Lab 3: Heart Dissection, Recording and Interpreting ECG Flashcards
How many sides and chambers does the heart contain?
- Two-sided
- Four chambered
What is the ventral surface of the heart called? What does it face?
- Auricular surface
- Facing the left thoracic wall
Explain the name of the auricular surface.
The tips of the two auricles projects on the left thoracic wall
What does the atrial surface project?
Right thoracic wall
Which grooves are found in the auricular and atrial surfaces?
- Auricular: paraconal interventricular groove
- Atrial: subsinuosal interventricular groove
What is the thin membrane that covers the heart called?
What is the pericardium?
Double-layered closed sac that surrounds the heart
What forms the phrenicopericardial ligament?
The continuation of the pericardium to the sternum and diaphragm
What are the two tissue layers of the pericardium? Differentiate them.
- Visceral pericardium (covers the surface of the heart)
- Parietal pericardium (covers the inner surface)
What is the pericardial cavity? What is its function?
- Gap between the parietal and visceral surfaces
- Filled with fluid to reduce friction between the layers as the heart pumps
Which muscle is located below the pericardium? Where is it mostly located?
- Myocardium
- Mostly located in the ventricles
What is the tip of the heart called?
Which ventricle extends all the way to the apex?
Left ventricle
How would you place a heart on your bench so that it would be positioned the same as within our body?
Ventral side towards you
What is the function of the coronary artery?
Supplies fresh blood with oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle itself
Where does the coronary artery lie? Where does it branch?
- In the groove on the front of the heart
- Branches over the front and back side of the heart
Where is the pulmonary artery found? What is its function?
- Curving out of the right ventricle
- Branches and carries blood to the lungs to receive oxygen
Where is the aorta found?
- Near the right atria
- Behind the pulmonary trunk
What is the curved part of the aorta called?
Aortic arch
What branches from the aortic arch? What is its function?
- Brachiocephalic artery
- Supplies blood to the upper body
What is the function of pulmonary veins?
Return oxygenated blood from the right and left lungs to the left atrium
Where are the inferior and superior vena cava found? What is their function?
- Connect to the right atrium
- Deoxygenated blood enters the body through these vessels
How does the muscular walls of the right side of the heart compare to the left side?
Thinner muscular wall
What are the two atrioventricular valves?
- Tricuspid: right atrium and right ventricle
- Bicuspid (mitral): left atrium and left ventricle
What are the cordae tendinae?
Long fibers of connective tissue that attach the atrioventricular valves to the papillary muscles of the heart
What occurs to the atrioventricular valves during diastole and systole?
- Diastole: valves are open
- Systole: valves are closed
Differentiate systole and diastole.
- Diastole: period when the heart is relaxed
- Systole: period when the heart begins to contract
What is the septum?
The thick muscular wall that separates the right and left pumping ventricles from each other
What is the trabeculae carneae?
Network of irregular muscular cords on the inner wall of the right and left ventricles
What is the function of the pulmonary semilunar valve?
Controls blood flow away from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery
What is the function of the aortic semilunar valve?
Controls blood flow away from the left ventricle to the aorta
Where do the two holes in the aorta lead into?
Into the coronary artery, which carries blood to and nourishes the heart muscle itself
What is the difference between a pig heart and a human heart?
- Size (pig is larger)
- There are two branches on the aortic arch for the pig
- There are three branches on the aortic arch for the human
Differentiate the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.
- Epicardium: outer layer of heart wall (visceral layer)
- Myocardium: muscle tissue of heart
- Endocardium: inner layer of heart wall
What are auricles?
Earlike appendage of each atrium of the heart
Which muscle is lining the auricles?
Pectinate muscle
What is trebeculae septomarginalis? Where is it found? What is its function?
- Inside the right ventricle
- Extending from the septal wall to the opposite wall
- Part of the conduction system of the heart
- Extension of the right bundle of His, necessary for the conduction of the right ventricle
Which two components exhibit reverse blood flow?
- Pulmonary artery: deoxygenated blood flowing through an artery
- Pulmonary vein: oxygenated blood flowing through avein
How do veins and arteries differ in terms of their location?
Most of the time, the veins are on top and the arteries are underneath
When does the coronary artery fill from the aorta? Why is that particular?
- When the ventricle relaxes
- They are the only vessels in the body that fill when the heart is in diastole
Where do both coronary arteries originate?
Aortic sinus