L- Summary of Experience Flashcards
Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism - L3 examples (2)
Honesty and Act with Integrity (Tender Queries) :-
L3 - A Contractor requested I do not share their tender queries with the other tendering Contractors. I advised all Contractors must be notified of all queries, in line with RICS’ tendering strategies guidance.
Comply with Professional Obligations (Racing Event):-
L3 - When I received an invite to a Racing event from a Contractor, I declined the invite as the Contractor was involved in a competitive tender process for a refurbishment scheme at Skipton Academy at the same time. This adhered to the Bribery Act (2010) and my company’s Gift and Hospitality procedures.
Client Care - L2 examples (2)
Scope of Service (Lords Hall)
Private couple, house construction. I introduced them to the RICS Quantity Surveyor Services Guide. Limited construction knowledge so explained the document so they could make an informed decision.
Reports (Manchester Hotel)
Presenting the Cost Reports to the Client on 1st of every month, explaining the changes. I added in a change sheet to explain the complicated report.
Communication and negotiation - L2 examples
Agreeing the value of Variations (Leeds Office)
Agreed the value of several variations with the Contractor. I liaised with the Contractor’s QS in a polite and formal manner, using spreadsheets to build up the proposed costs and negotiating rates.
Compiling meeting minutes (Leeds Care Home)
As Employers Agent, one of my duties was to chair progress meetings. I distributed the meeting minutes taken from the progress meetings in a timely manner, wrote the minutes professionally and requested they were reviewed (and queried) by all parties to prevent potential future disputes.
Health and Safety - L2 examples
Health and Safety Tender Proposals (Calderdale H&S tender requests)
I requested the Contractors issue specific Health and Safety information as part of their tender return. I reviewed their welfare and management proposals and their plans to deal with specific risks in relation to maintaining the safety of students and staff. I reviewed these with the Client and Principal Designer to assess the suitability of the Contractor’s responses.
It is my obligation to complete Risk and Compliance training. I have completed modules such as asbestos Awareness, Personal Protective Equipment, Working at Height, Risk Assessment Awareness and Environmental Awareness.
Construction technology and environmental services - L3 examples (3)
Manchester – High Rise Residential (Cost Plan)
I advised the Client that there was a commercial and programme risk should they retain a concrete frame option. Should the Client revert to a steel frame option, this would lighten the load required for the foundations leading to cost savings on the foundations and frame elements. I advised a further benefit of steel opposed to concrete is the sustainability and life cycle benefits with steel being recyclable.
Bolton - Residential Scheme (Cost Plan)
I advised the Client, should they progress with the timber framed construction it would cut the anticipated programme by 25%.
Commercially, the construction works did not reduce in cost but it did create a significant saving of preliminary costs due to the speed of erection on site. Unfortunately, this did not reduce costs enough and the works did not progress.
Calderdale College - Façade Treatment Works
I acted as QS at Calderdale College where I advised on the costs of different façade treatment options during the early stages of design. I also advised about a potential commercial risk. Due to the new Building Regulations coming into force on 15th June 2023 the works would need to make a meaningful start prior to this date to avoid having to increase the proposed U-values. Increasing the U-values would mean a re-design and change of specification, raising the costs of professional fees and materials.
Contract Practice - L3 examples (3)
Calderdale College – Façade Treatment Works (Liquidated Damages)
Whilst working through pre-contract stages I advised the Client what liquidated damages (LAD’s) were and what should be considered to calculate LAD’s. Considerations such as the cost to hire additional classroom and office space, travel costs for students or staff having to relocate for lessons and prolongation of professional fees should be considered when estimating liquidated damages. I also advised that if the calculation build up is shared with the Contractor, this promoted transparency and trust between the parties.
Calderdale College – Façade Treatment Works (Contract choice)
I advised the most appropriate form of Contract to suit a Clients risk profile. The Clients biggest risk was programme. The works were required to begin before 15th June 2023 to comply with the original building regulation standards otherwise risk a re-design to comply with the new minimum efficiency standards. I advised that a JCT Design and Build Contract would be most suited as it overlaps design and construction, increasing programme speed and mitigating the risk.
Edinburgh – Assisted living accommodation (Failure to pay)
Whilst being employed as Employers Agent/QS on an assisted living accommodation project in Edinburgh I had to advise the Client of the Contractors remedies available to a Contractor should the Client refuse to make payment due to the Contractor.
Procurement and tendering - L3 examples (3)
Glasgow – Restaurant and Bar fitout (alternative tendering options)
Managed the procurement of a Contractor for a project in Glasgow. The Employer decided negotiating tender with one Contractor due to programme. I advised Employer that there was a risk with a lack of competition and could result in high costs especially as the works involved specialist equipment (bowling lanes). Therefore, to mitigate this I market tested the key packages prior to the tender to understand potential costs.
Wakefield – Demolition Works (Receiving a late tender)
During an enabling works contract in Wakefield, I received a Contractor’s tender one day after the tender submission date. I advised the Client of the potential issues involved with the late submission but the Client was a private Client, they could still provide an instruction to consider the late tender. The Client requested I review the contents of the submission.
Leeds – Office Refurbishment (Advising procurement routes)
I provided advice to the Client on the most appropriate procurement route for the refurbishment of a four-storey office block in Leeds based on the Clients risk profile. The Client had no immediate requirement for the works to begin quickly, wanted to achieve value for money but did not have particular appetite to take on the responsibility for design due to their ‘hands off’ approach. I advised the Design and Build route would be appropriate.
Project Finance - L3 examples (3)
Leeds – Office Refurbishment (Over budget)
VE exercise. I led the design team through a VE process. I produced a schedule of options:
- Amended specifications for mechanical ventilation equipment
- Lift specification
- CCTV specification.
