key terms2 Flashcards
schizoprenia - abnormal
graded participant modeling
watches model and then attempt themselves with guidance
grasp reflex
making a firm fist
Griefing stages
numbness, yearning, disorganization & despair, resolution/reorganization
Griggs vs. Duke Power Company
biases in testing in industry
group members think alike and lose critical eval capacities due to pressure to conform
repeatedly exposed to an US and UR decreases (classical)
Harry Harlow
monkeys’ contact comfort
Hawthorne effect
a change in behavior that results from being observed, focused on psychologial factors
Health belief model
perceptions of vulnerablity and beliefs about illness influences health behavior
Hedonic bias (self-serving bias)
people attribute own successes to internal factors and failures to external factors
Helms’s White racial identity dev model
contact, disintegration, reintegration, pseudo-independence, immersion/emersion, autonomy
weakness in one side of body
excessive bleeding, mostly males
Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership
looks at employees’ readiness to perform (telling, selling, participating, delegating)
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Motivator-Hygiene Theory, lower vs higher level needs, job enrichment vs enlargement
guidelines to categroize other people, situations, events
high-context communication
situation and non-verbal cues affect the meaning; ethnic minorities
Holland’s Typology
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional
holophrasic speech
says the first word (10-14 mos)
House’s Path-Goal Theory
increase personal payoffs and smoothens the paths to the payoffs
excessive brain fluid
enhanced state of sensory sensitivity
hypnogogic hallucinations
occur as a person falls asleep
hypnopompic hallucinations
occur upon awakening
homeostatsis function through regulating endocrine system; sleep, hunger, rage, fear
Iatrogenically produced symptoms
symptoms caused by medical or psychological treatment
a tendency to specify; single subject research design
cause of a disease is unknown
idiosyncrasy credits
tolerated for bering deviant from group norms; earned by initially conforming
illusory correlation
tendency to overestimate slightly or un-correlated variables
imaginary audience
everyone is thinking about the same things, regarding themselves
Implosive therapy
flooding conducted in imagnination
In-basket technique
promotion assessment, after vacation problems
Inductive discipline
calling attention to neg consequences for others of child’s beh
inferior colliculus
controls auditory reflexes
Information processing
focuses on quantitative changes that occur over the life span
informational social influence
pressure to conform based on the assumption that other person has more info
interference in learning
given a mild argument against one’s belief and the belief strengthens (like vaccines)
instrumental abuse
use violence to control
insufficient deterrence
does not perform desirable beh because of small deterrent
insufficient deterrence
does not perform desirable beh because of small deterrent
insufficient justification
performs undesirable beh for small inducement
insufficient justification
performs undesirable beh for small inducement
Integrative/principled negotiation
attempting to enlarge the pie
interactional justice
informational justice & interpersonal justice
taking information in whole -> na?ve, compliant
Ipsative measures
yield only info on self, without comparion to others
James-Lange Theory
emotions result from perceiving bodily reactions or reponses
Job analysis
description (tasks) + specification (requirements) + evaluation; determine salary
Job evaluation
process to determine the financial worth of a specific job to an organization
John Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation Syndrome
Protest, Despair, Detachment
John Henry effect
compensatory rivalry - persons in control group try harder
Kelley’s Personal Construct Theory
we perceive the world according to what we expect to see
body movements
Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model
participants reactions, learning, behavior transfer, results
stealing objects
Klinefelter’s syndrome
XXY, only in men, taller, lower IQ, abnormal dev of sex characteristics
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
removal of amygdala -> placidity, apathy, hyperphagia, hypersex, amnesia, aphasia
Kohlberg’s moral reasoning theory
preconventional (4-10), conventional (10+), postconventional (13+)
Korsakoff’s syndrome
substance-induced persisting amnestic disorder; confabulation; thiamine deficiency
Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory
Career choices are made through modeling and reinforcement
Kubler-Ross Stages confronting own death (DABDA)
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Larry R. vs. Riles
banned the use of IQ tests for placing children in educable retarded classes (disproportionate amount of minority students)
Levinson’s Seaons of a Man’s Life theory
Early, Entering, Age 30, Settling down, Mid-life, Middle, Age 50, Late
Lewin’s field theory
beh is a function of the interaction between person and environment
Locke’s Goal Setting Approach
specific, intermediate, feedback, self-efficacy, accept goals
locus coeruleus
associated with depression and panic disorder
long-term potentiation
process of short-term –> long-term memories
Lorenz attachment
duckling imprinted 12-17 hrs after birth
low-context communication
meaning based on what explicitly verbalized; white middle class
Lower level needs
hygiene factors, not met-dissatisfaction
lymbic system
related to emotional beh and aggression
culture, religion, economy and political systems
magnify problems, minimize positive qualities
Mahler’s developmental stages
normal infantile autism, symbiosis, differentiation, practicing, rapprochment, object constancy
Marcia’s adolescence dev stages
identity achievement, foreclosures, moratorium, identity diffusion
Marital schism
dicord and disequilibrium, threats of separation
Marital skew
skewed toward meeting one’s needs and sacraficing the others’
MBO (Management by Objectives)
goal setting and performance review
McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory
nAch, nAff, nPower
first mentrual period
interaction between various microsystems
method of loci
forming visual image of items and putting in places of mental walk
everyday environment the person encounters
Milgram’s study
providing shocks, power and obedience
Minority Identity development model
conformity, dissonance, resistance, introspection, integrative awareness
memory enhancing strategies
monozygotic twins
identical twins
mood-congruent theory
remember material better when mood matches state when learned
moro reflex
