L45 - Extravascular Administration 1 Flashcards
What is extravascular administration?
Administration by any other route than the intravenous route
// subcutaneous, intramuscular, oral
Why are oral dosage forms taken?
For a systemic effect in the body after absorption
Why is oral dosage form the preferred route of administration?
- GI tract designed for absorption
- easier, no infection risks
- broad range of oral dosage forms // liquids, powders and granules, tablets, capsules
- could incorporate dif mechs for drug release and provide immediate/delyaed/extended/controlled drug delivery
What is the passage of drugs from absorption site to systemic site?
- passive absorption (ficks law)
- active absorption by transporters (michaelis menten kinetics)
- (first order process)
What is eqn to calculate the amount of drug remaining at the absorption site?
X = X0 x e^-ka.t
Ka - rate constant for the drug absorption
What is ka?
- rate constant for the drug absorption
- proportional to the amount of drug present at the absorption site
What is the one compartment model?
- simplest model
- most frequently used (dispite simplification and assumptions)
- drug rapidly distributes into a homogenous fluid volume in the body
What are assumptions for the one compartment model for extravascular administration?
- elimination - first order process (k rate constant)
- absorption - first order process (ka rate constant)
- linear kinetics - no enzymes or transporters involved in ADME process are saturated
What is the variation of A the amount of drug in the body with time eqn?
dA/dt = kaxX - kxA
Rate of change of drug in body = rate absorption - rate elimination
What is the integration of eqn1 using C=A/V?
C = B x e^-kt - B x e^-kat
What is B?
B = kaxFxD / V(ka-k)
F - bioavailability
D - dose
C - druc conc at t
V - volume distribution
K - elim rate const
Ka - abs rate const
What is eqn1 profile like at t=0?
- all drug is at absorption site and none in body
- rate absorption max X0 = dose
- rate elim is zero A=0
What is the absorption like in the absorption phase of eqn1 profile?
- as more drug asborbed
- rate of absorption declines
- rate of elim increases
- drug conc increases in plasma until Cmax reached at tmax
- kaxX >kxA
What is the peak like at eqn1 profile?
- at tmax
- elim rate has increased
- absorption rate has decreased
- kaxX =kxA
How is tmax calculated from the eqn1 profile?
Tmax = ln(ka/k) / ka - k
Tmax = 2.303log(ka/k) / ka - k
What is tmax like?
- depends on k and ka
- dose independent
- ka has bigger effect on tmax than k
- increases when ka decreases // faster absorption means shorter time to get to Cmax
How can you predict Cmax in eqn1 profile?
Cmax = B x e^-ktmax - B x e^-katmax
What is Cmax dependent on?
- dose, D
- fraction absorbed, F
- vol distribution, V
What is the elimination phase like in eqn1 profile?
- amount of drug in body and elim rate has increased
- amount of drug at absorption site and absorption rate has decreased, becomes 0 once all absorbed
- kaxX < kxA
- amount of drug in body and plasma conc decreases