L19 - Fracture Management Flashcards
whats a seymour fracture
what are some complications of surgery
acute trauma management
what to take into accoiunt
what is ATLS
what to think about for:
what are immediate life threatening priblem
atomic fc
what here
shock – whats it like
what to do to: save life / save limb
vascular problems
— what can lead to
compartment syndrom – what is this what to do
what is a common version of this
fracture management
in history, what to think about
fracture examination
fracture management
what to do here
investigations? pto
x rays
— what are you looking for
which bone
where in bone
– intra-articular, epiphysis, physis, metaphysis, diaphysis
what kinda bone
fracture pattern description
what types are there, what is involved
fracture management
what is the basic aims
what is it
reduce stabilise, rehab