L10a, Muscle Adaptations to Strength Training Flashcards
What are the 3 factors that affect muscle size?
- Correct stimulus
- Nutrition
- Hormonal status
What are peripheral muscle adaptations?
Changes in:
1. Muscle size
2. Ratio of fibre types
3. Architecture of the muscle
4. Metabolic capacity
What are the 5 theories of muscle hypertrophy?
- Mechanical tension- The force applied of on the muscle is the primary stimulus
- Muscle damage- Damage to muscle fibres leads to muscle repair and growth
- Metabolic stress- Accumulation of metabolites creates high stress envn. and leads to muscle growth
- Hormonal- Theory that an increase in anabolic hormones is a primary stimulus for muscle hypertrophy
- Energy- Energy demand leads to increase in number and size of mitochondria which leads to an increase in muscle size and strength
What is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?
Making a muscle larger without adding myofibrillar proteins like actin and myosin
What type of training targets sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?
High rep with short rest (high volume)
What is myofibrillar hypertrophy?
Increasing the number and size of the myofibrils, the contractile units of the muscle
What type of training targets myofibrillar hypertrophy?
Heavy weights and lower reps with longer rest periods
What is a pennation angle?
The angle between a fascicles orientation and the tendon axis
What is the equation for relative strength?
Relative strength= Absolute strength / Body weight
What is a motor unit?
Motor unit= Motor neuron + All fibres
True or false: A muscle fibre may be innervated by a single motor neuron but a single motor neuron may innervate many muscle fibres
What is are the contraction time and oxidative capacity characteristics of type I, type IIA, and type IIX fibres?
- Type I: Slow, high
- Type IIA: Fast, high
- Type IIX: Very fast, low
Resistance training leads to increase in motoneuron excitability which =?
Greater recruitment and lower threshold for recruitment
The brain normally protects muscle by inhibiting high synchronization of large numbers of motor units. What happens with training?
There is a reduction in this inhibition
Stimulus for intramuscular coordination is less task specific and more specific to?
Velocity and load
Disinhibition: What are golgi tendon organs?
Sensory receptors that elicit a reflex inhibition of the muscle they supply when it undergoes excessive tension, either by shortening or passive stretching.
Disinhibition: What are Renshaw cells?
Inhibitory connecting neurons found in the spinal cord that dampen the rate of discharge of alpha motor neurons thus preventing the muscular damage derived from tetanic contraction.
Disinhibition: What are supraspinal inhibitory signals?
Conscious or unconscious inhibitory signals that come from the brain
What do the Ib afferents from tendon organs do?
Contact inhibitory interneurons that decrease the activity of motor neurons innervating the same muscle