Lab 3 Flashcards
what replaces basidiocarps in Teliomycetes?
what type of lifecycle do Teliomycetes fungi have?
how are teliospores arranged?
grouped in sori or scattered within the host tissue
encysted probasidia
what are the 2 orders of Teliomycetes? & how is it determined?
based on the nature of the basidium
Uredinales basidia
4-celled basidia, each cell with a sterigma & basidiospore
Ustilaginales basidia
septate or non-septate, promycelia produces sporidia (blastospores) which often anastomose with one another
more than one independent form or spore-stage in the life cycle
what is the max number of spore forms in the lifecycle of some rusts?
species that produces all 5 spore forms
species that produces all 4 spore forms
: species that produces all 4 spore forms but one is diff than a brachycyclic
what are the spore forms produced of demicyclic lifecycles? & which one is missing?
Produces pycina, aecia & telia but lacks uredinia
complete their lifecycle on a single host species
inhabiting diff host species at diff stages in the lifecycle
Puccini graminis host description
heteroecious on wheat & barberry
Puccinia graminis spore form description
hyphae that produces spermatia
spermatiophore location
inner periphery of the barberry leaf
a small hole or opening where mature spores are released
what protrudes from the ostiole?
receptive hyphae & spermatia
what is the function of spermatia
sexual fertilization, when contacting receptive hyphae of a spermogonium of the opp mating type
when is the dikaryotic stage of Puccinia graminis initiated?
when spermatia of the opp types meet
how are spermatia transported to spermogonium?
produces spermatia & receptive hyphae
produce aeciospores, upside cup-shaped, with chains of aeciospores
where does infection of aecia begin?
lower end of the barberry leaf
unicellular, non-repeating vegetative spore, produced in an aecium, usually resulting from dikaryotization, which germinates to give a dikaryotic mycelium
contains nuclei of opp mating types
when is the aecium stage initated?
spermatia are transferred to receptive hyphae
how are aeciospores dispersed?
wind dispersal
uredia stage
dikaryotic stage in wheat, infects stem & leaves
red rust stage
occurs during the summer
masses of hyphae on wheat stems, forming urediospores
what replaces uredia?
binucleate with nuclei of opp mating types
born singly on stalks
when does the orange colour form?
after urediospores have broken through the epidermal layer
how are urediospores dispersed?
produce teliospores
telia stage in Puccinia graminis occurs on what host? & when?
primary host, wheat
autumn - spring
2-celled, thick-walled, contain 2 haploid nuclei of opp mating type with fuse to form a diploid nucleus
what process occurs in teliospores?
where does karyogamy occur in Puccinia graminis?
in the teliospore
what do teliospores produce?
promycelia which differentiates into basidia
what happens during winter in the telial stage of Puccinia graminis?
teliospore attaches to the plant tissue on which it was produced and waits for winter to pass (diploid during the winter)
what occurs during the spring in Puccinia graminis?
meiosis occurs while each teliospore emits a germ tube which becomes transversely septate & forms the metabasidium
Each metabasidium produces a basidiospore with a haploid nucleus that undergoes mitosis producing 2 identical haploid nuclei dikaryotic homokaryon –> total of 4 haploid nuclei are produced
basidiospores are catapulted out & germinate into spermogonium
Puccinia coronate host description
Puccinia coronate spore form description
what are the primary & secondary hosts of Puccinia coronate (crown rust of oats)?
primary = oats
secondary = Rhamnus/buckthorn
what stage can re-infection occur?
what stage can re-infection not occur?
what stage are paraphyses present in the Puccinia coronate lifecycle?
hyphal element in a hymenium originating at the base, and growing upwards, usually unbranched and not anastomosed
describe the structure of uredospores in Puccinia coronate
Thick-walled paraphyses with swollen tips may be seen amongst the stalked, one-celled uredospores
describe the hosts infected in the diff stages of Puccinia coronate
spermogonia - Rhamnus/buckthorn
Aecia - Rhamnus/buckthorn
Uredia - oats
telia - oats
describe how teliospore & uredospores grow on their host?
infect on the surface of leaves
Gymnosporangium juniper (cedar apple rusts) host description
heterecious on juniper/cedar & apple
Gymnosporangium juniper (cedar apple rusts) spore formation description
demicyclic –> no uredia or urediospores produced
what are 2 characteristics of the Gymnosporangium rusts?
Lack Uredia, except one species
All heteroecious, except one species
Gymnosporangium juniper life cycle summary
Basidiospores infect apple host in May
Spermogonia on apples & leaves in June
Aecia on leaves & apples
Aeciospores infect juniper (cedar) in late summer & fall
Cedar apple (gall stage) in May whcih develop into Telial horns that gelatinize with moisture Teliospores form Karyogamy Meiosis
what type of host has economic importance?
primary host
Cronartium quercium –> Lobolly pine blister rust lifecycle description
Economically important host (pine) impacted by aecia & resinosis
Heteroecious on white pine & currants or oaks
Form telial horns
Cronartium quercium –> Lobolly pine blister rust lifecycle summary
Basidiospores infect pine needles, 1-2 years later spermatia form
Spermatia form & release aeciospores after 1 year
Aecia form for 8 -10 days & release Urediniospores
Uredia release teliospores after 10-20 days
Teliospores undergo karyogamy & meiosis forming basidiospores after 10-45 days
Cronartium Ribicola –> white pine blister rust lifecycle summary
Spermogonia – pine
Aceia – pine
Uredia – ribes
Telia – ribes
Basidiospores (n) infect needles, spermogonia appear 2 years later in the bark of branches
Cronartium Ribicola (white pine rust) host description
Cronartium Ribicola (white pine rust) spore form description
Phragmidium speciosum - Rust of roses host description
autoecious on roses
Phragmidium speciosum - Rust of roses spore form description
what stage of Phragmidium speciosum - Rust of roses lifecycle damages the roses?
aecial state causes leaf spots or damage to petioles & stems
telila state causes stem cankers
What does the aecia look like in Phragmidium speciosum - Rust of roses?
Spores in chains
Verrucose (covered with warty elevations)
Form sub-epidermally
What does the telia look like in Phragmidium speciosum - Rust of roses?
Spores are cylindrical
4-8 celled
Pedicel is much larger than the spore