Kant lecture 1 Flashcards
Immanuel kant
Witness the french revolution, huge name ; of the few; kant he is not saying let us go back to the religious system as it is.
Kant has a project of rationalizing religion (bringing reason into religion)
Kant wants to ground old morality on reason not on revalation
Kant says that there are somethings that u see and somethings that u dont see in science
There is practice ad cognition:
Practice : shill i kiil my friend or not
cognition: why do apples fall, why water boils
Kant also makes very clear cut between free beings and necessity (What does he mean by necessity
free beings:us
necesssity: like water
Rules that governs object that are not us are different from rules that govern us (rational free beings)
Grounding morality
Knowing why and how …..proofs
Kant believes thatt every course of ethics should begin with a catechism ( the priest or profesSOR ask u question and see how moral u are by default)
To be worthy of happiness,does not mean u have happiness. (To be happy does it mean u deserve it)
Like good people in lebanon
and vice versa regarding politicians
Kant is saying that u dont have a direct implication between what we call moral behavior and happiness
Sometimes they can coincide and sometimes they cant
Let us take harm for example
Utilitariansim define harmas action that brings pain and punishment is giving pain to person be punished. If really the woeld is made up from pleasure and pain, the world will narrow to an action, that if u didnt calculate enough it will bring you pain rather than pleasure. Sometimes if it causes pain i may not be crime. Because if u cross the street and got struck by truck and got harm, i am not criminal bcz of miscalculation. Kant is saying there is something more.
If we say crime is bad because it brings pains, this will be as saying crossing the street and getting hit by bus is crime. (U feel there is something more than pleasure and pain, u didnot do it by intentional premeditated way)
Kant want to explain the notion of should and shouldnot
Kant says there is a fact of ought(we know what we should or shouldnot do, kiil,steal….) even if ought is not a fact (people in fact doesnt follow the should and shouldnot, people lie)
I know i shouldnot lie even if all people inclding me are lying (Bad in itself)
Even if wife and husband agree on betrayal, it is bad on itslef.
A serial killer comes to kill ur children; should u lie (No); Will u lie (yes)
Lie is absolute categorical
U shouldnot lie
Why are not acting on pure imperical ground
(WE are not measuring cons and pro)
Theory of action in kant
Kant is introducing something new;”Pure;
U can have pure intention/motivation or you can have emperical intention/motivation
You want an apple
Is it empirical object (What you sense) that will give u empirical pleasure
Kant said you could on a pure intention
intention that is not empirical. I dont lie because I dont lie because of principle , out of concept.
Honset with friend even if it will hurt him .( Change your suit because u will look like a clown)
Out of princiople
I am not honest withmy firnd neither because it gives me pleasure nor gives me pleasure . It is because of conceptual coherence.
Friendship includes honesty as a concept ; we must have coherence (logical coherence)
u are being honest because of honesty not because it is good for business
Kant want to do practical philosophy meaning he wants to prove that coherence is the ground of values and transgression of values
explain why crime is bad and saying the truth is good
He want to make law of coherence
Moral law or universality test
Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the
same time will that it become a universal law
make ur maxim (subjective) universal, if it hols at the same time do it, if it doesnot dont do it
, i enjoy stealing, u want to weir the veil, i want to swim……do they hold morally
if everyone kills everyone, no one remain to shoot; self contradictory action (not the right way to think because it is generalization)
in kant context
if i make a law everyone can steal, if u go down and take ur cars neighbor, is it act of theft no its taking implies it is immorl because it didnt hold in particular as assumed by general *it changed from theft taking” It becomes practical contradiction.
if we saying killing is allowed
when u kill it is not a murder anymore.
Human life loses it is value
if we say eating banana is allowed
if everyone is eating banana , it remains eating banana , it holds
kant also has natural law
if we take homosexuality, we willl have impossibility of reproduction
let us take betrayel
betrayel is allowed
u are having an encounter, its not betrayel; will not hold. Relations lose its value
lying is allowed
Truth will lose it is value; it becomes incorrect speech
Kant says
Beatiful woman sitting in the house, if u go inside the house and have sex we are going to hang u.
If u do calculation of pain and pleasure , you are not free.
if uare catched by enemies and got tortured by enemy and u didnt betray u friend.
if u dont betray because u should not betray, uare free
else if out of blame ; u are not free.
Moral dilemmas occur if u weigh pleasure and pain, or betweeen pleasures or pains
U are free if u choose coherence of concept regardless of pain and pleasure. Here u will have moral dilemma or temptation
with the dentist to remove a tooth u will not experiencefreedom, u dont have a concept here
To conclude
When u decide for freedom, in ur decision u are free, in actment is however part of nature *causality of nature”
Ur a revolutionist, if u refuse to report ur friend out of honesty , however the pain endured is a part of nature.
we are free in the decision but in the performance of the decision.