L14 l BUSINESS RELATED INFORMATION I Ethics in research Flashcards


Ware some pointers to keep in mind when it comes to conducting ethical research?

  • The business often has to get the permission from the people who are being ‘’studied’’ or researched.
  • Some data has the potential to cause harm to others (physical, financial, etc.). In a case like this, it is important that the researcher is aware on how the data that has been gathered is used and that the source of the data is protected.
  • The researcher has to be objective when conducting the research. If the researcher is subjective (allows personal opinions to influence the research data), the research and therefore the decisions made, will not be accurate.

It is important when the findings of the research are reported that they are accurate and a true reflection of the surveys / questionnaire / secondary research and not ‘’adjusted’’ to support the hypothesis of the researcher or the business paying for the research.

Plagiarism is dishonest and unethical regardless of whether is it done when copying homework or when you have to do research for as assignment.

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