lab 12 Flashcards
what are the 5 types of WBC?
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes.
what are granulocytes?
neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils
what are agranulocytes?
monocytes and lymphocytes
what is the function and % of a neutrophil?
function-fights pathogenic micro-organisms and foregin matter.
what is the function and % of a eosinophil?
function- respond to allergies and fight multicellular parasites.
what is the function and % of a basophil?
function- involved in allergic reactions releasing heparin and histamine to enhance inflammatory response.
what is the function and % of a lymphocyte?
function- produce antibodies for immune responses.
what is the function and % of a monocyte?
function- phagocytic macrophages as they enter infected tissues they can engulf large particles
what is hematocrit?
the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood.
what is the normal hematocrit % of a female? male?
female- 38-46%
male- 40-54%
what is the normal hemoglobin measurement in female? male?
female- 12-16 g/100ml
male- 13.5-18 g/100ml
what is the normal RBC count of female versus male?
female- 3.9-5.6 million per cubic millimetre.
male- 4.5-6.5 mill per cubic millimeter.
what is the normal WBC?
between 5k-10k cells per cubic millimeter of blood
what is leukocytosis? leukopenia?
more than 10k WBC
less than 5k WBC
what is anemia?
a deficiency number of RBC or decreased content of hemoglobin in blood. can be caused by iron deficiency or sickle cell. this can result in less oxygen getting to tissues
what is polycythemia?
condition where you have above normal amount of RBC in your blood. this can be caused by living at high altitudes or red marrow malignancy
what is the transfusion rule?
the recipients antibodies must NOT match the donors antigens, and vice versa
what is the layers of the walls of arteries?
-tunica interna, single layer of endothelial cells. ( in large arteries theres also elastica interna)
-tunica media, smooth musc and elastic fibres.
tunica externa, fibrous CT and fat cells. ( in large arteries theres also elastica externa)
what are the layers of the walls of veins?
-tunica interna, layer of endothelial cells
-tunica media, smooth musc
-tunica externa, loose fibrous CT w fat cells
whats the pathway of blood through the heart?
Blood comes into the right atrium from the body, moves into the right ventricle and is pushed into the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. After picking up oxygen, the blood travels back to the heart through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, to the left ventricle and out to the body’s tissues through the aorta.
what is the function of placenta?
provides nutrient and oxygen to the baby
which three blood vessels travel through the umbilical cord?
2 umbilical arteries, which have low oxygen blood,
and one umbilical vein, which has oxygen rich blood for baby
what is ductus venosus?
allows oxygenated blood in the umbilical vein to bypass the liver and sends it directly to the inferior vena cava in babies
what is foramen ovale?
an opening between the right atrium and left atrium that allows blood to get from R atrium to L atrium.
what is ductus arteriosus?
a small blood vessel that connects pulmonary trunk to aorta and succeeds in channeling most of the blood away from the pulmonary circulation