Klinisk patologi ud fra opgaver :) Flashcards
- Diagnostic exfoliativ cytology is a frequently used paraclinical test when tumors are identifies in a veterinary patient. The tumor is sampled and the sample is microskopically evaluated. When no specific signs of disease is observed, the following statement is true:
a. The sample is “non-diagnostic” due to the low diagnostic sensitivity of exfoliative cytology.
b. Disease can be “ruled-out” due to the high diagnostic sensitivity of exfoliative cytology.
c. The sample is “non-diagnostic” due to the low diagnostic specificity of exfoliative cytology.
d. None of the above
Prøvesvaret er negativt: ingen specifikke tegn på sygdom.
Men der kan jo godt være sygdom til stede uden man kan se det => falsk negative
Hvad gør man ? KIGGER EFTER SYGDOM. Derfor er det sensitivitet.
sensitivitet er: The ability of a test to identify individuals with disease.
man vil gerne “rule out” når svaret negativ. Men det kan man ikke gøre her, da exfoliativ cytologi kræver yderligere undersøgelser!
svaret er a: The sample is “non-diagnostic” due to the low diagnostic sensitivity of exfoliative cytology.
siger hvad om en test?
Testens evne til at identificere individer med sygdom
siger hvad om en test?
Testens evne til at identificere individer uden sygdom
Risikoen for ikke at finde sygdom (som faktisk der) er LAV med _____ ?
HØJ sensitivitet
Dvs der er lille chance for at svaret var falsk positiv.
Sensitivity kan (hvis den er høj) bruges til at rule-in eller rule out sygdom?
rule out!
Specificity kan (hvis den er høj) bruges til at rule-in eller rule out sygdom?
Rule in!
Hvad er markører på cellulær skade i leveren?
marker of cellular damage in the liver
ALAT mest akkurat da ASAT også kan stamme fra andre væv end lever
ALP/BASP er hvad? og markør for hvad?
Det er alkalin fosfatase. Forhøjet betyder ny syntese og frigivelse.
sammen med GGT (gamma-glutanyltransferase) er det
“stase enzym” - kan være tegn på cholestasis (galderetention)
Stress leukogram
Hvad er det induceret af?
The “stress leukogram” is aused by an increase in glucocorticoid concentration.
Hvad “består” et stress leukogram af?
Mild to moderate leukocytosis
Mature neutrophilia
LYMPHOPENIA (and eosinopenia)
Monocytosis (especially dogs)
Er et “stress leukogram” diagnostisk for hyperadrenocorticism (cushings disease) ?
Det kan jo være andre ting end cushing der laver stress leukogrammet.
left-shift ses i hvilken type leukogram?
Akut inflammatorisk leukogram
eller Extreme neutrophilic leukocytosis inflammatorisk leukogram
hvilket leukogram kan ses ved en stigning i catecholamine concentration?
og hvilke slags leukocytter ses der stigning i?
Physiologic Leukocytosis - ophidselse, frygt
Lympfocytose, neutrofili
– Often lymphocytosis in cats: often more lymphocytes than neutrophils
Happens within few minutes
Decreases within ½ hour when the animal has calmed down
canine C-reactive protein
reflect the presence and extent of systemic inflammatory activity.
what has been documented in the literature to support this claim?
FAST ELIMINATION: Short plasma half-life documented through fast elimination after inflammation has resolved
FAST INCREASE: Fast increase in plasma concentration after systemic inflammation is induced.
Plasma concentration reflects the extent of the inflammatory process.
STOR stigning. LAV fysiologisk
Specific marker of systemic inflammation
presence of D-dimers in the blood represents
- and can be seen when?
fibrin fragments and therefore indicates fibrinolysis.
Hund med DIC
Sensitivity: 100%
betyder hvad?
no false negative
Specificity: 100%
betyder hvad?
no false positive