L26 Association mapping in Outbred lines Flashcards
QTL Mapping not ideal…
see onenote
not ideal to fully dissect the molecular genetic architecture of trait variation in natural populations
crosses are complicated to carry and limit the genetic variation to what is present in the parents
Association mapping
- developed to carry genetic mapping in outbred populations, potentially revealing the effect of all genes and alleles
Molecular genotyping of millions of SNP markers
Amount of data allowed translating association mapping into GWAS
estimates genetic effect and location
Association mapping and recombination
see onenote
higher number of recombination => higher resolution but still relies on LD
From association test to GWAS - the model
see onenote
Population is highly diverse, expect phenotype to be diverse => normal distribution
- phenotype measure
- genome sequencing
- genome-wide markers
From association test to GWAS - the output
see onenote
- test in parallel all the SNPs genotyped
- p-values
- Manhattan plot
From association test to GWAS - multiple testing
see onenote
Multiple testing problem
- Bonferroni correction
- Modelling explicitly the False Discovery Rate (FDR) by a random permutation of the data
False Discovery Rate
The false discovery rate (FDR) is a method of conceptualizing the rate of type I errors in null hypothesis testing when conducting multiple comparisons. FDR-controlling procedures are designed to control the expected proportion of “discoveries” (rejected null hypotheses) that are false (incorrect rejections).[1]
From association test to GWAS - the confounding effect of population structure
see onenote
Populations isolated, have their own evolutionary history
- Within each clade, more co-variance and relatedness
- Doesn’t mean that every single SNP differentiating is involved in height when considering Pygmy population and European population
- Confounding effect, not directly involved with the trait
population structure leads to higher rate of false positives
From association test to GWAS - non-independent between SNPS
see onenote
some degree of linkage between SNP resulting in correlated/non-dependent information
testing each SNP effect:
each SNP is tested while controlling for variation at other SNP loci
The amount of genetic variance explained can be calculated as:
see onenote
Caveat of GWAS
- considerable amount of markers tested introduces multiple testing issues
- big sample size introduced genetic heterogeneity within the sample (populations structure, linkage among SNPs)
=> lots of false positives, many candidate genes among which only a few are relevant
Promises of GWAS
see onenote
- time-cost effective mapping technique
- yields high resolution based on ancestral recombinations present in the population
Limits of GWAS
see onenote
- false positive association
- heterogenity in the population
Make GWAS better
see onenote
repeat the experiment in multiple populations
Allelic hetergenity
SNPs used as markers may not tag the same causal allele
Functional/non-functional allele
see onenote
multiple mutations may have occurred independently and no SNP is different between functional/non-functional alleles
Thinking out of the box
see onenote
To validate genetic effects detected:
- functional genetics
- evolutionary genetics
- ecological/landscape genomics
see onenote
generating hypothesis due to extensive list of candidate genes identified
move towards a whole systems genetics approach
Genomic selection
see onenote
to predict the genotype value based on molecular data from a reference population without connecting the markers to molecular functions