L5: Neuro Dz Of Ruminants Pt.1 (MacKay) Flashcards
Diencephalon =
Thalamus + Hypothalamus
Prosencephalon (forebrain) =
Telencephalon + Diencephalon
Symptoms of forebrain disease
- seizures
- dementia (head pressing, compulsive walking, excessive vocalization, teeth grinding, self-mutilation, hyperesthesia)
- blindness
- mental depression (obtunded)
- decorticate/decerebrate posturing
Too much water in the ventricular system/CSF of the brain
Replacement of brain parenchyma with water (usually in forebrain tissue)
Causes of Hydrocephalus/Hydranencephaly
1) Genetic:
- aqueductal stenosis due to neuropathic hydrocephalus in Angus
2) Acquired:
- fetal bluetongue, BVD infection
- fetal Akabane, Schmallenburg viruses
- Vit. A def. in the dam
- bacterial meningitis
CS of Hydrocephalus/Hydranencephaly
- classic forebrain signs (blind, wandering, dummies, seizures, lack of maternal bonding)
- generally stunted
- failure of passive transfer –> 2ary sepsis**
- domed forehead
Dx of Hydrocephalus/Hydranencephaly
- domed skull
- genetic testing
- cortical signs
- precolostral blood PCR, serology, virus isolation
- Ig quantification
- cross-sectional imaging
- necropsy
Infectious causes of neuro dz in ruminants
- Neonatal bovine suppurative meningitis*
- Thromboembolic meningoencephalitis (TEME)
- Sporadic bovine encephalitis (SBE, Buss disease)
- Brain abscess/pituitary abscess*
Meningitis most commonly affects what populations?
Etiology of neonatal suppurative bovine meningitis (NSBM)
- hematogenous from gut, umbilicus
- direct from dehorning, tail docking, environment
- failure of passive transfer most common cause**
- most common pathogens assoc. with failure of passive transfer: E. Coli, Trueperella pyogenes, gram negs
- primary pathogens (not from FPT): Salmonella, mycoplasma
CS of neonatal suppurative bovine meningitis (NSBM)
- fever
- neck stiffness
- hyperethesia
- blind, seizures
- nystagmus, obtunded
- recumbent, coma
- sepsis signs (ie. Septic vasculitis)
- decerebrate
Dx of neonatal suppurative bovine meningitis (NSBM)
- CS
- plasma protein conc. (FPT)
- CSF tap: xanthrochromia, bacteria, neutrophilic pleocytosis (degenerate PMNs)
Tx of neonatal suppurative bovine meningitis (NSBM)
- euthanize
- dexamethasone
- abx (Ceftiofur 10 mg/kg IV q12hr, enrofloxacin)**
- hypertonic saline if opisthotonus
- blood/plasma for FPT
- anticonvulsant
- supportive
Telencephalon =
CS of cerebral abscess
Asymmetric forebrain signs
CS of pituitary abscess/basilar empyema
- blindness
- obtundation, cranial nerves
Causes of brain/pituitary abscess
- adjacent infecton
- penetrating wound
- nose rings (pituitary)