Lab Practical Flashcards
What are the 3 sections of the skull?
Rostral cranial fossa
Middle cranial ofssa
Caudal cranial fossa
What are the demarcations/what is located within the rostral cranial fossa?
Everything from cribriform plate to optic chiasm
Olfactory bulbs are here
What are the demarcations/what is located within the middle cranial fossa?
Optic chiasm to sella turcica
Many cranial nerves are here
What are the demarcations/what is located within the caudal cranial fossa?
Cerebellum, medulla, and pons to foramen magnum
What is the Monro-Kellie Doctrine?
Fixed cavity with CSF, brain parenchyma, and blood living in ventricles. An increase in one of these puts pressure on the others
What comes through the cribriform plate?
What comes through the optic canal?
Optic nerve
What comes through the orbital fissure?
Ophthalmic branch of trigeminal
What comes through the rostral alar foramen?
Maxillary branch of trigeminal
What comes through the round foramen?
Maxillary branch of trigeminal
What does through the oval foramen?
Mandibular branch of trigeminal
What comes through the trigeminal canal?
Trigeminal nerve
What comes through the stylomastoid foramen?
Facial nerve
What comes through the internal acoustic meatus?
Facial nerve
Auditory: Vestibular/cochlear
What comes through the tympano-occipital fissure?
9, 10, 11
What comes through the jugular foramen?
9, 10, 11
What comes through the hypoglossal canal?
What comes through the foramen magnum?
Spinal cord
What are the layers of meninges from outside to inside?
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Pia mater
What is unique between between the dura mater in the skull vs the spinal cord?
Skull is a potential space
Spinal cord is an epidural space filled with fat
Where does CSF live?
Subarachnoid space between the arachnoid mater and pia mater
Where can you collect CSF in the dog?
Cisternal cistern
Lumbar cistern
What does the falx cerebri do?
Separates the cerebrum into 2 cerebral hemispheres
What vasculature structure is present in the falx cerebri?
Dorsal sagittal sinus, which is where the arachnoid villi live (CSF reabsorbed here)
What separates the cerebrum and cerebellum?
Tentorium cerebelli
What is found in the cerebrum?
Corpus callosum Lateral ventricle White matter Gray matter Olfactory bulb/ CN 1
What is found in the thalamus?
Interthalamic adhesion Third ventricle Pituitary CN 2 Optic chiasm Medial geniculate nucleus Lateral geniculate nucleus Optic tract
What does the 3rd ventricle surround?
Interthalamic ahdhesion
What is found in the midbrain/mesencephalon?
Rostral colliculi
Caudal colliculi
Mesencephalic aqueduct
What cranial nerves are found in the tegmentum?
3 and 4
What makes up the metencephalon?
4th ventricle
What is found in the pons?
Transverse fibers of the pons
CN 5
What cranial nerves are found in the myelencephalon/medulla?
What is found in the myelencephalon?
Trapezoid body
4th ventricle
What exits the lateral vertebral foramen?
Cervical nerve 1
What exits the transverse vertebral foramen?
Vertebral artery and vein
What is unique about the C1-2 joint that sets it apart from all other intervertebral joints?
It’s a synovial joint with no IV disc
What ligaments connect C1-C2?
Transverse ligament Apical ligament of dens Alar ligament Dorsal atlanto-axial ligament Atlanto-axial joint capsule
What connects to the dorsal caudal surface of C2 in the dog?
Nuchal ligament
Where does the nuchal ligament come from?
C2 to T1
Does the cat have a nuchal ligament?
What sets C6 apart from the other cervical vertebrae?
Large transverse processes
What process is located dorsal to an intervertebral foramen?
Accessory process
What exits/enters through an intervertebral foramen?
Spinal nerves
What is the anticlinal space?
The disc space between T10 and 11
Why are disk extrusions less likely from T1-T10?
There are intercapital ligaments
What does the sacrum articulate with?
Ilial wings
Cd 1
What exits the dorsal sacral foramina?
Dorsal branches of the first 2 sacral spinal nerves
What exits the pelvic sacral foramina?
Ventral branches of the first 2 sacral spinal nerves
What ligaments connects between spinous processes?
Interspinous ligament
Supraspinous ligament
What ligament runs on the dorsal and ventral surface of the vertebral body?
Dorsal longitudinal ligament
Ventral longitudinal ligament
What are the muscles located dorsal to the transverse processes?
Epaxial (iliocostalis system, transversospinalis system, longissimus system)
What muscles are located ventral to the vertebral body/transverse process? In the cervical vertebra?
Hypaxial muscles
Longus capitis, longus coli
What are the histologic stains available to evaluate the brain?
H and E
Cresyl violet
Luxol fast blue
Immunohistochemistry stains (glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament)
What does cresol violet do?
Evaluate neuronal cell body numbers and features
What does luxe fast blue do?
Stains myelin in the white matter
What does glial fibrillary acidic protein do?
Stains astrocytes
What does neurofilament do?
Detects neurons and their processes