key terms and concepts of plant development Flashcards
what is the aleurone layer
it is the layer that only goes around the endosperm
what is bran
bran consists of the seed coat, pericarp, and aleurone layer
what is caryopsis
a dry one-seeded fruit in which the ovary wall is united with the seed coat, typical of grasses and cereals
what is a cereal grain
A cereal is any grass cultivated for the edible components of its grain, composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran.
what is a coleoptile
a sheath protecting a young shoot tip in a grass or cereal
what is the coleorhiza
a sheath protecting the root of a germinating grass or cereal grain
what is a cotyledon
the embryo of the seed
what is a dicotyledon
it is the embryo of the seed but there is two of them
what is an embryo
An embryo is the early stage of development of a multicellular organism
what is an embryonic axis
The embryonic axis comprises everything between the plumule and the radicle, not including the cotyledon(s). In endospermic dicots, the food reserves are stored in the endosperm
what is an endosperm
acts as food storage for developing plant embryo usually contains starch, protein and other nutrients
what is an epicotyl
the region of an embryo or seedling stem above the cotyledon.
what is epigeal germination
germination that takes place above ground
what is a fruit
a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants that is formed from the ovary after flowering
what is a germ
The germ is the embryo that has the potential to sprout into a new plant
what is a grain
A grain is a small, hard, dry seed - with or without an attached hull or fruit layer
what is hilum
a scar from where the seed was attached to the wall. equal to a umbilical cord to the placenta
what is a hull
the outermost layer ex part you spit on a sunflower seed
what is a hypocotyl
the part of the stem of an embryo plant beneath the stalks of the seed leaves or cotyledons and directly above the root
what is hypogeal germination
germination that happens under the ground
what is mesocotyl
The mesocotyl is the tubular, white, stemlike tissue connecting the seed and the base of the coleoptile
what is the micropyle
small pore beside the hilum
what is a monocotyledon
a seed made out of one cotyledon
what is a pericarp
the outer layer of the seed
what is the plumule
the shoot or stem of an embryo plant
what is the Poaceae family
the grass family
what is quiescence
Quiescence is a state of suspended growth of the embryo or a resting condition of the seed.
what is the radicle
the part in the embryo that grows down and turns into the root is the first organ to appear
what is the scutellum
it absorbs nutrients from the endosperm during germination and surrounds the embryo
what is secondary adventitious root systems
Adventitious roots arise after injury to roots or from the main stem, branch, or other tissues. For example, Ficus produces free-hanging aerial roots that originate in the branches and undergo secondary thickening before they reach the soil
what is shoot apical meristem (SAM)
The shoot apical meristem is the region in the growing shoot containing meristematic cells. The shoot apical meristem contains multipotent stem cells and produces primordia that develop into all the above-ground organs of a plant.
what is the seminal root system
The seminal root system consists of the adventitious lateral roots which are present in the ungerminated caryopsis
what is the sub crown internode
the narrow portion of the stem that links the old seed and primary root system to the crown and secondary root system just below the soil surface
what is the testa
the second outer protective layer of the seed