Why is prehospital first aid important
Prevents further injury
When and how are instructions for pre hospital first aid typically given
Phone contact/ phone call
What should be assessed during a phone call regarding first aid
Ability to treat vs “load and go”
No first aid (or improper first aid) could result in …(5)
- Extensive medical/ surgical treatment
- Increased hospital stay
- Increased stress
- Decreased resistance
- Increased infection
Three results of proper first aid
- Saves lives
- Reduce treatment
- Reduced costs
Performing key steps of first aid in order prevents _____________
First key step of first aid procedures
Survey the scene for safety of yourself and patient (move from road and muzzle)
Second key step of first aide procedures
Call for help for treatments and transport
Third key step of first aid procedures
Prehospital exam
Prehospital exam elements