Key Terms Ch 1 and 5 and Lecture August 15 Flashcards
anatomy and its four types
the form and structure of the body and its parts
- microscopic
- macroscopic
- regional
- systemic
directional term- towards the front (human body)
Other term is ventral- towards the belly (animal)
trunk of the body- formed by the rib cage and abdomen
bilateral symmetry
the L and R halves of an animal’s body are mirror images of each other. Paired structures (kidneys) are located one on each side of the body. Single structures (heart) are located near the median plane
area at the base of the neck between the front legs that covers the cranial end of the sternum
cannon (bones)
the large metacarpal and metatarsal bones of the horse
cardiac muscle
striated, involuntary muscle that is found exclusively in the heart. Cardiac muscle is influenced by the autonomic nervous system. It has one centrally located nucleus and intercalated discs that form special connections between the muscle branches.
the joint composed of the carpal bones. Referred to a the “knee” of the horse and the “wrist” of humans
directional term- toward the tail end of an animal
connective tissue
tissue made up of cells and extracellular substances that connect and support cells and other tissues
directional term- toward the head of an animal
the cranial portion of the dorsal body cavity, formed from several skull bones. Houses and protects the brain
deep (internal)
toward the center of the body or body part
digestive system
collection of organs that take in, digest, and absorb food for use by the body to maintain health and normal function. Includes all structures of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. (accessory organs such as gallbladder and pancreas provide secretions that aid in chemical part of the process)
directional term- extremeties of the body (implies a position/direction away from the body proper)
directional term- toward the top of an animal when standing on all four legs; toward the backbone
dorsal body cavity
space in the skull and spinal column that contains brain and spinal cord. (Cranium/spinal canal)
dorsal plane
divides the body into dorsal and ventral parts not necessarily equal
epithelial tissue
collection of tissues that are made up of layers of cells that line and cover body surfaces. Cells may be single or multilayered and can regenerate quickly.
(1) balance of solutes and solution between the in and out of a cell. (state of equilibrium between concentrations)
(2) the sense that helps an animal maintain balance by keeping track of position/movements of its head
alternative directional term for “superficial.” Toward the surface of the body or body part
joint between the large metacarpal or metatarsal and the proximal phalanx. The proximal sesamoid bones are located on the palmar or plantar surface of this joint.
fight or flight system
a whole-body response resulting from an animal feeling threatened that prepares the body for intense physical activity. Results from combination of direct sympathetic nerve stimulation and the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine into the bloodstream from the medulla of the adrenal gland. Effects in the body include increased heart rate and output, increased blood pressure, dilated air passageways in the lungs, and decreased gastrointestinal function.