Key Terms Flashcards
what is march of progress?
refers to how humans have evolved over 25 million years
what is domestic labour?
refers to the different roles and responsibilities that need to be completed within the household
what is intersectionality?
theory that outlines the overlapping discrimination. the factors could be:
gender, race, sexuality, class, disability etc
what is social mobility?
the movement between upper or lower in social class
what is conjugal roles?
couples sharing childcare and housework and both were paid in employment
what is a symmetrical family?
family where the domestic division of labour is equal
what is ideology ( sociology term ) :
set of ideas or beliefs that justify inequality & maintain the capitalist system, persuading people to think it’s fair
what is a consensus?
it’s a general agreement
perspective that society has a predictable structure to gain scientific knowledge of how society functions
perspective that rejects the modernist’s believe and that there is true knowledge.
instead focus on reflecting and celebrating social diversity
Families and Household key terms:
1. Nuclear Family
- A family structure consisting of two parents and their children.
F&H 2. Extended family
A family structure that includes additional relatives like grandparents or aunts/uncles.
F&H 3. Conjugal Roles
The roles played by partners in marriage or cohabitation (e.g., instrumental and expressive roles).
F&H 4. Dual-earner family
A family where both partners work outside the home.
F&H 5. Cohabitation
Living together as a couple without being married.
F&H 6. Same-sex family
A family structure where parents of the same gender live together with children.
F&H 7. Patriarchy
A societal system in which men hold power in families and society.
F&H 8. Matriarchy
A societal system in which women hold power in families and society.
F&H 9. Gender Roles
The social expectations of how individuals should behave based on their gender.
F&H 10. Family diversity
The range of family types found in society, including nuclear, extended, single-parent, and same-sex families.
F&H 11. Divorce
The legal dissolution of a marriage.
F&H 12. Single-parent family
A family structure where one parent raises the children.
F&H 13. Beanpole family
A family structure with few children and multiple generations.
F&H 14. Socialisation
The process by which children learn the norms and values of their society.
F&H 15. Functionalism
A sociological perspective that sees the family as playing an important role in maintaining social stability.
F&H 16. Marxism
A perspective that views the family as serving the interests of capitalism.
F&H 17. Feminism
A perspective that critiques the gender inequalities within families.
Education Keywords: 1. Meritocracy
The belief that success is based on ability and effort, often applied to education.
E 2. Streaming
The practice of grouping students based on their ability or academic performance.