Lab 10 past Qs Flashcards
How can we determine the minimal hearing threshold?x
(increase the sound frequency until the test subject can hear the sound. the minimum
hearing threshold is the first value (in Hz) at which the test subject can hear the sound )
Where in the body the cutaneous sensation is more accurate?
palm, sole,lip, nose)
What is the role of the outer ear canal?|
forwarding the sound waves towards inner ear , ossicles
What is the role of the ossicles?
amplify and transmit the signal to the inner ear ( cochlea)
Describe Weber’s illusion :
exact perception of certain objects is different on various skin regions due to the number
of receptors located in the given area
What is the unit of sound?
decibels dB= 10 log (I1/I2)
What is the measurement of sound?
What is the area on the retina, which has most visual acuity?
Macula luteum
Where in the brain is vision processed?
visual cortex of occipital lobe)
What are the junctions of ossciles in middle ear?
little bones located in the middle ear:eardrum to hammer ,anvil, stirrup to cochlea
Why does the distribution of colors vary in field of vision?
(different distribution of color sensitive receptors
What is binocular disparity?
there is a given distance between the 2 eyes so an object projects to the fovea centralism
of the retina in both eyes but all other points that are in front or behind project to other
locations of retina
Before reaching receptors cells, light refracts where?
(the border of the cornea, the aqueous humour, the lens and the virtuous body)
What is astigmatism?
blurred vision due to inability of the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp
image on the retina
Describe the genetic background of red-green color blindness:
(inheritable recessive alleles of X sex chromosome. Recessive allele in woman causes
problems on heterozygote form, in man it is hemizygote)
. Accommodation triad?
adaptable curvature of the lens
eye movements
pupil function
Hearing range in human?
20-20000 Hz
Why visual field isn’t circular?
(due to different structures on the face (e.g. nose, ears, etc.) might be covered
by some parts of the theoretical field of vision
What are dB?
(scale measure for intensity of sound
Viewing angle?
(Max angle at which a display can be viewed with acceptable visual performance)
Measure of min viewing angle?
Methods to find the blind spot?
Mariotte card + perimeter
(Non specialized sensory receptor that codes absolute and relative changes in temp
define blind spot of retina
position of optic disk, no photoreceptors - no image detection in this area
what is the biological explanation of the retinal after image?
an image that continues to appear in one’s vision after the exposure to the original image has ceased.
name 5 parts of the reflex arch
receptor, afferent nerve, CNS, efferent nerve, effector
give an example of supporting roles
one of the parts of the reflex arch?