EPPP -Ethics Flashcards
Psychologists can use animals in research if what 2 conditions are met?
1. It is in compliance with current federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and with professional standards; 2. Reasonable efforts are made to minimize discomfort, infection, illness, and pain to animals
Psychologists are required to work within the boundaries of their \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, which can be based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study, or professional experience.
What course of action should you take if you discover a colleague has been violating an ethical standard that puts no clients in direct harm?
Attempt to resolve the
problem informally by
discussing the matter
with the offender
When should a psychologist make a formal report to the Ethics Committee, state licensing board, or other appropriate authority regarding unethical behavior by a colleague?
When the problem involves "substantial harm" and is not appropriate for an informal resolution or has not been resolved satisfactorily by an attempt at an informal resolution
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ always takes precedence over the need to educate or punish an offending psychologist, which must always be considered before filing a complaint.
When recording voices/images in research, when is informed consent not required?
When the research consists solely of naturalistic observations in public places, and it is not anticipated that the recording will be used in a manner that could cause personal identification or harm
Describe the nature of informed consent when research involves recording voices/images and deception.
consent is
provided during
What is the legal concept that protects a client's confidentiality in the context of legal proceedings?
__________ is
the holder of
the privilege.
What has the data on sexual misconduct by therapists consistently shown?
Male therapists violate much more than female therapists, and they are usually older (42-44 y/o) than the female clients (30-33 y/o) they become involved with
What relationships have been found between risk for sexual misconduct and theoretical orientation, professional experience, or education?
(Pope et
al., 1993)
When can a
use client
When they are not solicited from current therapy clients or other persons who, because of their circumstances, are vulnerable to undue influence
In a consultative relationship, when is it appropriate to disclose confidential client information?
1. When the consultant and consultee have a confidential relationship; 2. If the consultee has obtained prior consent of the person or organization; 3. If disclosure is unavoidable
A psychologist has been meeting regularly with a child whose parents recently filed for divorce and have requested a child custody evaluation. What course of action should the psychologist take?
While not required, The Guidelines states psychologists generally avoid conducting such evaluations when s/he has served in a therapeutic role for the child or their family
What 4 conditions must be met in order for a client to bring a claim of malpractice against a psychologist?
1. Psychologist must have had a professional relationship with the person; 2. Must be a demonstrable standard of care breached by psychologist; 3. Person suffered harm or injury; 4. Harm or injury was proximally caused by psychologist's breach of duty within context of standard of care
Is it ever appropriate for a psychologist to pay, receive payment from, or divide fees with another professional for referring them a client?
No, this is unethical. All payments in such situations must be based on the services provided (e.g., clinical, consultative, administrative)
What legal decision originally established a psychologists "duty to warn," which later became a "duty to protect?"
The Tarasoff Decision, which regards a client's admission of intent to harm another person
Bartering is allowed only if what two conditions are met?
- It is not clinically
contraindicated; 2.
It is not exploitative
In a legal proceeding, if a defendant lacks sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding, and a rational as well as a factual understanding of the proceedings against him/her, s/he is deemed \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
to stand trial
A person who by reason of education or specialized experience possesses superior knowledge regarding a subject about which persons having no particular training are incapable of forming an accurate opinion or deducing correct conclusions is referred to as an \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
A \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to a person who testifies as to what they saw, heard, or otherwise observed regarding a circumstance, event or occurrence as it actually took place.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are allowed to offer professional opinions and provide testimony based on hypothetical scenarios, while \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ cannot.
Fact Witnesses
When taking on a new therapy client, when should a psychologist obtain informed consent?
As early as is feasible- should include nature and anticipated course of therapy, fees, 3rd party involvement, limits of confidentiality, and provide client opportunity to ask questions and receive answers
Are psychologists required by the Ethics Code to provide Pro Bono services?
No, however the General Principles, which are aspirational in nature, promote it
Is it ethical for psychologists to engage in sexual behavior with students or supervisees?
No. In fact, it is unethical for a psychologist to engage in sexual relations with anyone they are likely to have evaluative authority over
The Client Welfare
standard of the
APA Ethics Code
requires what?
That reasonable steps are taken by psychologists to avoid and minimize harm to clients, students, research participants, and others with whom they work
What conditions must be met for deception to ethically be used in research?
1. Deception is justified by the study's prospective scientific, educational, applied value and effective nondeceptive alternatives are not feasible; 2. Participants are not deceived about conditions that might cause significant pain or emotional distress; 3. Participants are debriefed preferably at end of their participation, but no later than conclusion of data collection
The "Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations" presents principles that are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in nature.
