L.17 Viscera - 1 Flashcards
- Understand the general features of the viscera and the difference between systemic and regional anatomy.
- Be aware of the different body systems and know the locations of the body cavities containing the viscera.
- Identify and be able to describe the location, general anatomical relationships and basic functions of the viscera contained within the cranial and vertebral cavities.
- Identify and be able to describe the location, general anatomical relationships and basic functions of the viscera contained within the thoracic cavity.
‘Internal Organ’ - Latin
- Located in cavities, protected by bone, muscle and fat
- Connected to other viscera, working in systems
The 11 body systems
- Intgumentary system (skin)
- Muscular system
- Skeletal system
- Nervous system
- Cardiovascular system
- Endocrine system
- Lymphatic system
- Respiratory system
- Digestive system
- Urinary system
- Reproductive system
Integumentary system
- Encloses the outside of the body, keeping us waterproof and prevent infection
Systemic anatomy Vs regional anatomy
- Looks at structures that work together to perform a body function
- Structure located in different areas but connect to form a system and work together
- Looks at structures that are located in a specific body region
- Structures are located in one cavity, but might not be connected as a system to work together
The Body cavityies
- Cranial and Vertebral cavity
- Thoracic cavity
- Abdominal cavity
- Pelvic cavity
Thoracic and abdominal are further divided
Viscera within cranial cavity
Cerebral hemisphere (brain)
Cerebellum (brain)
Brain stem
Spinal cord
Viscera of the Thoracic cavity
Right lung
Heart and great vessels
Left Lung
Trachea and Bronchi
Thyroid gland in neck
Viscera of Abdominal cavity
- Liver
- Gall bladder
- Stomach
- Large intestine
- Duodenum
- Pancreas
- Small intestine
- Spleen
- Right kidney
- Left kidney
Viscera of Pelvic cavity
- Urinary bladder
- Ureter
- Large intestine
- Rectum
- Anal canal
- Prostate gland
- Ovary
- Uretus
- Cervix
- Vagina