L35 Evolution and Development Flashcards
Linking genes to body plan
See onenote
What sort of genes might evolution act upon?
- effector genes
- regulatory genes
Diversification of body plan - 3 possibilities
- different gene sets in various species
- same gene sets - difference sin regulation in various species
- same gene sets - differences in coding region in various species
Genes = gene involved in specifying body plan
Key question
Do species that differ in body plan differ in their complements of genes that specify body plan?
Conservation of genes sets, diversity of body plans
Mutant screen for body plan genes
see onenote
Over 100 genes discovered
- controlled embryonic development in Drosophila
- most shown to have similar roles in humans
- evidence for both similar gene sets and functions
Mutations fell into categories
see onenote
Homeotic transformations
Antennapedia mutant = legs form instead of antenna
Antennapedia is a HOM-C gene first discovered in Drosophila which controls the formation of legs during development. Loss-of-function mutations in the regulatory region of this gene result in the development of the second leg pair into ectopic antennae.
- ultrabithorax
Ubx mutant = Ubx no longer expressed, gets wing instead of haltere
Ubx stops formation of wings
If you gain more Ubx expression = loss of wings
In Drosophila melanogaster it is expressed in the third thoracic (T3) and first abdominal (A1) segments and represses wing formation.
Hox genes
regulate the identity of serially repeated structures in vertebrates
regulate the identity of body parts
Order of the genes on the chromsoome is the same as the order it is expressed on the body axis - colinearity
internal organs also controlled by hox genes
Homeotic genes
- encode TF (regulatory genes)
- control expression of very large numbers of downstream genes that establish what a given body segment/tissue will become
Homeotic genes contain a sequence of DNA known as a homeobox, which encodes a segment of 60 amino acids within the homeotic transcription factor protein.
see onenote
- required for formation of posterior spiracle
Abd-B downstream regulatory pathway
see onenote
Abd-B have four direct targets which are also regulatory genes
- The genes that the regulatory genes control, controls body plan
- Through downstream regulation
Expression of Abd-B activates gene regulatory program
Homeobox genes
The DNA-binding piece of a Hox protein is called the homeodomain, and it’s encoded by the homeobox.
All TF
All have DNA binding domain
Homeo domain is incredibly conserved
Same gene sets - differences in regulation in various species
see onenote slides
- in situ hybridisation
- shifting patterns of hox gene expression across arthropods
changes in body plan consistent with changes in pattern of gene expression and known function of genes BUT it is only a correlation
Disrupting gene expression
see onenote
Can manipulate non-model organisms with RNAi
- Knocking down the gene product (not the gene), not super effective
Antp RNAi
Ubx RNAi
disruption of hox gene expression changes body plan BUT no proof that this is the explanation for diversity of body plans
Ubx RNAi
Ubx strongly expressed in segment A1 => partial transformation of segment A1 to thoracic segment (with leg)