Juvenile Operations SOG 403.1 (SGT/2015) Flashcards
- Abuse is defined as….
Any physical injury, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse inflicted on a child other than by accidental means by those
responsible for their care, custody, and control, except that discipline including spanking, administered in a reasonable manner shall not be construed to be abuse.
- Child is defined as……
- Any person regardless of physical or mental condition under 18 years of age.
- means any person under seventeen years of age and shall mean, in addition, any person over seventeen but not yet eighteen years of age alleged to have committed a status offense.
- Juvenile Status Offenders are….
Juveniles who commit act(s) that would not be considered a crime if committed by an adult but that may subject the child to juvenile or family court jurisdiction.
Protective Custody includes…
- officer has reasonable cause to suspect a child has
been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect, or observes a child being
subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse
or neglect.
-report to the Child Abuse Hot Line.
-officer may request a juvenile officer take the child into protective custody.
- An officer may take a child into protective custody, without the consent the child’s parents, guardian, or others legally responsible for their care when they have reasonable cause to believe:
- A child is in imminent danger of suffering serious physical harm or a threat to life as a result of abuse or neglect, and
- That harm or threat of life may occur before the juvenile court can act to issue a temporary protective custody order or before a juvenile officer could take the child into
protective custody.
When an officer takes a child into protective custody the responsible officer
shall complete the following activities.
- Immediately notify the Greene County Juvenile Officer (GCJO), Greene County Children’s Services (GCCS), and the Child Abuse Hot Line.
- Make attempts to notify parents or guardians, if they were not present at the time protective custody was initiated.
- Complete a report to include the facts and circumstances officer as soon as practical, but prior to the end of the shift.
The goal of a child abuse/neglect investigation is..
the discovery of facts and evidence that can be used to prove or disprove a crime has been committed and a specific individual committed the crime.
The child abuse/neglect investigation may include:
- Joint interviews by this Department and GCCS
- Assessing the safety of the child;
- Determining appropriate police action, if any;
- Collecting and preserving evidence;
- Identifying the suspect.
- In a sex crime case that involves any victim under the age of seventeen, the preliminary investigating officer will do the following;
Make immediate contact with victim’s parent/guardian, unless the parent/guardian is a suspect;
- Completes a detailed offense report;
- The preliminary investigating officer will not interview the victim in-depth. This ensures the number of victim interviews is limited.
- GCCS will immediately be notified and asked to respond to the scene
- Report to the Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-392-3738
Confidentiality of juvenile records includes…
The Police Records Unit shall be responsible for the collection, dissemination and retention.
-department shall not disclose to the general public or the media the identity
of any juvenile suspect, victim, or witness.
-records of juveniles shall be kept separate shall not be open to inspection nor their contents disclosed, except by order of the court.
- officers should use the least coercive among reasonable alternatives. Consider,
- The seriousness of an incident and circumstances surrounding the juvenile’s involvement.
- Age
- Attitude (or mental position)
- Officer’s access to parent/guardian.
- Knowledge of previous records may be indicative of the juvenile’s attitude influencing the officer’s alternative placement and decisions.
- Complaint/victim’s comments may be taken into account, especially where repetitive incidents are reported for the first time.
- Gang affiliation
- Direction received by juvenile authorities.
- Previous record.
The officer may use the following procedures in handling and resolving the immediate juvenile situation
- Warn and inform the juvenile of their wrongful action.
- Release the juvenile
- Complete a report and release the juvenile to a parent or guardian at the scene.
- Transport the juvenile to the Police Department and release to a parent/guardian with later referral to Juvenile Court.
- If the juvenile offender, regardless of the offense, enters Police Headquarters or the South District Station the officer must complete entry on the Juvenile Custody Log, SPD Form #13-AD-0641.
Juveniles shall be referred to the Greene County Juvenile Center for.
- Crimes that if committed as an adult would be a felony.
- Repeat offender
- Multiple offenses.
- Multiple offenses.
- Misdemeanors
Officers shall ensure that the constitutional rights of juveniles are
The officer apprehending a juvenile (Felony) will:
- Notify the juvenile’s parents
-Juveniles shall be taken to Greene County -Juvenile Office where officers can use their fingerprint/photograph station.
-they may use the station in the basement of Police Headquarters.
-Sight and sound separation.
-complete entry on the Juvenile Custody Log,
The officer apprehending a juvenile (Misd) will:
- notify the juvenile of the reason for the apprehension.
- Take the juvenile into custody and release to a parent or guardian.
- Transport the juvenile to their residence and release to a parent or guardian
- Transport the juvenile to the station and release to a parent or guardian.
