keyterms1 Flashcards
inability to calucalate
modifying existing cog structure to adjust to reality demands
acetylcholine (Ach)
most common, related to voluntary movement, memory & cog (low for Azh, hi for PD)
pitch, tone, and volume
Activity theory
old age is fulfilling when remains active
Actor-observer effect
attributions of neg events - personality factors for others, situational factors for self
Adam’s Equity Theory
compares ratio of input/output outcomes with others
Additive tasks
individual performances are added to a combined effect
Adverse impact
% of minorities selected >= 80% of non-minorities selected
adversive counterconditioning
pairing a adversive stimulus with a mal beh
inability to recognize objects
enhances effect
granulocyte sudden drop -> sore throat, high fever
inability to write
Ainsworth’s attachment patterns
secure, avoidant, ambivalent, disorganized-disoriented
dysphoria, feeling of jitters, fidgeting, inner restlessness, pacing (antipsychotic side effect)
slowness of movement, masklike facial expression, emotionless (antipsychotic side effect; PD)
Alderger’s ERG Theory
3 needs: existence, relatedness, growth
inability to read
trying to change or blame the external environment
alpha waves
relaxed, doze off
amino acids
GABA, Glycine, & Glutamate
memory loss only
emotions; removal - Kluver Bucy Syndrome; mediates anger & fear
inability to experience pleasurable sensations
unaware of disability
inhibits effect
anterograde amnesia
can’t form new memory
drying out & holding in symptoms
antiepileptic drugs
language disorder
sleep related breathing problem
inability to carry out motor movements
third party acts as judge
incorporating new info into existing cog structures
incoordination; slurred speech, severe tremors, loss of balance
Authoritarian parenting
controlling and require unquestioned obedience
Authoritative parenting
firm, fair, and reasonable
autokinetic effect
moving light experiment, conforming to group norm
autokinetic effect
optical illusion whereby a light appears to move
trying to change oneself or blaming oneself
lack of motivation
transmits info
babinski reflex
spreading toes and twisting foot
backward conditioning
US presented before CS; not as effective in producing CR
Balance Theory
attitude change when two people have attitudes toward that same object
Barnum effect
someone finds personal meaning in a statement that could apply to anyone
Beh Anchored Rating Scales, based on critical incidents
basal ganglia
PD, Tourette Syndrome, Autism, OCD
base rate
rate of successful hiring without a given selection procedure
Baumrind’s Parenting Patterns
authoritarian, permissive (indifferent/indulgent), authoritative
Behavioral Confirmation
people are motivated to confirm expectations others have on them, but not negative
behavioral contrast effect
2 beh reinforced, after one extinguished, the remaining will increase
a hostile attitude
Berry’s acculturation theory
assimilation, separtation, integration, marginalization
beta waves
alert & attentive
Big five
Openness to experience, conscientiouness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Biographical Inventory (BIB)
applicants life in detail and corr with (un)desirable work beh
Beh Observation Scale, extent engages in every beh
brain stem
pons, medulla, reticular activating systems (RAS)
Bronfenbrenner’ ecological model
microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem
Brown vs. Board of Education
Equal educational opportunities
Buckly admendment
federal law giving student over 18 and their parents the right to access school records
Cannon-Bard Theory
emtoions and bodily reactions occur at the same time
CAPP vs. Rank
Hospital privileges for psychologists in California
CAT scan
computerized axial tomography (structure)
sudden loss of muscle tone
epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, and dopamine
g factor with two subtypes - fluid and crystalized
3 levels, g factor, 10 broad, 70 narrow
caudate nucleus
related to OCD, Tourette’s, Huntington Disease, ADHD
cell body
integrate info
inabilty to focus on more than one aspect of problem at a time
maintaining smooth movement, coordinating motor activity, balance
cerebral cortex
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
creating a sequence of desired behs
childhood disintegrative disorder
sig loss of previously acquired skills before 10
synaptic transmission that is mediated by the release of acetylcholine
uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements
role of the passage of time in the person’s life
transforming separate items into meaningful unit for memory
cingulate gyrus
satifaction center of brain; eating & sex
classical neurotransmitters
acetylcholine (Ach), catecholamines, serotonin, amino acids
Cognitive dissonance theory
modifying congition when committed to something inconsistent with belief
Cognitive play stages
repetitive, constructive, imaginative, formal games with rules
Cognitive Resource Theory
Compares directive vs non-directive leadership on various factors
common reality
what the individual is told to do
head injury without bruising
conduction aphasia
connection between Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas has been damaged
make up stories about past events
lack of differentiation between self and others to avoid conflict
Congruity Theory
making predictions about which attitude changes on top of Balance Theory
Conjunctive tasks
outcome limited by least effective member
two stimuli being presented closely in time
contingency contracting
contracting on target behs, reinforcers and punishers
Contrast effect
ratings of candidates affected by previous candidate
coup-countercoup injuries
corpus callosom
bridge between two cerebral hemispheres
counterconditioning (reciprocal inhibition)
pairing a mal response with a incompatible adaptive response
covert sensitization
type of adversive counterconditioning using imagination
Criterion contamination
rating is affected by knowledge of the score on the predictor
Critical incident technique
ascertaining the actions for success and failure
critical period of development
