L13 Kin Selection Flashcards
Classifying social behaviours
see onenote slides
- behaviour causes a change in fitness
- altruism
- mutualism
- spite
- selfishness
Altruism in nature
- parental care
- cleaner fish
- bee’s suicide gene when it stings something
- cooperative hunting in primates
Inclusive fitness
See onenote diagram
inclusive fitness = direct fitness + indirect fitness
r = coefficient of relatedness
What is relatedness?
r = probability that homologous alleles present in different in individuals are “identical by descent”
- it measures the genetic similarity between two entities (e.g. individuals or loci), relative to the average similarity of two randomly selected entities
How to measure relatedness?
2 common methods:
- pedigree relatedness
- regression relatedness
Pedigree relatedness
- an approximation calculated from a pedigree
- ranges from 0 to 1
- calculate by looking at a family tree of the two organisms
- real pedigrees are complex and sometimes hard to measure, older common ancestors missing
- meiosis is like a lottery e.g. full siblings have an average of 50% identical alleles
- helps us make predictions from kin selection theory
Finding pedigree relatedness
See onenote diagram
- Relies on how meiosis randomly passes down alleles from the parents to the offspring
Regression relatedness
- genetic similarity of a pair of individuals relative to the expectation of a random pair
- calculated from molecular markers using algorithms
- ranges from -1 to 1
- 1 means the individuals are genetically identical
- 0 means that the pair share an average number of alleles
- <0 means below-average number of alleles shared (of randomly mixed average pair)
- regression relatedness is great in the real world when we don’t know the full pedigree
Hamilton’s Rule
see onenote slides
- an allele that causes a behaviour that increases the fitness of the actor or others carrying the same allele should be favoured by selection
- even if the allele reduces the actor’s direct fitness, it can spread if it increases the actor’s indirect fitness (if it compensates for your loss of direct fitness)
- can explain the evolution of altruism
rB - C > 0
r = relatedness
B = benefit to the recipient (measured as the number of extra offspring produced by the recipient as a result of the behaviour)
C = cost to the actor (measured as the number of offspring lost by the actor as a measure of performing the behaviour)
rB - C > 0
See onenote slides
- Use Hamilton’s rule to predict if altruistic behaviour is favoured, if it is favoured then the inequality is satisfied
Testing hamilton’s idea
Hamilton’s rule predicts that organisms should evolve to be more altruistic when:
- they are interacting with close relatives (r)
- their actions are useful to the other individual (B)
- their actions are not too costly (C)
Testing hamilton’s idea - parental care
- offspring inherit the “caring alleles” so parental care can evolve via kin selection
- mean relatedness to social offspring is lower for males than females in some species, possibly explaining the rarity of male parental care (dad’s usually less sure that the kids are actually his)
How do organisms identify kin?
- Hamilton’s rule shows that altruistic behaviour is advantageous provided that it is directed at other altruists often enough
- Hamilton proposed that organisms should evolve recognition systems to help direct their social behaviour
Kin recognition system
- Altruistic behaviour often directed to individuals with the same alleles as you
Environmental cues
- many organisms cannot recognise kin but instead “guesstimate” using simple cues
e. g. if we grew up together we’re probably related, if it’s in my nest and makes the right sounds it must be my baby
Natural selection doesn’t find the BEST solution but finds the most adequate solution given the resources
The “armpit” effect
- be nice to individuals that smell like you
- mammalian MHC and MUP
- insect cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs)
Ants from the same nests have more similar chemicals than with ants from other nests, partly genetically coded and due to the environment
Mice can identify genetic similarity by smelling MUP - a polymorphic protein
Genetic recognition loci
- some organisms have simple genetic matching systems where individuals cooperate with others that have the same allele as them
- precursor to self/non-self recognition immune system
- cell surface receptors for recognition in anemone
e.g. slime moulds, sea squirts
Green beards
see onenote slides
- initially a though experiment by Hamilton
- its point is that having the same allele at the relevant locus is the point, not relatedness per se
What if a gene had three effects:
- producing a detectable cue (e.g. a green beard)
- causing individuals to prefer others with the same cue
- causing a social behaviour
Multi-level selection theory
- aka “new group selection”
- cooperative groups might give rise to more new groups than non-cooperative group
- controversial, some say it’s mathematically identical to kin selection theory
Selection within an individual e.g. TE increase their frequency within the genome in comparison to other genes
Some groups fitter than other groups e.g. some beehives leave more descendent bees than other hives