klinisk patologi 03 hæmatologi Flashcards
Neutrophilia with left shift
Time dependant response:In 1-6 hours
Release of band and segmented from the bone marrow
umodne stadier til stede, knoglemarven kan ikke helt følge med.
Increased presence of (especially band) neutrophils in
the blood:
– Typical more than 0,5 mia/L
– Especially seen in acute inflammatory reactions
Increased granulopoiesis
Time dependant response
In 3-4 days
Increased granulopoiesis - Mature neutrophilia
Toxic Neutrophils
toxiske forandringer, hvad er det`?
Ikke kun toxicitet der kan forårsage det.
Accelereret produktion af neutrofile.
Deres cytoplasma er mere basofilt (blåt), dølelegeer (blå-grå inklusioner i cytoplasma).
Often cytoplasmic changes:
Döhle bodies (blue/grey bodies in the cytoplasm; RER)
– Normal finding in cats (should be other changes as well)
Traditionally: Endotoxins, bacterial infection, exotoxins
Severe inflammatory states
Normal function - fungerer ligeså fint som andre neutrofile
- hvad kan forårsage?
Excitement Stress, Cushing Inflammation, paraneoplastic Hemolysis Myeloid leukemia
- hvad kan forårsage?
Peracute inflammation
Virusinfection, bone marrow suppression
neutrophilia betyder?
describes a high number of neutrophil granulocytes in blood
Neutropenia betyder?
abnormally low level of neutrophils
Udviklingen af monocytter
Big irregular cells Released as immature Irregular nucleus Can look like the nucleus in promyelocytes, myelocytes, bands Cytoplasm Abundant Vacuolation Bluish, slight foamy
hvad er det?
(> 1.2 mia/L): højt monocyttal
ofte ved kroniske infektioner pga behov for phagocytose ude i væv.
kan skyldes
Stress, Cushing Chronic inflammation, paraneoplastic – Demand for phagocytosis (necrosis) Hemolysis Myeloid leukemia Severe: > 4.0 mia./L
for få monocytter (ikke signifikant for noget)
Lymphocytes in the blood:
Smooth cytoplasm, rarely vacuoles
– Often a little white ring around the nucleus
– The nucleus is often round
– High Nucleus: Cytoplasm (N/C) ratio (the nucleus
preoccupies the majority of the cell)
– Large activated lymphocytes can be hard to differentiate from monocytes (reaktive. højt antal kan være skidt).
kan skyldes:
(For mange lymfocytter) Young animals Excitement, fear (adrenalin) Mb. Addisonii (Chronic inflammation) Leukemia
Between 0,5 og 1,5 mia/L (for få):
– Cushing, disease stress, acute viral infection
– Often found in acute inflammation Below 0,5 mia/L:
– Could be leukemia
(> 1.2 mia/L):
Hypersensitivity reactions (allergy)
Parasitic infection with tissue migration
Mb. Addisonii
Hyper-eosinophilic syndromes
– Eosinophilic granuloma, gastritis, panosteitis, myositis,
Not significant
(> 0.1 mia/L): Often seen with eosinophilia Hypersensitivity reactions (allergy) Parasitic infections Drug reaction Neoplasia
Not significant
Leukocytic Changes
Typical patterns in leukocyte changes (kasser):
Physiologic leukocytosis (adrenalin)
Stress/steroid-induced leukogram (steroid induceret)
Inflammatory leukogram
– Peracute, acute, chronic, extreme neutrophilic leukocytosis
Rule of thumb:
Generally with infection
Overwhelming the bone marrow response
– Leukopenia 2-6 hours duration then WBC rises
Poor prognostic findings Persistant inceasing leukopenia Degenerative left shift – Normal number of neutrophils or neutropenia – Bands > Segmented
Physiologic Leukocytosis
Epinephrine-induced: Excitement, fear – Transient Happens within few minutes Decreases within ½ hour when the animal has calmed down
Mild mature neutrophilia and lymphocytosis
– Often lymphocytosis in cats: often more lymphocytes than neutrophils
– Monocytes and eosinophils are normal, perhaps slightly increased
Stress Leukogram
Cushing, steroid treatment, trauma, disease stress
– Longer lasting
Starts ~ 4 hours after steroid administration
Can last up till 4-6 days after steroid administration
Mild to moderate leukocytosis
Mature neutrophilia
Lymphopenia (and eosinopenia)
Monocytosis (especially dogs)
Hvad kan bånd-neotrofile i blodet være tegn på?
Akut inflammation
- venstre forskydning
Hvis der er flere bånd-neutrofile end segmenterede neutrofile. Hvad kaldes det så?
Degenerativ venstreforskydning.
kan ses ved Svær inflammation. Kroppen svarer ikke korrekt.
Patient daglig undersøgelse af blod.
Promyelocyter og metamyelocyter i blodet kan være tegn på?
neoplasi i knoglemarven
Neutrofile overlever hvor længe i hhv. blodet og ude i vævet?
Neutrofile overlever 10 timer i blodet og 1-4 dage i vævet
Leukocytose kan ses ved
- Inflammation
- Ophidselse (adrenalin)
- Stress, cushings (steroid)
- Malign neoplasi
- Leukæmi
ses ved
Kronisk inflammation Fysiologisk (adrenalin) Neoplasi (lymfom, leukæmi, FeLV) Hypoadrenocorticisme Unge dyr der stadig udvikler immunsystemet
Lymfopeni kan ses ved:
Akut inflammation – hjem til lymfeorganer.
Glucocoticoider: inflammationsmediator
Lymfoid hypoplasi, aplasi
- kan skyldes
- Inflammation (infektion, necrose)
- Flucocorticoid associeret
- Neoplasi
- kan skyldes
- Hypersensitivitet
- Parasitter
- Idiopatisk
- Mast celle degeneration eg inflammation
- Hypoadrenocorticisme
- Neoplastisk esosinofili