keyterms3 Flashcards
regulates emotions and the ability to learn and control impulses
serial position effect
people remember first (delay) or first and last (immediate) better than middle
dep & mania - low; schizophernia - high
sexual dimorphism
systematic differences between different sex in the same species
sexual masochism
being humiliated or made to suffer
sexual sadism
sexual excitement resulting from suffering of a victim
creating more complex operant behs to reach desired beh
Sickle-cell anemia
mostly in Af-Ams, deformed, fragile red blood cells that clog vessels
sleeper effect
forgetting the source of communication over time, but remembering the message
Social buffer hypothesis
perception of having an adequate social network reduces risk of emotional distress
Social exchange theory
choosing most favorable reward to cost ratio as partner
Social exchange theory
behaviors in relationships maintained by ratio of costs & benefits
social facilitation
task performance increase in presence of others (taske simple or familiar)
social identity theory
own’s group more attractive and belittling outgroups
social inhibitation
task performance decline in presence of others (task novel or complex)
social loafing
don’t work as hard when part of a group
Social play stages
solitary, parallel, associative, cooperative
g factor
first ejaculation
spinal cord
cervical (C1-C7), thoracic (T1-T12), lumber (L1-L5), sacral (S1)
spontaneous recovery
reappearance of response after CS/reinforcer is re-introduced
Stable Coalition
one parent unite with the child against other person
state-dependent memory
remember material better when in same state as learned
focus on process: internal components, capacity to adapt; apply experiences
Stimulus control
putting a behavior under the control of only certain stimuli
stimulus discrimination
process of discerning btwn different stimuli though reinforcement
stimulus generalization (mediated generalization)
generalizing a learned response to a similar stimulus
Stress inoculation training
low dose of stress to build available coping skills
finding socially acceptable ways to discharge energy
substantia nigra
related to Parkinson Disease
substitute word technique
break down words and may substitute parts
Super’s Career Rainbow
Growth-> Exploratory-> Establishment-> Maintenance-> Decline
surface dyslexia
cannot recognize words, but sounds them out
Symmetry Theory
considering intensity of relationship on top of Balance Theory
two or more senses are connected
excessively rapid heartbeat
tardive dyskinesia
abnormal movements of lips, tongue, jaw, limbs, trunk
telegraphic speech
puts two words together (18-24 mos)
Temperament types
easy temperament, difficult temperament, slow-to-warm-up infants
Temporal conditioning
US is repeatedly presented on a fixed schedule
drugs, toxins, other environmental agents that interfere with normal prenatal dev
tertiary prevention
reduce the recurrence or residual effects of problems
sensory relay center, input from all senses except smell
Theory X
scientific management approach, workers are lazy
Theory Y
human relations approach, workers are industirous and find satisfaction with their work
Theory Z
Japanese management strategies: loyalty, non-specialized career path, group decision
thermal biofeedback
measures peripheral skin temperature
theta waves
tranistion between wakefulness & sleep
Thorndike law of effect
responses accompanied with satisfaction will be repeated, vice versa
Thorndike law of exercise
responses occuring often enough will more likely be repeated
Thorndike law of readiness
one must be ready to perform an act before performing it could be satisfying
threats to internal vailidity
factors other than the IV may have caused change
7 distinct mental abilities
Tiedeman & O’hara’s Theory
Career development focuses on differentiation and integration
Tolman’s latent learning
learning occurs w/o being immediately apparent through behavior
tonic clonic seizure
dramatic & convulsions
Tourette’s disorder
multiple motor or one or more vocal tics
Transactional leaders
more traditional, influences through emotionless exchanges
Transformational leaders
broaden and elevate goals or subordinates, utilize charisma
Transtheoretical Model of Beh Change
Precontemptlation, contemplation, prepareation, action, maintenance
transvestic fetishism
cross dressing
trend analysis
determine the shape that describes the relationship between two variables
child caught in middle of parent’s conflict and pressure to side
pulling hair
Troiden’s GL Identity development theory
sensitization, identity confusion, identity assumption, commitment
true experiment
IV manipulated & random assignments
Turner’s syndrome
X0, in women, no menstruation, no ovulation
Two factor theory of avoidance learning(Mowrer)
explanation of avoidance responses though classical and operant condtioning
tyramine-induced hypertensive crisis
MAOI side effect, avoid alcohol with MAOI
minorities and non-minorities score diff but perform similarly
Upper level needs
motivators/satisfiers, met-satisfaction
utility analysis
benefits generated from an intervention
involuntary spasms of the muscles in the outer third of vagina
verbal prosody
rhythmic and intonational aspect of language
vestibule training
simulation of work conditions
Vroom & Yetton’s Normative Model
extent to which the leaders allow subordinates to participate in decision making
Vroom’s General Expectancy Theory (VIE)
behave in how they expect rewards to follow - expectancy, instrumentality, valence
Vygotsky’s social dev theory of cognition
cognitive dev results from social interaction
Wernicke’s area
brain area responsible for sensory speech
Whitbourne’s self-concept model
identity assimilation, identity accommodation, identity balance
word associations
forming words or sentences with first letter of items to memorize
Yerkes-Dodson law (inverted U function)
relationship between arousal and performance
Zeigarnik effect
tendency to remember more vividly unfinished tasks than completed tasks
zone of proximal development
difference between what can do w/ or w/o help