Psychologists are to refrain from entering into a multiple relationship when?
If the relationship can be reasonably expected to impair the psychologist's objectivity, competence, or effectiveness, or otherwise risks exploitation or harm to the client
What is the first step a psychologist should take when they receive a subpoena?
Determine if the
subpoena is a
legally valid
Following an evaluation, are psychologists allowed to provide clients with raw test data if the client requests it?
Yes, it would unethical not to do so. However, there are some exceptions if the psychologist believes the test data could harm the client
True or False: In some situations, it is ethical for a psychologist to withhold reporting a case of known child abuse?
False. All jurisdictions require psychologists to report known cases of child abuse to the appropriate authorities
Is it ethical or unethical to deny employment, admission to academic or other programs, advancement, or promotion to someone who has previously made or been the subject of an ethics complaint?
What is FERPA
(Family Education
Rights and Privacy
Act of 1974)?
It prohibits educational institutions receiving federal funds from disclosing personally identifying information from student records without the consent of the the student or legal guardian (if under 18); also grants right to inspect one's educational records
Sliding fee scales are
generally considered
acceptable as long as
they are ________.
Fair and serve
the best
interests of the
In deciding whether to provide services to a person already receiving mental health services elsewhere, what should a psychologist consider?
The treatment issues and the potential client's welfare. These issues are discussed with the client and the psychologist should proceed with caution
Psychologists are to act \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ when teaching, supervising, and designing education and training programs.
In-person solicitation of business from actual or potential therapy clients or other persons is unethical when it involves what?
Solicitation of people who, due to their particular circumstances, are vulnerable to undue influence
True or False: Psychologists can base assessment/intervention decisions or recommendations on tests, measures, data, or test results that are outdated or obsolete?
False. Only tests that are useful to the current purpose can be used ethically
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to the obligation of psychologists to protect clients from unauthorized disclosure of information revealed in the context of the professional relationship.
These were adopted as a means of self-regulation in the public interest, and its provisions are general and aspirational.
The General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services
When it becomes reasonably clear that a client no longer needs services, is unlikely to benefit, or is being harmed by continued services, what is the psychologist's best course of action?
Upon termination, what does the Ethics Code state a psychologist should do?
Provide pretermination
counseling and suggest
alternative service
providers as appropriate
APA's Record Keeping Guidelines specifies that records of psychological services must include:
identifying data, dates of service, types of service, fees, assessment reports and intervention plans, and releases of information
The Specialty Guidelines for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ does not define minimum qualifications in terms of education, as other Specialty Guidelines do, but rather focuses on professional practice issues in the context of forensic work.
What must a psychologist do before using a collection agency to collect unpaid fees?
Inform the client that such measures will be taken and provide that person an opportunity to make prompt payment
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ evaluates the knowledge that should have been acquired by any candidate seeking licensure to practice psychology.
Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP)
When providing services to a person legally incapable of giving informed consent, what should the psychologist do?
Provide an appropriate explanation, seek the person's assent, consider the person's preferences and best interests, and obtain permission from a legally authorized person
A psychologist whose personal problems are preventing them from competently performing work-related activities should take what steps?
Take appropriate measures (e.g., obtain consultation or assistance) and determine whether they should limit, suspend, or terminate their work-related duties
Is it ever ethical
to have sexual
relationships with
a former client?
Yes, though only after 2 years and in the "most unusual circumstances;" in such cases, the psychologists must prove that the relationship is not harmful.
Is it ethical or unethical for a psychologist to provide therapy to a person they previously had sexual relations with?
Unethical- this is
absolute; there
are no time limits
or exceptions
The concept that supervisors/employers may be legally responsible for the actions of their supervisees/employees is called \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
Liability, or
What is the primary value underlying the existence of Ethical Principles?
The advancement and protection of the welfare of the patients and clients of psychologists
If an ethical issue is not addressed in the Ethics Code, it indicates what about any related conduct?
It may be
ethical or
You're contacted by the APA Ethics Committee in regards to a complaint filed against you by a client. They ask for your records related to the client's therapy with you. What should you do?
Cooperate fully with the Committee's request. Confidentiality is not an issue since the committee must obtain a signed waiver of confidentiality from the complainant before it takes any action
As a psychologist, what would you do if you arrived early to the office one morning to find a colleague having sex with one of his/her current clients?
Report him to the ethics committee, as this violation is not amenable to informal resolution, making sure to protect the client's confidentiality rights
What is a psychologist to do if a client informs them that s/he had sex with a previous therapist?
