L17 Quantitative Genetics 2 Flashcards
For complex quantitative traits
- degree of resemblance within families is a function of the genetic basis of the trait
- but the phenotypic value of the offspring is NOT exactly equal to the mean value of the parents
- the resemblance between relatives can be formally calculated under the additive quantitative genetics model
Level of relatedness
level of relatedness between individuals is expected to lead to some trait similarity
Genetic covariance
trait similarity between relatives is formally calculated in terms of genetic covariance
proportion of genetic variance compared to the total variance is called heritability
- makes strong assumptions: linear decomposition of effects (G and E) and no covariation/interaction among them
- strictly population specific, which means that any change in allele freq change its value
Response to selection
knowing the level of heritability allows us to predict the response to selection of a population across generations
variance of a variable is a measure of the deviation of the observed values from the expected mean
- genetic values being fixed, genetic variance is due to randomness of allele frequency
covariance of two variables is a measure of the joint variability of two variables e.g. how the two variables deviate jointly from their expected mean
- in genetics, the covariance between individuals for a trait is directly proportional to their level of relatedness
Degree of identity
IBD - estimated from pedigree of individual
IBS - determined from sequence data
Covariance between parent and offspring
See onenote
Covariance between genetic effects
see onenote
Covariance between sibs
see onenote
covariance between any relatives
see onenote
Partitioning the phenotype variance among and within families
see onenote
covariance between individuals of a family is by definition the variance among families
Broad-sense heritability
ratio of genetic variance and the total phenotypic variance e.g. metric of how much trait variation is due to genetics
Narrow-sense heritability
how much of the phenotype variance can be immediately transferred to the next generation
Experimental designs to measure heritability
- identical twins or clones = provides an estimate within one generation using ANOVA-type framework
- comparisons between pairs of parent and offspring = provides an estimate over two generations using a regression framework
- response to selection = provides an estimate over two generation with very little effort (only based on the means before, during and after selection)
Pairs of monozygotic twins
- provides direct estimate of total genetic variance
- no decomposition into additive and dominance effects, thus of limited interest to breeders
Midparent/offspring regression
see onenote
- covariance between offspring and parent provides direct estimate of heritability
- parents only directly transfer additive value to offspring. dominance effect calculation requires precise knowledge of IBD probability
- covariance of P/O is thus an estimate of additive variance, leading to an estimate of narrow sense heritability
Response to selection
see onenote
Breeder’s equation
predicts how a population will respond to selection under the hypothesis of linear selection
The heritability of a trait depends on
- the genetic architecture of the trait (number of loci, genetic effect, additivity/dominance)
- freq. of genotype in a population