Key Steps Flashcards
When assessing the ABCs during the prehospital exam, what should you note about breathing
Rate and effort
When assessing ABC during the prehospital exam, what four things should you note about cardiac
- Heart rate
- Pulse rate and quality
- MM color
What should you do for any abnormal ABC during the prehospital exam
Stop and treat with prehospital resuscitation
Airway not patent 2
- Extend head and neck carefully
- Clear airway by pulling tongue rostrally and moving debris
Prehospital resuscitation for apnea
Positive pressure ventilation
Positive pressure ventilation for small dogs and cats
Mouth to nose and mouth
Positive pressure ventilation for medium to large dogs
Mouth to nose
Positive pressure ventilation for an animal with a tracheostomy stoma
Mouth to stoma
Key steps for breathing for positive pressure ventilation 4
Close mouth
Tongue between incisors
Cheeks held
12-20 x / min
If you can hear the heart beat in the chest, but cant feel a pulse, what does this probably mean?
Very low blodd pressure poss hypovolemia