L16 - Leg & Foot Anatomy Flashcards
function of foot
label bones of the leg - overall
pto for hint list
lateral and medial condyles interosseous membrane tibial tuberosity superficial AND INFERIOR tibiofibular joint MEDIAL AND LATERAL MALLEOLI fibula and tibia
bones of the feet
label them
cuboid navicular sesamoid bones calcaneal tuberosity sustentaculum tali cuneformis calcaneus phalanges metatarsals tarsals
foot moevements
maybe have a think what parts of leg do what
footjoints – label them and what do they do
label ankle joint
what kind of joint
what is it stabilised by
—-label what goes to what
pto for bonus
what does subtalar joint allow for. where is it
subtalar joint – where is it what does it allow
transverse talar joint - what doe sit alow for what doe sit
plantar aponeurosis - what is it what does it do. clinical thing assoc
what joint allows inversion/eversion during LOCOMOTION
what joint is especially important for standing on uneven ground
what is a thickenening of deep fascia? what does it do
foot arches
what are there
what is their function, what do they act as and what can they do
longitunial arches
- – label them
- – what are they supported by
- — clinical??
transverse arch
- – where is it, label
- – what is it supported by
muscle compartments
what are the main ones
what do they each do
what are they each supplied by (nerve)
anterior leg compartment
what is it made up of. what does each muscle do.
passes through where and supplied by what
where do they each insert into
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus and
extensor hallucis longus
anterior leg compartment
label the diagrams related. insertions?
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus and
extensor hallucis longus
posterior leg compartment
what muscles, WHERE, originssss. supplied by?
what do each muscle do
(label duh) pto
-- gastrocnemius soleus plantaris flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorim longus tibialis posterior
posterior leg compart
label. inerstions?
--- gastrocnemius soleus plantaris flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorim longus tibialis posterior
leg lateral compartment
what does they do
what muscles
supplied by? insertions?
fibularis longus and brevis
long foot tendons
label diagram
flexor, fibular, extensor retinaculum extensor digitorum longus extensor hallucis longus tibialis anterior flexor digitorim longus flexor hallucis longus fibularis longus and fibularis brecus