Lab Medicine Flashcards
Consideration when culturing?
You might need to grow the culture on different media & in different environments (hot/cold/aerobic/anaerobic, etc)
Name two body fluids that should be sterile:
Blood and urine in the bladder
How long do blood cultures take / when do you perform them
24-48 hours / when you are seeking out a systemic infection
Gold standard for diagnosing Strep Throat / what else can it be used to test for?
Throat culture / Candida, diphtheria, gonococcal pharyngitis
When do you do a sputum cx / what finding would lead you to believe it is contaminated? / what is it neither sensitive nor specific for?
Suspected TP or pneumonia / lots of different stuff growing / Strep pneumonia
Why order a wound culture? / Sensitivity? / If a wound culture is negative?
Determine if wound is infected & with what / What can you tx the organism with? / you still cannot rule out infection
Anaerobic bacteria that grows in brain, lungs, and abdomen
B. fragilis
Why do a CSF culture?
Suspected meningitis
3 most common causes of bacterial meningitis:
N. meningitidis, S. pneumonia, H. flu
Reason to collect a urine culture?
Suspected pyelonephritis or cycstitis
What is different about viral culturing than bacterial culturing?
Bacteria can grow on media, viruses require cell cultures b/c they only replicate in living cells not on cell-free media
What is the main problem you have to deal with when culturing fungi?
They grow REAL slowly (6-8 weeks)
Stain for detecting Mycobacteria TB / Leprae?
Mycoplasma Serology?
Cold Agglutinin
Stool for ova and parasites - detects cysts & distinguishes parasitic infection (i.e. amebic dysentery) from bacterial infection