Lab Exercise 9 - Axial Skeleton Flashcards
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 1 and 2
1) Parietal Bone, 2) Coronal Suture
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 3 and 4
3) Squamous Suture
4) Temporal Bone
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 5 and 6.
5) Lambdoid Suture
6) Occipital Bone
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 7 and 8.
7) Frontal bone
8) Sphenoid Bone
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 9 and 10.
9) Ethmoid Bone
10) Lacrimal Bone
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 11 and 12.
11) Nasal Bone
12) Zygomatic Bone
Lateral View of the Skull. Define 13 and 14.
13) Maxilla
14) Mandible
Superior View of Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) Frontal Bone
2) Coronal Suture
Superior View of Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Parietal Bone
4) Sagittal Suture
Superior View of Skull. Define 5 and 6.
5) Lambdoid Suture
6) Occipital Bone
Inferior View of Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) Maxilla
2) Vomer
Inferior View of Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Sphenoid Bone
4) Occipital Bone
Inferior View of Skull. Define 5, 6 and 7.
5) Zygomatic Bone
6) Palatine Bone
7) Parietal Bone
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 1 and 2.
1) Parietal Bone
2) Occipital Bone
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 3 and 4.
3) Frontal Bone
4) Ethmoid Bone
Superior View of the Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 5, 6 and 7.
5) Sphenoid Bone
6) Temporal Bone
7) Lambdoid Suture
Anterior View of Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) Parietal Bone
2) Sphenoid Bone
Anterior View of Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Ethmoid Bone
4) Lacrimal Bone
Anterior View of Skull. Define 5 and 6.
5) Interior Nasal Concha or turbinate
6) Vomer
Anterior View of Skull. Define 7 and 8.
7) Frontal Bone
8) Temporal Bone
Anterior View of Skull. Define 9 and 10.
9) Nasal Bone
10) Zygomatic Bone
Anterior View of the Skull. Define 11 and 12.
11) Maxilla
12) Mandible
Orbit of the eye. Define 1 and 2.
1) Frontal Bone
2) Sphenoid Bone
Orbit of the eye. Define 3 and 4.
3) Zygomatic Bone
4) Ethmoid Bone
Orbit of the eye. Define 5 and 6.
5) Lacrimal Bone
6) Maxilla
Anterior View of the Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) Supraorbital Foramen
2) Orbit of eye
Anterior View of the Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Inferior Orbital Fissure
4) Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid
Anterior View of Skull. Define 5 and 6.
5) Mental Foramen
6) Supraorbital Margin
Anterior View of Skull. Define 7 and 8.
7) Superior Orbital Fissure
8) Middle Nasal Concha
Lateral View of Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) External Auditory Meatus
2) Mastoid Process
Lateral View of Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Lacrimal Fossa
4) Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone
Lateral View of Skull. Define 5 and 6.
5) Condylar Process
6) Coronoid Process
Lateral View of Skull. Define 7 and 8.
7) Ramus of Mandible
8) Body of Mandible
Inferior View of Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) Palatine Process of Maxilla
2) Palatine Bone
Inferior View of Skull. Define 7 and 8.
7) Occipital Condyle
8) Hypoglossal Foramen
Inferior View of Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Hard Plate
4) Pterygoid Processes
Inferior View of Skull. Define 5 and 6.
5) Foramen Ovale
6) Jugular Foramen
Inferior View of Skull. Define 9 and 10.
9) Mandibular Fossa
10) Foramen Lacerum
Inferior View of Skull. Define 11 and 12.
11) Carotid Foramen
12) Stylomastoid Foramen
Inferior View of Skull. Define 13 and 14.
13) Mastoid Process
14) Foramen Magnum
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 1 and 2.
1) Crista Galli
2) Olfactory Foramina
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 3 and 4.
3) Cribriform Plate
4) Sella Turcica
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 5 and 6.
5) Foramen Ovale
6) Internal Auditory Meatus
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 7 and 8.
7) Foramen Magnum
8) Lesser wing of Sphenoid
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 9 and 10.
9) Optic Foramen
10) Greater Wing of Sphenoid
Superior View of Floor of Cranial Cavity. Define 11, 12, and 13.
11) Foramen Rotundum
12) Foramen Lacerum
13) Jugular Foramen
Nasal Septum. Define 1, 2, and 3.
1) Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid
2) Septal Cartilage
3) Vomer
Paranasal Sinuses. Define 1 and 2.
1) Frontal Sinus
2) Ethmoidal Sinus
Paranasal Sinuses. Define 3 and 4.
3) Sphenoid Sinus
4) Maxillary Sinus
Major Fontanels of the Fetal Skull. Define 1 and 2.
1) Anterolateral (sphenoidal) Fontanel
2) Posterolateral (mastoid) Fontanel
Major Fontanels of the Fetal Skull. Define 3 and 4.
