L11 - Nerve Injuries of upper limb Flashcards
how to approach a neurological problem
what is the difference between UMN vs LMN
- —in terms of neurones
- —what is the differences in terms of symptoms physical
which is UMN and LMN
chronically held in place, incr tone, brisk reflexes, flexor muscles are stronger than extensors
wasting muscles, flaccid tone, fasiculations, weakness in a myotomal or peripheral nerve distribution, reduced reflexes, sensory loss in my/per dis.
where are the 3 anatomical regions for localising a lesion?
what is the difference between myotomes and dermatomes
brachial plexus
peripheral nerve
roots and myotomes
what does each root innervate and what do the muscles do?
C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
what root innervates these muscles?? (also what do they do) biceps deltoid brachialis brachioradialis superficial forarm extensors superficial forarm flexors triceps intrinsic hand muscles forarm extensors deep foraem flexors
roots and reflexes
biceps reflex
supinator jerk
ticeps jerk
finger jerk
what root and nerve is involved for each?
C5 C6 C7 C8
median nerve
musculocutaneous nerve
ulna nerve
radial nerve
what reflexes are each of these involved in
when are reflexes depressed?
nerve root impingement
what is it and what does it caue
aggrevated by?
how to protect from this
what are the types of nerve plexus injury
what do each require
what are these and what is needed for them
what are various things that can cause injury to BRACHIAL PLEXUS
why! and what
brachial plexus injury -- how can trauma cancer inflammatory causes structural causes lead to an injury???? -- quick general
Erbs palsy
what is it, what is involved in this? area?
symptoms?–which muscles are weakened
what is another name for this lesion
what can the upper limb do/ not do
what happens if you damage the superior trunk of the brachial plexus?
what roots are affected and what does this lead to? what is this called?
Klumpke’s Palsy
what is it. what injured in it, what roots involved
what happens to the upper limb, how is it affected