Outline the client's rights and options regarding legal actions and ethical complaints
What is a psychologist's best option if s/he wants to work with clients from an ethnic group s/he has not worked with before?
Seek supervision and/or consultation before taking on such clients and while working with them
A psychologist who has been having marital problems begins to notice that during marital therapy with his clients he is tending to agree more with the husband's perspective. He should:
Seek consultation- the Code requires psychologists who become aware of personal problems that may interfere with adequate performance in their work to take appropriate measures
When might the
use of interpreters
in psychotherapy
be ethical?
When steps have been
taken to avoid a multiple
relationship between the
interpreter and the client
True or False: It is unethical to utilize an interpreter without first having them sign a confidentiality agreement?
False. While a good idea to discuss the importance of maintaining confidentiality, there is no ethical standard requiring an interpreter to sign such an agreement
A psychologist is dating a graduate student in his class who is older than other students and has returned to school after 15 years. The psychologists behavior is:
Unethical, regardless of whether sex is involved, because it is a dual relationship with clear potential for harm or exploitation
What should a psychologist to do if a client they are seeing on condition of probation says s/he wants to terminate therapy?
Tell the client s/he has the right to leave, but explain the legal ramifications of doing so
In your capacity as an Industrial Psychologist you observe repeated incidents of sexual harassment. What is your best course of action?
Observe the incidents and, if possible, take active steps to intervene- the Code states that psychologists attempt to "minimize harm to those with whom they work"
A psychologist is seeing a family and notices bruises on the son's body. The parents say a pediatrician saw him, but they forgot to mention the bruises to her. When asked how the child got inured, the parents say he "fell down the stairs" and provide no further details. The boy is silent and withdrawn. What should the psychologist do?
File a child abuse report with the appropriate state agency, as there is reasonable suspicion of ongoing child abuse
A client you know owns a gun and has a history of violent behavior tells you he is planning to shoot his ex-girlfriend. You should:
Warn the police and attempt to warn the ex-girlfriend, per "duty to protect"
A client who is HIV+ claims that s/he has been engaging in casual unprotected sex with various partners. Is this sufficient ground to break confidentiality and notify the authorities?
No. APA states disclosure is permitted if (1) there is an identifiable 3rd party who is at risk, (2) the 3rd party is unaware s/he is at risk, and (3) the client has refused or is not considered reliable to inform the 3rd party
As an Army psychologist, a General asks you questions about a Colonel you have evaluated. What is the ethical way to respond?
Get a signed release from the client before providing any information- the Colonel is likely aware that refusing to provide such information may lead to negative consequences
According to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, psychologists must notify their clients how they may use the clients' personal health information.
Health Insurance
Portability and
Accountability Act
of 1996 (HIPAA)
According to HIPPA, when might a psychologist be considered a "covered entity?"
If they transmit
certain client
notes,” as defined
by HIPAA, refers
to what?
Notes recorded in any medium by a mental health professional documenting or analyzing the contents of conversation during a private counseling sessionthey are not considered a part of a client's Protected Health Information (PHI)
A psychologist publishes an ad promising "guaranteed results." What is true about this ad?
It is unethical because it is misleading and may engender unduly optimistic expectations of positive results
What must
brochures for
always include?
A description
of the intended
You routinely waive the co-payment of less wealthy clients who are insured, since you offer clients without insurance a sliding scale. This is:
Unethical and illegal since the insurance company has not been informed
When would it be ethical for a psychology professor to modify a course syllabus several weeks after the course began?
When the students are made aware of these modifications in a manner that enables them to fulfill course requirements
Is it ethical for a psychologist to engage in a sexual relationship with a student after the course has been completed and grades submitted?
No, as it is likely the student is still in the department and, thus, the professor maintains "evaluative authority"
When evaluating students and supervisees, psychologists must do what?
Base their evaluation on relevant and established program requirements, provide timely feedback, and provide information about the evaluation process at the beginning of supervision
When is informed
consent to
research not
When dispensing with it clearly poses no harm or is scientifically justifiable, such as in naturalistic observation or anonymous questionnaires
Is it ever ethical to
kill an animal that
has been used for
Yes, if it is done
rapidly and with
an effort to
minimize pain
You are asked by an attorney to evaluate a divorced woman's competence as a parent during a custody dispute. As an ethical psychologist, you should:
Evaluate the client, the children, and the husband before filing a report
A forensic psychologist is ordered by the
court to evaluate a celebrity accused of
assault and battery. Part of the evaluation
is used in the trial and becomes a matter
of public record. At the end of the trial, in
which the defendant was found guilty, the
psychologist writes a book including
information about parts of the evaluation
not discussed in court. These actions are:
Unethical but legal, as information disclosed in court-ordered evaluations are not privileged
It is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to train and allow an assistant with a B.A. in sociology to administer, interpret, and write a report on the WAIS-IV.
