Jewish Trivia - Law & Customs Flashcards
Does the Jewish day begin at night or in the morning?
At night
How many challahs should we have for each meal on Shabbat and holidays?
What does the word “Mitzvah” mean?
Commandment from G-d
Is the beracha (blessing) we make on matzah the same as the one we make on challah?
Yes (except at the seder)
Which prayer from the Torah is inside the Mezuzah?
What do we call the songs we sing at the Shabbat table?
When on Friday does the Sabbath begin?
At sundown
Name the daily morning service.
What do we call foods that contain neither meat nor milk products?
What do we call being called up to the Torah?
An Aliyah
What do we call a Shabbat party?
Oneg Shabbat
At Shabbat and holiday dinners, on what do we make the first beracha (blessing): the challah or the wine?
Wine (Kiddush)
What beracha (blessing) do we make on an apple?
…Boray p’ri ha’eytz (Who creates the fruit of the tree)
In which daily prayer are the verses written in order of the aleph-bet: Ashrei, Shema, Aleinu?
Besides Shabbat, on which weekdays is the Torah read in the synagogue?
On Mondays and Thursdays
The Five Books of Moses in Hebrew are called the _____ ?
Chumash or Torah
Which of these foods needs a label saying it is kosher: cauliflower, blueberries, hot dogs?
Hot dogs
What beracha (blessing) do we make on cereal, cookies, and cake?
…Boray minei metzonot (Who creates all types of nourishment)
During what prayer do we cover our eyes?
What do we call the fringes (strings) on a tallit?
As you walk into a room, on which doorpost will you find the Mezuzah?
On the right doorpost
Whom are we greeting when we sing “Shalom Aleichem” on Friday night?
The Shabbat Angels
Who washes the hands of the Kohanim (priests) before they bless the congregation?
The Levi’im (Levites)
What does the haroset (apple/nut/wine) mixture on the seder plate remind us of?
The mortar that the Jews used to build Egyptian cities when they were slaves.
How old is a baby boy when he has his Brit Milah?
Eight days
What do we answer when we hear a beracha (blessing)?
The Torah is written on parchment. True or false?
Which of these foods needs a label saying it is kosher: apples, cookies, potatoes?
Name the daily afternoon service.
What prayer do we say before we go to bed?
What do post Bar/Bat Mitzvah Jewish adults strap onto their heads and arms during morning prayers?
The mitzvah of “bikkur cholim” tells us to: visit the sick or return lost property?
Visit the sick
In the Havdalah ceremony, what is the order for the blessings over the spices, candle, and wine?
- Wine
- Spices
- Candle
How many post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah Jews does it take to make a minyan?
Name the bread we eat on Shabbat and holidays.
Which of the Ten Commandments tells us to keep the Sabbath day holy: first, fourth, sixth?
Name the evening prayer service.
Name the people who lead the congregation in prayer.
Rabbi and Hazzan (Cantor)
We count the Omer between which two holidays?
Pesach (Passover) and Shavuot (Pentecost)
Which prayer do we begin by taking three steps back, three steps forward and bowing?
Shemoneh Esrei (The Amidah)
The canopy under which the bride and groom stand when they get married is called a ______ .
In the Havdalah ceremony, the candle symbolized G-d’s creation of light. True or false?
What is a Beit Knesset?
Which beracha (blessing) do we say over most juices?
…Shehakol nihyeh bid’varo. (through whose word everything came into being)
The light over the Aron haKodesh is called the _____ .
Ner Tamid
On weekdays, how many times a day do we recite the Shemoneh Esrei (Amidah) prayer?
Name the Sabbath year for all fruits and vegetables grown in Israel.
What is the beracha (blessing) over the challah?
…HaMotzi lechem min ha’aretz (Who brings forth bread from the earth)
We wash our hands and make a beracha (blessing) of “al netillat yadayim” before eating: cake, bread meat?
Name the first book of the Torah (Bible.
Bereishit (Genesis)
Name the additional morning prayer service on Shabbat, holidays and Rosh Chodesh.
What is the High Holy Day prayer book called?
We announce the new Hebrew month on: Shabbat before the new month, Shabbat after the new month?
On the Shabbat before the new month
To what is the Shabbat compared to in the prayer Lecha Dodi: a bride or an angel?
A bride
Once the Jewish people were twelve tribes. How many were lost?
What color is the techelet color often referred to in the Torah, especially for tzitzit fringes?