if certain things don’t occur, unable to compensate
Cross’s model
preencounter, encounter, immersion-emersion, internalization, internalization-commitment
cross-sequential research
takes several cross sections and follow over time
perceives information as being an original idea of their own
cultural encapsultation
can impede effective psychotherapy with minority clients; stereotyping
cultural paranoia
a healthy suspiciosness based on real exeriences of racism
culture-bound symptoms
psychiatric symptoms found only in a particular culture group
circular nature of feedback loops (positive & negative)
unevenness in development in any area
memory deteriorates with passage of time
declarative memories
includes semantic and episodic memories
deep dyslexia
mistakenly reads a given word as one with similar meaning
distance self from emotions
suspending one’s self-identity and adopting identity of group
disturbance of consciousness & change in cognitive abilities
delta waves
deep sleep
loss of memory + something else
receive info from other neurons
depot neuroleptics
injected antipsychotics
parents express distress through one child - identified patient
differential learning
combines extinction and positive reinforcement
differential reinforcement of other behs
all behaviors except target reduction beh is reinforced; reward if no target in interval
Differential validity
test more valid in predicting for one group than the other
diffuse impairment
loss of complex cognitive functions
Diffusion of responsibility
best chances of receiving help when only 1 bystander, the more, the lower chances
discrete impairment
loss of foresight & concern, irresponsibility
discriminative stimulus
a stimulus that precedes a beh and signals the probability of reinforcement (menu)
Disjunctive tasks
outcome affected by most effective member
transference of emotions to substitue or symbolic representation
dissociative fugue
travel away from home and unable to recall past
distal factors
external, objective events and conditions
Distributive negotiation
parties claiming part of the pie
excessive urination
dizygotic twins
fraternal twins
related to schizophrenia? Parkinson - low dopamine
Double bind
three element maladaptive comm
Down’s syndrome
three chromosomes on 21; metal retardation, broad skull, slanted eyes
pain in the genitals associated with intercourse
emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, or unease
disturbance in amount, quality, or timing of sleep
acute and painful muscle spasm
imitation of sounds without comprehension
Effectiveness research
studies psychotherapy as it is actually practiced
effectiveness research
practice in real world
Efficacy research
tight experimental control maximizes interal validity
efficacy research
tight experimental control
effort justification
spending sig time on unworthy task
effort justification
spending sig time on unworthy task
eidetic memory
photographic memory
elaborative rehearsal
memory strategy relates new info with old memory
Electroencephalography (EEG)
measures brain wave
Electromyography (EMG)
measures surface muscle tension
Elkind’s adolescent thinking
personal fable, imaginary audience
embryonic period
2 wks until 8-12 wks
culture specific approach
emotional triangle
closeness of two members tends to exclude a third
empirical criterion keying
items chosen based on discrimination of membership
simulation of the transaction of a family structure in attempt to change it
passage of feces into inappropriate places
learing one’s own culture, influenced by home and family
enkephalins & endorphins
endogenous opioids; regulate stress and pain
repeated voiding of urine into the bed or clothes
dev occur in a series of stages
diff cause can produce same results
single cause may produce diff results
Erikson’s psychosocial stages
hope, will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, care, wisdom
a non-culture specific approach that looks for universal principles
rel between two or more systems where one is indirect
experimental neurosis
confusion by changing similar stimuli
explicit memory
conscious awareness of remembering
expressive abuse
results from difficulty managing emotions
extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
movement related symptoms
Factitious Disorder
intentional production of symptoms without secondary gain
gradual removal of cues under which a response occurs (gradual reduction of promting)
false fame effect
could not recall where they had encountered the names; concluded they are famous individuals
fetal period
8-12 wks until birth
Fiedler’s Contingency (LPC) Theory
High LPC (relationship) - effective in moderate, Low LPC (task) - effective in extreme
flashbulb memories
memories of distinct and usually traumatic events
Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination
a brief examination of cognitive functioning for older adults
Forced Choice
choose between two equally pos or neg choices
forced distribution
distribute employees into perdetermined categories
family-of-origin session; meeting partner’s FOO
Freud’s psychosexual stages
oral(1), anal(1-3), phallic(3-6), latency(6-12), genital(12-18)
fantasies, urges, beh of rubbing a non-consenting person
fundamental attribution error
attributes others’ failures to dispositional causes and underestimating situational variables
GABA & glycine
calming effect; anxiety, epileptic seizures - low
Galvanic skin response (GSR)
also called ecetrodermal response (EDR); measures sweat
Gate control theory
pain not directly related to pain receptors
Gender-Schema theory
children use gender as a schema to organize their world
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
Alarm -> Resistance -> Exhaustion
General systems theory
system is interaction of component parts, seeks homeostatis
genetic makeup of a person - both expressed and unexpressed
germinal period
first 2 wks; zygote divides and implants itself onto uterus wall
Gerstmann’s syndrome
lesions of the dominant parietal lobe (acalculia, agraphia, left-right difficulty, finger agnosia)
Gilligan’s moral dev theory
Justice (men); Caring (women): individual survival, self-sacrifice, nonviolence