3) Anterior (frontal) Fontanel
4) Posterior (Occipital) Fontanel
Normal Spinal Curvitures of the Vertebral Column. Define 1 and 2.
1) Cervical Vertebrae
2) Thoracic Vertebrae
Normal Spinal Curvitures of the Vertebral Column. Define 3, 4, and 5.
3) Lumbar Vertebrae
4) Sacrum
5) Coccyx
Normal Spinal Curvitures of the Vertebral Column. Define 6 and 7.
6) Cervical Curve
7) Thoracic Curve
Normal Spinal Curvitures of the Vertebral Column. Define 8 and 9.
8) Lumbar Curve
9) Sacral Curve
Cervical Vertebrae: Superior View of the Atlas (C1). Define 1, 2, and 3.
1) Superior Articular Facet
2) Transverse Foramen
3) Transverse Process
Cervical Vertebrae: Superior View of the Axis (C2). Define 4, 5, and 6.
4) Lamina
5) Dens (Odontoid process)
6) Spinous Process
Cervical Vertebrae: Superior View of a Typical Cervical Vertebra (C3). Define 7 and 8.
7) Body
8) Transverse Process
Cervical Vertebrae: Superior View of a Typical Cervical Vertebra (C3). Define 9 and 10.
9) Bifurcated Spinous Process
10) Pedicle
Thoracic Vertebrae. Superior View. Define 1 and 2.
1) Transverse Process
2) Facet for Articular Part of Tubercle
Thoracic Vertebrae. Superior View. Define 3 and 4.
3) Superior Articular Facet
4) Superior Demifacet
Thoracic Vertebrae. Right Lateral View. Define 5 and 6.
5) Facet for articular part of tubercle
6) Slanted Spinous Process
Thoracic Vertebrae. Right Lateral View. Define 7 and 8.
7) Superior Demifacet
8) Inferior Demifacet
Lumbar Vertebrae. Superior View. Define 1 and 2.
1) Pedicle
2) Superior Articular Process
Lumbar Vertebrae. Superior View. Define 3, 4, and 5.
3) Transverse Process
4) Vertebral Foramen
5) Body
Lumbar Vertebrae. Right Lateral View. Define 6 and 7.
6) Hatchet-shaped spinous process
7) Inferior Articular Facet
Intervertebral Discs. Right Lateral View of Articulated vertebrae with intervertebral disc. Define 1 and 2.
1) Intervertebral Foramen
2) Nucleus Pulposus
Intervertebral Discs. Right Lateral View of Articulated vertebrae with intervertebral disc. Define 3 and 4.
3) Annulus Fibrosus
4) Intervertebral Disc
Intervertebral Discs. Superior View of Herniated Disc. Define 5, 6, and 7.
5) Herniation
6) Nucleus Pulposus
7) Annulus Fibrosus
Sacrum and Coccyx. Anterior View. Define 1 and 2.
1) Sacral Ala
2) Base of Sacrum
Sacrum and Coccyx. Anterior View. Define 3, 4, and 5.
3) Sacral Promontory
4) Sacral Foramen
5) Coccyx
Sacrum and Coccyx. Posterior View. Define 5, 6, and 7.
5) Coccyx
6) Sacral Canal
7) Superior Articular Facet
Sacrum and Coccyx. Posterior View. Define 8 and 9.
8) Auricular Surface (for sacroiliac joint)
9) Sacral Hiatus
Abnormal Curves of the Vertebral Column. Define a, b, and c.
a) scoliosus
b) hyphosis
c) lordosis
Thoracic Cage. Define 1 and 2.
1) Suprasternal Notch (Jugular Notch)
2) Manubrium
Thoracic Cage. Define 3 and 4.
3) Body of Sternum
4) Xiphoid Process
Thoracic Cage. Define 5 and 6.
5) Sternum
6) Costal Cartilage
Thoracic Cage. Define 7 and 8.
7) Sternal Angle
8) True Ribs
Thoracic Cage. Define 9 and 10.
9) Floating Ribs
10) False Ribs
Rib and Its Articulation with Thoracic Vertebrae. Superior View. Define 1 and 2.
1) Facet for articular part of tubercle
2) tubercle (nonarticular part)
Rib and Its Articulation with Thoracic Vertebrae. Superior View. Define 3 and 4.
3) Articular part of tubercle
4) Head of Rib
Rib and Its Articulation with Thoracic Vertebrae. Right Lateral View. Define 5 and 6.
5) Tubercle (nonarticular part)
6) Inferior demifacet of vertebra
Rib and Its Articulation with Thoracic Vertebrae. Right Lateral View. Define 7 and 8.
7) Inferior Demifacet of Vertebrae
8) Head of Rib
Rib and Its Articulation with Thoracic Vertebrae. Right Lateral View. Define 9 and 10.
9) Superior Demifacet of Vertebra
10) Body of Rib