Lab 6 past Qs Flashcards
Why does acetylcholine decrease blood pressure?
(Sets free Nitric Acid and inhibits cardiac activity)
What is the effect of compressing both left and right vagus nerve?
(respiration stops, then deeper and less frequent, heart rate increase)
Which vasomotor centre shows spontaneous activity?
(Pressor area)
What is the role of apneustic center?
Where can you find the respiratory center/neorons?(
Brain stem, pons close to vasomotor center in reticular formation
Which part do you have to stimulate of depressor nerve to cause vasoconstriction?
(craniolateral pressor area)
Which part do you have to stimulate of depressor nerve to cause vasodilatation?
caudomedial depressor area
What nerve has the afferent fibers from baroreceptor in the carotid sinus?(
Hering’s nerve
Where are chemoreceptors located in the CNS?(
bottom of 4thchamber)
Which nerve is efferent for the heart?
(n. vagus)
Where are volume receptors found?(
in the lungs and in the capacitancesystem of circulationeg. Right atrial wall
What effect does Acetylcholine have on blood pressure?
(decrease blood pressure, because it sets free Nitric Acid and inhibits cardiac activity
Which nerve transmits signals from depressor area to heart?
(vagus nerve
Where are baroreceptors found?
aortic arch and carotic sinus
Afferent nerve of Hering-Breuer reflex?
vagus nerve