interactions?
Between teachers and students, often discussions of behaviour and also where labelling occurs.
[1] What do interactionists say aren’t ‘ideal pupils’?
Black and Asian pupils.
[1] What do interactionists say about Black behaviour?
[1] What do interactionists say about Asian behaviour?
Hint: ethnic, future
What can negative labels lead to teachers doing? What could it lead to?
Treating the ethnic minorities differently.
It could lead to failure in the future.
about Blacks…
[1] What does Gillborn and Youdell say about ‘racialised expectations’? [What did they expect them to do, racially…?]
Teachers expected Black pupils to present more discipline problems.
[1] What was the name given to Black pupils by teachers?
A challenge to authority.
[1] What happened when teachers acted on the ‘racialised expectations’?
Example statement: It led to further c______.
Further conflict and negativity.
think about the racial stuff, what does it stem from?
[1] What could Gillborn and Youdell conclude from the conflict between White teachers and Black pupils?
Stems from the racial stereotypes, rather than pupils’ own behaviour.
what did the school see them as?
[1]A sociologist called Jenny Bourne concluded that there were high level exclusions from Black boys, why is this?
Schools saw Black boys as a threat and to label them negatively was a normality.
What is PRU?
Pupil referral units.
[1] What kind of streams are Black pupils are sent in?
[1] What sociologist found that teachers’ stereotypes of Black pupils as badly behaved could result in them being placed in lower sets and streams?
Hint: Annie [Movie]
think about reaction and school.
[1] What does streaming do to Black pupils?
Self-fulfilling prophecy- stereotypes, underachievement.
[1]Wright’s study of multi-ethnic primary schools shows that Asian pupils can also be victims of teacher labelling. What did she find about the school?
Hint: Eth________
They were ethnocentric. Took for granted the Standard British were superior.
[1]Asian pupils also felt isolated when teachers expressed disapproval. What were they considered as, unlike the Black pupils?
A problem that can be ignored.
What is Archer’s 3 Pupil Identities?
‘Ideal Pupil’- White, middle-class, heterosexual.
‘Pathologised’ - Asian, deserving poor, feminised asexual identity, oppressed.
‘Demonised’- Black, working-class, hyper-sexualised identity, deprived.
[1] What are pupils responses and subcultures?
Ways in which pupils respond to teacher racism.
- disruptive or withdrawn.
- refusing to accept label.
-prove wrong by working hard.
[1] What does Fuller and Mac an Ghaill say about rejecting negative labels?
Hint: Black girls, streams etc.
example: Girls felt they had greater academic commitment.
Black girls were high achievers in school and did not let the labels affect them.
They did not seek attention from teachers, especially the ‘racist’ ones.
Mac an Ghaill- study of Black and Asian A level students reached the same conclusion.
[1]Mirza: failed strategies for avoiding racism.
What are the 3 teacher racist attitudes?
The color blind- they believe all students are equal but allow racism to be practiced.
Liberal chauvinists- Black students are culturally deprived and have low expectations of them.
The overt racist- Black pupils are inferior and discriminate against them.
[1] What does Sewell say about the variety of boys’ responses?
Hint: What are the 4 subcultures? [RCRI]
The rebels- visible and influential, small minority of Black pupils. Rejected goals.
The conformists- largest group, keen to succeed and accepted the school’s goals.
The retreatists- tiny minority, disconnected from school and Black subcultures.
The innovators- second largest group, pro-education, anti-school, valued success but ignored school values.
Who are interactionists?
People who focus on small scale, interactions between people.