Lab 4: Renal Function Flashcards
What is the major function of the urinary system?
Keeps chemicals and water in balance by removing urea (waste) from the blood
What is urea produced from?
Foods containing protein, such as meat, poultry, and certain vegetables
Where is urea carried?
In the bloodstream to the kidneys
How many kidneys does a mammal contain? Where are they found?
- Two kidneys
- Located below the ribs towards the middle of the back
Which hormone is produced by the kidneys? What is its function?
- Erythropoietin
- Aids in the formation of RBCs
What are the filtering units of the kidneys?
What does each nephron consist of?
- Glomerulus: ball formed of small blood capillaries
- Renal tubule: small tube
What forms the urine?
- Urea
- Water
- Other waste substances
What does urine pass through?
Nephrons, and down the renal tubules of the kidney
What is the function of ureters? How many do we have?
- Two ureters
- Carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Which muscles continually tighten and relax to force urine downward?
Muscles in the ureter
How often are small amounts of urine emptied into the bladder from the ureters?
About every 10 to 15 seconds
Where is the bladder located?
Located in the lower abdomen
How is the bladder held in place?
By ligaments that are attached to other organs and the pelvic bones
What function does the bladder exert during relaxation and during contraction?
- Relax and expand to store urine
- Contract and flatten to empty urine through the urethra
How much urine can the typical adult healthy bladder store?
Up to 2 cups for 2 to 5 hours
What are the functions of the two sphincter muscles?
- Circular muscles that help keep urine from leaking
- Close tightly like a rubber band around the opening of the bladder
What is the function of the nerves in the bladder?
Alert a person when it is time to urinate, or empty the bladder
What is the function of the urethra?
The tube that allows the urine to pass outside of the body
How does normal urination occur through nervous signalling?
- The brain signals the bladder muscles to tighten, which squeezes urine out of the bladder
- The brain signals the sphincter muscles to relax to let urine exit the bladder through the urethra
What is the volume and composition of urine adjusted by? Why?
- Neural and hormonal mechanisms
- To maintain constancy of volume and electrolyte concentrations in the body fluids
What is usually accompanied by sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules? Why?
- Chloride
- To maintain electrostatic neutrality
How can the amount of sodium excreted be approximately determined?
By the estimation of chloride concentration
The number of drops of silver nitrate is equal to what in this experiment?
The number of grams of sodium chloride per liter of solution