- If the juvenile offender, regardless of the offense, enters Police Headquarters or the South District Station complete entry on the Juvenile Custody Log.
- Transfer to Greene County Juvenile Justice Center without delay.
- Parent or guardian notification as soon as practical.
Juvenile victims and witnesses may be..
- Juvenile victims or witnesses may be questioned
- be included in the officer’s report.
- Officers transporting juveniles under the age of four may request GCCS to help transport.
-arresting and investigating officers shall not be allowed to interrogate a juvenile felony offender unless the following criteria are met:
- juvenile offender may be interrogated in a recognizably friendly environment.This can be the Greene County Juvenile Center, or Springfield Police Department
-out of sight and sound of adult offenders. - Juveniles in custody will be afforded the opportunity to confer in private with a parent or guardian prior to any interrogation.
- If the interrogation is completed at Police Headquarters the officer must complete entry on the Juvenile Custody Log,
The interrogation must take place in the presence of a …
deputy juvenile officer.
- During an interrogation it is the responsibility of the deputy juvenile officer to:
- Confer with the juvenile’s parent/guardian.
- Limit the number of officers present during the interrogation.
- Explain agency and juvenile justice system procedures to the juvenile being interrogated.
- Ensure the parent or guardian is present during the interrogation.
- Ensure a legal representative is present if requested by the juvenile’s parent or guardian.
- Interviews shall be conducted only for a reasonable length of time and officers shall document times the interview began, meals, breaks and the time of termination.
Fingerprinting and photographing juveniles…
- Only when an order is obtained through Greene County Juvenile Court granting permission to do so or when the juvenile has been taken into custody for an offense which would be considered a felony if committed by an adult.
-custody for an offense which would be considered a felony if committed by an adult.
-Juvi fingerprint card will contain a watermark containing the word “Juvenile” across the front.
– The juvenile shall sign the signature block. - The officer shall sign
- Both carbon copies containing the fingerprint card information will be released to the Greene County Juvenile Office.
- The completed fingerprint card will be forwarded to the Investigative
Services Unit for processing.
- When photographing a juvenile a departmental digital camera shall be utilized with …
a clean media card.
- The digital media card will be turned in to the Police Services Administrator
Traffic Violations for suspects 15 and over.
- they shall be treated in court as an adult traffic violator.
- released to parent or guardian as soon as practical.
- If a parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the Greene County Juvenile Office will be contacted for detention.
DWI for suspects 15 and over.
- authorized to administer chemical tests
- The adult Miranda Warning will be read to the juvenile prior to questioning (AIR Form).
- will not be released on their own while intoxicated.
- will be released to a parent or guardian or responsible adult.
- Officers shall take possession of any Missouri Driver’s License (same as an adult)
Juvi traffic warrants 15 and older…
- Juveniles with outstanding traffic warrants, which require the posting of bond, will be immediately transported to the station.
- A parent or guardian will be contacted for release.
- If unable to contact a parent or a guardian, Greene County Juvenile will be contacted for detention.
Traffic cases Juveniles Under Age Fifteen.
- Vehicle shall be towed unless the vehicle can be released to its legal owner.
- If crash report is to be completed, do not enter any information concerning criminal charges against the juvenile in the narrative section.
- may be released to parent, guardian or transported to station.
DWI cases Juveniles Under Age Fifteen.
- juvenile will be informed of their Constitutional rights as prescribed in the Miranda/McMillen warning.
- Prior to submitting to a chemical test…
- It is not mandatory.
- If the test indicated they were under the influence, the information can and will be used against them in a Juvenile court.
- It is not mandatory.
- a deputy juvenile officer must be notified before the juvenile is administered a chemical test to determine intoxication.
- -Complete AIR as normal.
- DOR Form 2839 will be completed even if the chemical test was not administered.
Missing and runaway juveniles…
- Reports will be taken on missing juveniles who were last seen in Springfield, but may not be Springfield residents.
- Reports will be taken on missing persons under the jurisdiction of Juvenile Court, regardless of their age.
- will be released to the custody of a parent/guardian or other responsible adult.
- If no charges or holds or warrants.
Capias warrants for juveniles…
- be taken to the Greene County Juvenile Justice Center.
- Complete report
- All juveniles apprehended on the authority of a Capias Warrant outside Greene County will be taken to the station for disposition.
- contact the Greene County Juvenile Justice Center for detention instruction.
- Copies of all reports will be sent to Greene County Juvenile.
- The officer must complete entry on the Juvenile Custody Log,