How many days do we count the Omer: 46, 49, 52?
Forty-nine (49) days
Which is kosher: lobster or tuna?
What two kinds of food can be eaten separately, but not mixed together?
Milk and meat
At which two services is the Torah read on Shabbat?
Shacharit (morning) and Mincha (afternoon)
What two characteristics must an animal have in order to be kosher?
It must have a split hoof and chew its cud.
What do we call the pointer used when reading from the Torah?
A yad (miniature hand that points at the words to avoid touching the scroll with your hands)
When a rabbi, scholar or our parents enter the room, what do we do to show respect?
Stand up
Which prayer do we say silently, standing with our feet together?
The Shemoneh Esrei (Amidah)
Why do we have two challahs on Shabbat?
During our wandering in the desert, we received a double portion of manna before Shabbat.
On which wall int he synagogue is the Aron (Ark) usually placed: north, south, east, west?
The Eastern wall
What is the first prayer we say in the morning when we wake up?
Modeh Ani (for boys) or Modah Ani (for girls)
Why does a kosher kitchen have at least two sets of dishes?
One set for meat meals (fleishig) and the other for dairy meals (milchig)
What blessing do we say after a meal with bread?
Birkat HaMazon
How much of the Torah is read on a typical Shabbat: a book, a portion or a chapter?
A parashah (portion)
In which prayer do we read about the mitzvah of Tzitzit?
Shema (Vayomer)
What do we call the ceremony that we make at the end of Shabbat?
Towards what city do we face when we pray?
What beracha (blessing) do we make on wine?
…Boray p’ri hagafen. (Who creates the fruit of the vine)
Where are the Sifre Torah (Torah scrolls) kept?
In the Aron Kodesh (Holy ark)
How many minutes before sundown are Shabbat candles lit?
Eighteen (18)
How many meals do we eat on Shabbat?
Who usually lights the Shabbat candles?
The mother
Name the hot stew that cooks overnight on Shabbat that one might eat for Shabbat lunch.
Name the fifth book of the Torah.
Devarim (Deuteronomy)
What do we read following the Torah reading on Shabbat (from Nevi’im/Prophets)?
What is a Jewish prayer book called?
We greet the Shabbat with what prayer service?
Kabbalat Shabbat
What two things must a fish have to be kosher?
Fins and scales
To what royal person is the Shabbat compared?
A queen
What does a groom break at the end of the wedding ceremony?
A glass
Which prayer do we recite when we wash our hands?
…Al netilat yadayim (Who has commanded us to wash our hands)
When do we say “Modeh Ani”?
First thing in the morning upon waking up
On what do we make the beracha (blessing) of “lehadlik ner shel Shabbat”?
On Shabbat candles
When do we recite the Kiddush?
The evening and afternoon meals of Shabbat and holidays
At what age may a Jew begin to wear tefillin?
13 for boys and 12 for girls
What do we call the seventh day of the week?
How many berachot (blessings) are there in the daily Amidah?
Nineteen (19)
What beracha (blessing) do we say when we eat a new fruit or wear a new garment?
What beracha (blessing) do we make on french fries?
…Boray p’ri ha’adamah (Who creates the fruit of the earth)
In the synagogue, do we read The Torah on the shulchan (table) or the amud (stand)?
On the shulchan (table)
How many times do we bow down during Shemoneh Esreh (Amidah)?
In which prayer do we speak of loving G-d with all our heart, soul and might?
What prayer is recited three times a day?
Shemoneh Esrei (Amidah)
How many berachot (blessings) are said in honor of a bride and groom?
Seven Blessings (Sheva Berachot)
What ceremony is held when a baby boy is eight days old?
Brit Milah (circumcision)
What prophet comes to each Brit Milah (circumcision) to heal the baby?
Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet)
What beracha (blessing) do we say upon seeing a rainbow?
…Zocher habrit (Who remembers the covenant)
Which kosher animal does not have to be slaughtered before it is eaten?
What ceremony do we perform when a first-born son is thirty days old?
Pidyon HaBen
What blessing do we say once a month?
Kiddush Levanah (Sanctification of the Moon)
What prayer is said when taking a trip?
Tefillat HaDerech
During which ceremony do we use a candle with more than one wick?
Havdalah (Conclusion of the Shabbat)
What two materials when sewn together are called shatnez and may not be worn?
Linen and wool
How many blessings should one say every day?