extending legs, arms,and fingers, and arching back
smallest meaningful unit of speech (daddy)
magnetic resonance imaging (structure)
multisystems approach
struggles understood in it’s larger environmental & cultural context
continue brain development: speed, attention, etc < 20s
irresistible attackes of refreshing sleep; sleepiness, loss muscle tone, hallucination
misreads first or last half of words
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)
severe muscle rigidity, autonomic instability, high fever
a tendency to generalize; studying groups as opposed to individuals
depression - low; manic - high
normative social influence
pressure to conform based on a need for approval and acceptance by group
object constancy
maintain image and unify good and bad of the mother
object permanence
people continue to exist even when the child cannot see them
organizational justice
distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice
orthostatic hypotension
dizziness, lightheadedness on standing up
when reinforced, attribute beh to reinforcement not intrinsic motivation
Overjustification Hypothesis
people loss interest after performing them for incentives; intrinsic -> extrinsic
awareness of the abnormal beating of the heart
vocal cues
distortion of memory and involves confabulation
sexual deviations or perversions
paralysis in the legs
abnormal behs occurring in association with sleep
muscle weakness
abnormal skin sensation: buring, ticklying, etc
mask-like face, drooling, tremor, akinesia
sexual contact in a prepubescent child
peg-word system
peg items on ideas
perinatal period
1 pound of weight (in utero) to one month after birth
personal athoritiative reality
what feels right to do
personal fable
belief self as special and rules don’t apply to them
PET scan
positron emission tomography (activity)
petit mal seizure
brief & small
observable characteristics of the person
smallest unit of speech (da)
phonological dyslexia
cannot read non-words aloud
Piaget’s moral dev theory
heteronomous morality (5-10), autonomous morality (10+)
Piaget’s stage theory
sensorimotor (0-2), preoperational (2-7), concrete operational (7-11), formal operational (11+)
persistent eating of nonnutritive substances
involves growth
PKU (Phenylketonuria)
metabolic disorder, mental retardation; autosomal recessive
flexibility in functioning, recover from brain damage; < 7-8y.o.
measures through heart rate, respiration and skin conductivity
pons & medulla
facial expression, sleep, respiration, movement, cardiovacular
Positron emission tomography (PET)
used for demonstrating brain activity or functioning
post decisional dissonance
faced with two good choices
post decisional dissonance
faced with two good choices
Premack principle (response-differential theory)
Frequent beh can be used as reinforcers for low probability behs
primacy effect
person who speaks first remembered best in long gap situations
primary aging
wear-and-tear theory
Primary process
include dreams and hallucination
exposure of simulus that makes it easier to remember
principle of parsimony (Occam’s Razor)
best explanation is simplest and requires the fewest assumptions
the ability to locate one’s body parts
can’t recognize faces
prospective memories
memories of what one planned to do
main character of story
Protocol analysis
gain access to people’s problems solving strategies
use of personal space
proximal factors
individual?s perceptions and appraisals of events and conditions
a response is elicited to a neutral stimulus that has not been paired with either the CS or the US
fire setting
QCC (Quality Control Circle)
improving quantity and quality of production
paralysis in all four limbs
IV manipulated, no random assignments
QWL (Quality-of-work-life)
improving extrinsic and intrinsic factors related to satisfaction
rational-economic model (classical decision)
examines all possible solutions before choosing one
feel pressured by a message and increases resistance to persuasion
reactance theory
not comply with request when freedom is threatened
reaction formation
engaging in behaviors opposite of id’s real urges
reactive attachment disorder
disturbance in social relatedness
recency effect
person who speaks last remebered best in smaller gap situations
when something rapidly unlocks a chain of memories
reference group
people we admire, like and want to resemble
Rehm’s self-control model of depression
reinforcement can be self-generated rather than derived from external sources
relative methods
comparing employees with one another
response cost
removal of prespecified reward for misbehavior
Response polarization
people in groups become more extreme in their views
having the person make up for an inappropriate behavior
reticular activating system (RAS)
filter for incoming sensory information; related to attentinon, arousal, awaking/sleeping cycle
do to self what they would like to do to others
retrograde amnesia
forgot past
Rett’s disorder
sudden decelertation of head growth
Ringelmann effect (social loafing)
work less hard in group settings as compared to individual settings
Risky shift
people make riskier decisions in group settings
nucleic acid within neuron; involved with learning and memory
rooting reflex
turning head, opening mouth, sucking
Rosenthal effect (self-fulfilling prophecy)
cues by the experimenter that results in subjects conforming
rumination disorder
repeated regurgitation and rechewing of food
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
speakers of different languages think differently
a reinforcer used so much it loses its reinforcing quality (operant)
teachers adjust their levels of help base on child’s performance
Schacter’s 2-factor theory
emotions result from internal (hypothalamus and limbic sys) and external (context) cues
Schein’s Career Anchor Theory
autonomy, security, technical, managerial, entrepreneurial, service, challenge, life style
secondary aging
results from desease, disues, and neglect of body
secondary prevention
early treatment stopping mild disorders becoming severe
Secondary process
includes thinking and speaking
Self-Enhancement Theory
people are motivated to think favorably of themselves and behave for others to think so too
Self-perception Theory
people infer their attitudes by observing their beh
self-serving bias
attributes own success to disposition factors and failures to situational factors
Self-verification Theory
people are motivated to confirm their self-concept, even if negative
semantic differential scale
measures attitude in three dimensions: evaluative, potency, activity
Sensate focus
uses pleasure as counterconditioning response to anxiety (no sex)
sensitive period of development
if certain things don’t occur, may be able to compensate
sensory memory
representation of external stimuli (for 1-2 sec) after removal