KV General Questions Flashcards
May a flight legally depart a runway with the following RVR values reported: TDZ RVR 500, MID RVR 500 and ROLLOUT RVR 300?
No, all three RVRs are controlling but one may be inoperative; minimum RVR needed for takeoff is 500’ (HIRL and CL are required).
When landing in gusty wind conditions how should TGT and VREF be adjusted?
Gust factor: 1⁄2 of reported gusts (minimum 5 knots, maximum 15 knots) should be added to VREF and target speeds.
Where can guidance be found for entering an MEL into the AFDL?
In the FOM under Aircraft Flight Discrepancy Log – AFDL Completion.
Can a flight crew accept a land and hold short clearance on a wet runway?
Where can LAHSO data be found?
Flightdeck Reference Guide (FRGH)
What must you do prior to opening the cockpit door while in flight?
Utilize the peephole for visual conformation.
If a pilot leaves the flight deck, above what altitude does the other pilot need to put on their O2 mask?
When conducting an approach, the aircraft must be in an approved landing configuration no lower than what altitude?
1000’ above TDZE in IMC and VMC
When should the After Landing Procedure be accomplished?
When clear of the runway and Captain calls for it.
A visual approach may be accepted when the aircraft is within how many NM of the field?
35 NM
What type of ILS approach should be conducted with the visibility reported as being <4000 RVR or <3⁄4 mile?
Monitored approach (CATI or CATII)
During a low visibility taxi (RVR < 1200) and when advised by ATC, what charts should be utilized by the crew?
SMGCS (Surface Movement Guidance and Control System)
During an approach, a pilot may not descend below 100’ above the touchdown zone elevation unless what is visible?
Red terminating or red side row bars are visible and identifiable and the at least the required flight visibility.
What is a CDR?
Coded Departure Route; these are coded air traffic routes designed to mitigate potential adverse delays during periods of severe weather or higher than normal traffic volume. They include basic fuel requirements using that route, ETE, a new cruise FL, etc.
A clearance is issued to descend below MEA or MORA. What must be checked to determine a safe point to begin the descent?
If unable to receive a weather package, by what other means may the information be obtained?
Fax or a verbal WX brief (i.e.: 800-WXBRIEF) This must be coordinated with the Dispatcher. Both Captain and Dispatcher must have the same weather.
What should be done if the incorrect names are listed on a dispatch release for a crew member?
Call the dispatcher to get an amendment to that release with the correct names or print new paperwork once it has been updated.
May you park an aircraft with only one marshaller guiding the aircraft?
Yes, the captain and first officer should clear wings and be vigilant.
Regarding a departure delay, how often should you make a PA?
At a minimum, every 15 minutes.
What considerations should be made during a tarmac delay of 120 minutes?
Make sure the passengers have water, food and lavatory access.
What considerations should be made during a tarmac delay of 180 minutes on domestic flights and within 240 minutes on international flights?
Passengers be at the gate and given the opportunity to deplane.
A passenger has purchased a ticket for their musical instrument. What weight should be used?
60 lb. (half weight)
What should be done if the flight attendant calls while in flight and states that there is a seriously ill passenger onboard?
Contact Dispatch.
During an emergency, what acronym should be used to brief the flight attendant and what does each letter represent?
Nature of emergency
Time available to prepare the cabin
Special instructions (evacuation, exits, fire location)
Brace signal (who will give it and when))
An ASAP report should be submitted within how many hours of knowing about the event?
24 hours
When should airspeed be limited to 200 KIAS during the takeoff profile?
When in class C or D airspace, (within 4 miles of the primary airport, until above 2,500 feet AGL).
What determines if a destination alternate is required?
If weather at destination 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA is less than 2000 ft. ceiling and visibility less than 3 miles. (1,2,3 rule)
Is it possible to be dispatched if the destination weather is below the 1-2-3 rule?
The flight may be dispatched if Exemption 12644 can be utilized. Among other requirements, the destination weather 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA must be at least 1000 ft. ceiling and for destination airports with CAT I ILS, visibility not less than 3SM and CAT II ILS, visibility not less than 2SM. (1,1,3 or 1,1,2)
When is a takeoff alternate required?
When the reported weather at the departure airport is below the lowest CAT I landing minimums.
What is our policy for currency of Jeppesen Airway Manuals?
Prior to duty in for each trip, pilots must determine that the proper revisions are installed on the Surface.
A circle to land maneuver may only be conducted when the visibility and ceiling is not less than?
3 SM and 1000 AGL or CAT D visibility & ceiling minimums, whichever is highest.
The ERJ is under what approach category?
Category C. However, there may be a need to use Category D minimums due to an approach speed of 141kts or higher.
How should a correction be made in the ADFL?
A Single line with an ENTERED IN ERROR notation
What is the process for Aircraft dent documentation?
Contact MX if a dent/deformation is found without a placard.
What protocol must be followed if a circuit breaker is discovered to be out during the Power Up Check?
Do not reset the CB and contact MX.
What are the maximum holding speeds?
• MHA to 6000’:
• 6001’ to 14000’:
• 14001’ and above:
200 KIAS 230 KIAS 265 KIAS
A crew can typically get a hold of dispatch through ARINC if above what altitude?
FL 200
What are some examples of IOR Required Events and where can the full list be found?
The full list can be found in FOM Section 9 Reportable Incidents
• Aircraft fire
• Any engine shutdown or failure during flight
• Aircraft or property damage
• Bird Strike/Wildlife
• Crew – Injury or illness
• Descent below 1000 feet AGL at the wrong airport, or below 500 feet at the wrong runway
• Go Around/Missed Approach – The IOR is filed for maintenance
tracking reasons. Note any engine abnormalities or excedances in the report.
• Hard/Overweight landing
• Lavatory water overflow
• Medical – AED or EMK use
• Passenger Injury/illness/death/intoxication/disruptive/removed
• Runway or taxiway incursion without appropriate ATC clearance
• Security – Passenger/Airport/Aircraft
• Severe turbulence
• Wind shear/Wake turbulence
What are some examples of when ASAP reports should be submitted and where can the full list be found?
The full list can be found in FOM Section 9 Reportable Incidents • Altitude or Course Deviation • Accident/Incident • Stall Warning • Unstable Approach