Assessing options & market testing. Managed to reduce costs by £50,000 without compromising on quality. The changes were then instructed using the change control process.
Blackburn – 7nr terraced retail unit refurbishments (Risk Management)
Monitor the risk register and allowance. This risk allowance was formed by collating the risks notified to date and estimating the monetary value against each one. The risk allowance was carried into contract and reduced to suit as these risk items were discovered, costed and expended.
Manchester – Hotel Refurbishment (Cashflow)
I regularly reviewed Contractors cashflow’s to gauge commercial health of a project. During the first three months of the project the Contractor struggled to progress works enough to meet the initial cashflow. I advised the Client that unless there are mitigating circumstances, this was concerning for the projects programme and there could be deeper routed internal issues with the Contractor. I advised an urgent discussion with the Contractor would be necessary to understand the reasons why.
Quantification and Costing - L3 examples (3)
Edinburgh – Assisted living accommodation (Valuing construction works)
I attended a Valuation inspection and I had to negotiate the value of works with the contractor, value the materials on site and ensure the right procedures were followed to claim for materials stored offsite.
Leeds – Office Refurbishment (Final Account negotiations)
Successful negotiation of a Final Account. There were several variations that were costed by the Contractor that I did not agree with. For example, the Contractor had issued an inflated rate for plaster and redecoration works to a wall from an historic leak. I successfully managed to agree a reduced rate.
Calderdale College – Façade Treatment Works (Provisional Sums)
I have included a provisional sum for external building signage. There was no signage design so I priced a defined provisional sum using similar designs and concepts from previous schemes and also speaking to Butterfield Signs for an indication of cost. I defined the nature and scope of works and where the works was located along with any limitations so the Contractor’s could include for these works within their preliminary costs and programme.
Design Economics and Cost Planning - L3 examples (3)
Blackpool – Residential Cost Plan (Risk Allowances)
I identified a commercial risk and communicated to the Client. During a review of the ground investigation report, it was found the site once contained buildings constructed in the 1930’s. I advised that I would be including an allowance in the cost plan for removal of obstructions in the ground to cover the discovery of basements or deep foundations. The risk was added to the risk register and monitored throughout design and construction.
Client Meeting - Market factors
During a Client meeting regarding general market movements and cost trends, I advised the Client about movement in material costs. Currently, the cost of concrete is at an all-time high due to the energy intensive production process and due to the demand required to construct HS2. I advised a Client that utilising steel would be more cost effective and encourage a quicker build. Concrete £75/m3 for C10 & C15 and £150/m3 for C40 £200/m3 for waterproof concrete.
Wakefield - Office Building Shell and Core (Wall to Floor Ratio)
When reviewing three high level design options to a proposed six storey office block. I carried out a wall to floor ratio exercise on each option and advised on the efficiency of the designs. The external elevations made up a large proportion of the total cost estimates therefore, where there was an ineffective design, I advised the design team and Client of this.
Contract Administration - L2 examples (3)
Edinburgh – Assisted Living Accommodation (EA)
EA. I issued payment schedules, payment notices, instructions and dealt with materials off site.
Brinsworth Academy – Refurbishment (Non-Completion).
I issued a non-completion notice to Section 1 of the works. Contractually, the school required access to the server room on an agreed date to complete their direct IT works but this was not achieved by the Contractor.
Worsley – Care Home (Notice of Completion of Making Good)
I issued a notice of completion of making good. My duty was to oversee any defects that arose from the 12-month period after Practical Completion and ensure they were rectified by the Contractor. Whilst liaising with the tenant and carrying out inspections, a schedule of defects was monitored and certification issued.
Risk Management - L2 examples (2)
Blackburn – 7nr terraced retail unit refurbishments (Risk Register)
I identified one particular risk. Due to the building being abandoned for many years, deterioration of roof timbers was prominent. I included an additional risk allowance within the cost plan to cover for new structural elements to a proportion of the roof.
Blackburn – 7nr terraced retail unit refurbishments (Enabling works)
I suggested appointing a demolition contractor to strip out the existing building to allow all areas to be exposed for survey purposes. The strip out works were already part of the refurbishment scope so it made sense to bring this part of the works forward to aid surveys and obtain further design and cost assurance.
What would be an effictive net to gross % for an office block?
Cost per m3 of concrete?
C5,C10, C15 - £75/m3
C40 - £180/m3
Types of piles?
Driven - off site manufacturer hammered into ground
CFA - Continuous Flight Augur
Bored - soil displacement replaced by concrete in situ
Secant - type of driven pile interlocking steel sheets
Manchester High Rise - Which Competency & Build up to the cost per pile?
Construction technology and environmental services - L3 examples (3)
Depends on type and depth.
CFA - £60/m (450mm) - £230/m (900mm)
Rig cost - £5,000 per week
Piling mat - £40/m3
Bored - £1600/ pile (15m) (600mm)
Pile test - £9,000/ pile
Pile caps £1200 - £3000/nr depending on size & quantity
Secant walls £380/m2
Sheet piling £300/m2
Bolton - Which competency? How did you measure 25% reduction on prelims? How much were the prelims?
Construction technology and environmental services - L3 examples (3)
Prelims cost £22,000 per week
Time on site - 100 weeks
Revised prelims time - 76 weeks
Removes the slow requirement for traditional build, expected construction rate to be increased.
Bolton - How much per unit were the costs?
£175,000 per unit - mix of 2,3,4,5 bed terraces.
Bolton - how much per m2 / sqft were they?
£10.2m total sum
What different facade treatments are there?
Rainscreen cladding
Insulated render
Brick slip
What different facade treatments are there?
Rainscreen cladding
Insulated render
Brick slip