Unethical, as the assistant is clearly unqualified to perform such duties
After a psychologist administers multiple tests to a client, she asks to see the results. What's the best course of action in such situations?
Provide the client with an oral and written summary of the results in clear, understandable language
True or False: Regarding confidentiality in group therapy, group members are on their own honor to maintain confidentiality?
True. Group members have no legally or ethically enforceable obligation to maintain the confidence of what they hear from other group members
What should a psychologist do if a man being seen in marital therapy requests individual treatment?
He should be referred to another therapist due to potential for conflict between the psychologist's roles
When regular consultation with a supervisor about a client is done, what must occur?
The client must
be informed that
the therapist is
being supervised
If an experimental psychologist wants to become a clinical psychologist, what must s/he do?
Obtain appropriate coursework and experience, including practica and internship
What is the primary purpose of the Specialty Guidelines for the Delivery of Services?
Educate the
public and
advance the
The primary purpose of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing is what?
To provide criteria
for evaluating
whether tests are
properly used
The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing suggest reporting test scores in terms of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
intervals, or
Generally, protecting the welfare of the public is their primary purpose.
It is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to sell questions that appear on the licensing exam.
Illegal and unethical, as it violates both test security and copyright laws
A college counselor informed the mother of a 17 y/o of a recent suicide attempt he made. The counselor contended she was acting in the client's best interest in light of his refusal to seek professional help. Were the counselor's actions ethical?
According to the Ethics Code, yes, because the student is a minor at risk of suicide
True or False: When a grievance is file, state boards can provide you feedback on performance on specific questions of the EPPP?
False. They can provide one's score, the passing score, the mean, standard deviation, and other descriptive information
If a psychologist undertakes an experiment that might have some negative adverse side-effects to participants but still feels the possible findings are worth the risk, she should:
Seek approval from the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) and inform participants of all potential risks via informed consent
It is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ for a university professor to omit areas of research in a course he's teaching because the research does not fit well with his orientation and does not support his theory.
Unethical as the
behavior is likely to
mislead students
A psychologist opening a mental health clinic in a rural area serving a Native American population would be well-advised to:
Include medicine
men from the tribe
as consultants and
A psychologist is ethically required to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ after completing testing with a client.
explanation of
Is it ethical for a psychologist to routinely administer personality tests during the initial phase of a treatment relationship?
No, this is
unethical, as there
must be a valid
reason for testing
As a psychologist, you are asked by the attorney of a mother to evaluate the mother and her child, however the child lives with the father, who is the custodial parent. What should you do?
Determine if the
father knows about
and has consented
to the evaluation
A psychologist in a rural community is asked to treat a man with Agoraphobia. While the psychologist has treated other anxiety disorders, she has never treated Agoraphobia. She should:
Treat the woman while making reasonable effort to obtain the competence required by using relevant research, training, consultation, or study
What should a psychologist do if a person in an emergency situation presents to therapy for an issue the psychologist has no relevant experience working with?
Meet with the person but refer to a more qualified psychologist as soon as possible, or when the emergency has ended
During the third psychotherapy session with a client the psychologist realizes the client is the principal at his daughter's school. What should he do?
Discuss the situation with the client and assess whether the dual relationship could be expected to impair objectivity, competence, or effectiveness or result in client exploitation or harm
Psychologists who provide services over the internet must inform clients of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
The risks
to privacy
What conditions are required for a graduate psychology program to require students to participate in psychotherapy?
1. Students are given the option of receiving therapy from practitioners unaffiliated with the program; 2. Faculty with evaluative authority must not provide the therapy; 3. The requirement must be clearly described in the program's description
This term refers to negligent failure, resulting in harm to the client, to meet the duty to a client that arises out of a professional relationship.
What are the 4
stages of the
ethical complaint
If a psychologist's offense is inappropriate but not clearly unethical, they are likely to be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ by the Ethics Committee, whereas they will receive a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ if the behavior is unethical.
A psychologist will receive a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ from the Ethics Committee if his/her actions are unethical but the consequences are minor.
What might the Ethics Committee do if a psychologist's actions cause harm and are deliberate or persistent?
The Ethics Committee recommends \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in cases where a psychologist's behavior is both unethical and harmful.
If a psychologist's offense is so injurious and severe that s/he is deemed unrehabilitable, the Ethics Committee is likely to recommend \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.