L30&31 Climatic adaptations and Plasticity Flashcards
Plasticity vs Evolution
- climate change adaptation occurs by both adaptive plasticity and genetic change
extent to which the same genotype produces different phenotypes when exposed to different environments
can occur within and between generations
under genetic control e.g. genetic variation in acclimation, genetic changes in migration direction
Plasticity in Drosophila
see onenote
Climatic adaptation
- longitudinal studies of populations
- spatial studies
- laboratory and experimental studies
what do we conserve to ensure potential for adaptation
Assessing adaptation through longitudinal studies
- Track population across time, is it adapting according to changes across climates
A longitudinal study is an observational research method in which data is gathered for the same subjects repeatedly over a period of time. Longitudinal research projects can extend over years or even decades. In a longitudinal cohort study, the same individuals are observed over the study period.
Spatial studies
see onenote
- clines, “space for time”
- local adaptation => spatial variation
- invasive species can suggest rapid adaptation
see onenote
Gradual changes in the phenotype/gene frequency across some gradient
Grass adaptation
- Linked spatial difference to fitness
- These grass have the potential to adapt to climate change
Lower elevation => warmer temperature, more sunlight => higher density grass, needs longer leaves to get more sunlight
Higher elevation = strong winds, could shear grass => near shorter, wider leaves
Population processes can cause apparent adaptive patterns
see onenote
Historical process that may produce non-adaptive cline e.g. 2 different invasions of birds in 2 different locations - one in Cairns are small and one in Melbourne are big (founders effect) => mixture between the two results in a cline (chance event produced this cline)
Confidence in clines
see onenote
- look for parallel changes in unrelated species/populations
Laboratory and experimental studies
Selection experiments and experimental evolution
- selection can indicate potential to respond, provide estimates of heritability, evolvability and genetic correlations
- trait changes as end point in experiments
- measure other traits as correlated responses
Desiccation resistance selection
see onenote
Experimental evolution experiments can have different endpoints
- extinction or other measure of population fitness as an endpoint
- genetic variation as endpoint (measured as % polymorphic loci, heterozygosity or other measure like genetic evenness)
Genetic variation as end point
see onenote
Genetic evenness
see onenote
reflects if multiple genotypes present at even frequency (high evenness) or a few dominant ones (low evenness)
Genes underlying climatic adaptation can also show longitudinal shifts
see onenote
What we know
see onenote