L42 Flashcards
What are the 5 steps of pathogenesis of otitis media?
- Eustachian tube obstruction
- Negative pressure created in the middle ear
- Fluid collects
- Bacterial colonization
- Release inflam mediators
What is otitis media with effusion?
- Time frame
- Symptoms
- Treat
1 wk - 3 mos post-acute otitis media
Fluid in the ear
- Asymptomatic or mild hearing loss
No treatment
What is the difference between acute OM and OM w/ effusion?
Non-specific symptoms likely to be similar History (of recent OM infection) Physical exam = different - Infection vs fluid - Bluging?
3 bugs for acute OM
Staph pneumo
H influ
M. catarrhalis
Complication on acute OM
What symptoms make you think sinusitis (as opposed to a cold)?
Symptoms localized to sinuses
Severe headache/focal pain
Longer duration
What are the 3 time courses for sinusitis (in comparison to a cold)?
- Acute persistent
- Severe persistent
- Biphasic
3 bugs for sinusitis
Strep pneumo
H influ
M. catarrhalis
2 bugs you’d add into consideration for chronic sinusitis (over a month sick)
Started as one of the normal 3 bugs –> then this took over and continued the infection
Drugs for sinusitis
(Same as OM)
If you give drugs…
Amoxicillin +/- clavulanate
(More likely to add coverage for S.aureus in adults)
Complication of sinusitis
Orbital celluitis
Bug for pharyngitis
PROBS VIRAL DUDE Strep pyogenes (grp A strep)
Symptoms for bacterial pharyngitis. What symptoms are ABSENT?
Palette pettichae
Scarlet fever rash - sandpaper rash
NO cough
How do you diagnose pharyngitis?
Rapid strep test
Always send negatives for culture
Drug for pharyngitis