Joint Action Guide Flashcards
A trauma kit used by law enforcement officers to render aid for a single individual. Typically, these kits are kept on the passenger side head rest in NoVA cruisers.
Blow Out Kit
A location (or locations) where patients can be assembled for treatment and triage. Selected by police in high-threat events.
Casualty Collection Point (CCP)
Term used by law enforcement to indicate that an area does not have a clear threat
: Area where there is little to no threat present due to geographic distance from the
threat or the area has been secured by law enforcement.
Cold zone
A position which offers a hide from view but does not offer protection from
ballistic threats.
A person taken or held against their will by an assailant for the purpose of prolonging an ongoing attack, maximizing media coverage, and eventually being executed or dying from injuries sustained during the attack.
doomed captive
A systematic removal of non-injured people under law enforcement direction.
Groups of individuals assigned to remove patients.
Extraction Team
What is an extraction team comprised of?
a minimum of three individuals, one must be a law enforcement officer.
A location (i.e. CCP) protected by law enforcement, with no
known threats, that fire/EMS personnel may enter.
Hardened area/location
Any area where there is known hazard or direct and immediate threat. Only law enforcement teams shall operate here
Hot zone
Maintains access to the scene through an orderly positioning of units and avoids over convergence of units. Do not block access for later arriving units
Open Access route
A term used by law enforcement to describe the boundary lines of an event.
The barrier between hot and warm zone that serves to facilitate the
self-evacuation of witness and victims and to prevent escape of potential threats.
inner perimeter
The barrier between the warm and cold zone, secured by law
enforcement, to prevent access to all non-participants
outer perimeter
A pathway secured by law enforcement.
protected corridor
A police driven method whereby a CCP is established and secured by law enforcement within the structure or area of operations
protected island
Teams of fire/EMS and law enforcement who assemble for the
purpose of rapid patient treatment from within a warm zone.
Rescue Task Force (RTF)
The medical management of casualties under
hostile conditions, expecting limited equipment, limited patient assessment, and limited treatment until the patient is removed from the warm zone or the threat is eliminated.
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC):
A medical bag used by fire/EMS personnel to treat traumas in many scenarios.
A structure that brings together the Incident Commanders of all major organizations involved in the incident in order to coordinate an effective response, while at the same time carrying out their own jurisdictional responsibilities.
Unified Command
An assembly area where public safety personnel, with
required equipment, will be integrated and assigned for rapid deployment under the direction of Command
Unified Forward Deployment Area
Any area with a potential threat to safety or health.
Warm zone
an agreed upon phrase that tells the basic
approach to meeting the stated goal in a high threat incident
“Stop the killing and stop the dying”
the typical active shooting event in the United States lasts on average
between 12 and 13 minutes
The key elements of joint action are:
§ Rapid integration of representatives from public safety agencies.
§ Effective sharing of information.
§ Joint critical decision making
RTF teams will identify the deceased or critically injured within the
warm zone with the following markings
- Deceased: Black and white striped ribbon.
-Critically injured / priority for extraction: Orange and white striped ribbon.
Fire/EMS Command Checklist
-Announce staging location
o Avenues for approach
o Transportation corridor (or language consistent with MCIM)
-Establish Command
o Co-locate with Law Enforcement Command
-Joint personnel assembly area for formation/deployment
o RTF Group Supervisor/Manager
o Extraction
-Bring all equipment necessary for deployment, carrying patients,
-TECC bags
-Request additional resources based on available intelligence and communication
o EMS Task Force
o MCI Alarm
o Suppression/Special Operation Response
o Mutual Aid
-Activate Regional Hospital Coordinating Center (RHCC)
-Determine need for/location of CCP(s)
-Obtain and communicate hot, warm, and cold zones information
from law enforcement
-Ingress and egress plan for transport units
-Establish additional command positions
-Consider resources to address patients on periphery
-Refer to preplan if available
-Assist law enforcement with building access (Knox Box, building
system controls)
Considerations for CCP location
§ Proximity to evacuation assets.
§ Patient and provider flow.
§ Ability to search patients for weapons and other threats (such as IEDs) upon entry/exit.
§ Ensure proper and adequate personnel are available.
§ Ensure adequate medical and evacuation supplies are readily available.