Genesis 15-24 Quiz Flashcards
When telling Abram to not be afraid what did the Lord say he was? (15:1)
Abram’s shield and great reward
Who was to inherit Abram’s estate while Abram was childless? (15:2)
Eliezer of Damascus
When Abram said his servant would be his heir who did the Lord say would be Abram’s heir? (15:4)
A son from his own body
When the Lord told Abram an heir would come from his body what did God compare Abram’s descendants? (15:5)
Stars of the heaven
Since Abram believed the Lord what was it credited to him as? (15:6)
When Abram asked the Lord how he could know he would inherit the land what did the Lord tell Abram to bring? (15:9)
A heifer goat and ram and A dove and young pigeon
After Abram cut a ram heifer and goat in half what came down on the carcasses? (15:11)
Birds of prey
When Abram asked the Lord how he knew he would inherit the land what happened as the sun was setting? (15:12)
Abram fell into a deep sleep
How long did the Lord say Abram’s descendants would be enslaved and mistreated? (15:13)
Four hundred years
What would happen to the nation that enslaved Abram’s descendants? (15:14)
They would be punished
Whose sin had not reached its full measure so that the Lord told Abram that his fourth generation would return? (15:16)
The Amorites
When the Lord made a covenant with Abram what passed between the pieces of the animals Abram had cut in half? (15:17)
A smoking firepot with a blazing torch
The Lord promised Abram that his descendants would be given the land from where to where? (15:18)
The river of Egypt to the Euphrates
What was the name of Sarai’s maidservant? (16:1)
What nationality was Hagar? (16:1)
How long had Abram been in Canaan when Sarai gave him Hagar? (16:3)
10 years
Sarai gave Hagar to Abram to be Abram’s what? (16:3)
When Hagar knew she was pregnant how did she treat Sarai? (16:4)
She despised her
Why did Hagar flee from Sarai? (16:6)
Sarai mistreated her
When Hagar fled from Sarai where did the angel of the Lord find her? (16:7)
Near a spring in the desert
When an angel asked Hagar where she had come from and where she was going what did she respond? (16:8)
I’m running away from my mistress
When Hagar fled from Sarai what did an angel tell her to do? (16:9)
Return and submit
Why did an angel say Hagar should name her son Ishmael? (16:10)
The Lord heard her misery
What animal did an angel say Ishmael would be like? (16:11)
A wild donkey
Who did an angel say would live in hostility towards his brothers? (16:12)
What name did Hagar give the Lord? (16:13)
You are the God who sees me
What is the place called where Hagar met an angel when she ran away from Sarai? (16:14)
Beer Lahai Roi
What was Hagar’s son’s name? (16:15)
How old was Abram when Ishmael was born? (16:16)
86 years
How old was Abram when God made the covenant of circumcision with him? (17:1)
99 years old
When Abram was 99 what did God say his covenant with Abram was? (17:4)
Abram would be the father of many nations
What was Abram’s name changed to? (17:5)
How long did God say his covenant of circumcision would last with Abraham? (17:7)
When the Lord renewed his covenant with Abram when he was 99 what did the Lord say Abram must do? (17:10)
Circumcise every male
What was the sign of the covenant between Abraham’s descendants and the Lord? (17:11)
At what age did the Lord tell Abraham all males among him must be circumcised? (17:12)
8 days
What did God say would happen to any uncircumcised male? (17:14)
He would be cut of from his people
What was Sarai’s name changed to? (17:15)
When the Lord told Abraham that Sarah would have a child what did she do? (17:17)
Who did Abraham ask God to let live under his covenant? (17:18)
What did God say Abraham would call his son? (17:19)
Which of Abraham’s sons did God say he would establish his covenant with? (17:21)
How old was Abraham when he was circumcised? (17:24)
99 years old
How old was Ishmael when he was circumcised? (17:25)
13 years
At what time of day did Abraham see three men standing nearby? (18:1)
The heat of the day
How many men came to Abraham after he had circumcised all males in his household? (18:2)
What did Abraham ask three men to do if he had found favor in their eyes? (18:3)
Not pass him by
What did Abraham say the three men could do with the little water he would have brought to him by them? (18:4)
Wash their feet
What did the three men say when Abraham offered them food water and rest? (18:5)
Very well
How much flour did Abraham tell Sarah to use to make bread for the three visitors? (18:6)
Three seah
What did Abraham set before the three visitors? (18:8)
A calf that had been prepared curds and milk
What did the three men ask Abraham as they ate? (18:9)
Where is Sarah?
When three men came to visit Abraham what did the Lord say Sarah would have when he returned in a year? (18:10)
A son
Where was Sarah when the Lord told Abraham that in a year Sarah would have a son? (18:10)
At the entrance to the tent
What did Sarah do when she heard she would have a child in her old age? (18:12)
Laughed to herself
When Sarah laughed at having a child in her old age what did the Lord ask? (18:14)
Is anything too hard for the Lord
Why did Sarah lie about laughing about bearing a child in her old age? (18:15)
She was afraid
What cities did the Lord say the outcry against them was so great that he was going to see if they had done as the outcry? (18:20)
Sodom and Gomorrah
Abraham originally asked the Lord if there were how many righteous if God would destroy the city? (18:24)
What was the final number of righteous people in Sodom that would save the city from destruction? (18:32)
Where did Lot meet the angels when they came to Sodom? (19:1)
At the gateway of the city
How many angels did Lot meet in Sodom? (19:1)
Where did the angels tell Lot that they would spend the night? (19:2)
In the square
Why did the angels go to Lot’s house? (19:3)
Lot insisted so strongly
What did Lot feed the angels that came to Sodom? (19:3)
Bread without yeast
How many daughters did Lot have? (19:8)
How did Lot escape from the men trying to break down his door? (19:10)
The two angels pulled him inside
What did two angels tell Lot to do? (19:12)
Get all that belonged to him out of Sodom
Who did the angels say would destroy Sodom? (19:13)
They would
When Lot was told to get his family out of Sodom who did Lot go out to speak to? (19:14)
His sons in law
Why did Lot’s son-in-laws not flee Sodom with Lot and his family? (19:14)
They thought he was joking
Why did Lot and his family escape the punishment of Sodom? (19:16)
The Lord was merciful to them
Where did the angels tell Lot to flee to? (19:17)
The mountains
Why did Lot not wish to flee to the mountains when escaping Sodom? (19:18)
The disaster would overtake him
Where did Lot flee to to escape Sodom’s destruction? (19:22)
How did the Lord destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? (19:24)
He rained burning sulfur on them
What happened when Lot’s wife looked back? (19:26)
She turned to salt
What was Lot and his family told not to do? (19:27)
Look back or stop anywhere in the plains
When Abraham got up early the morning after God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah what did he see? (19:28)
Dense smoke like from a furnace
Where did Lot settle after Sodom was destroyed? (19:30)
The mountains
Why did Lot not stay in Zoar? (19:30)
He was afraid
Who is the father of the Ammonites? (19:38)
In Gerar what did Abraham say of his wife? (20:2)
She is my sister
How did Abimelech learn that Sarah was Abraham’s wife? (20:3)
God told him in a dream
What did God tell Abimelech would happen because of his taking Sarah? (20:3)
He would die
Abimelech defended taking Sarah by saying that he had done it how? (20:5)
With a clear conscience
Why did God keep Abimelech from touching Sarah? (20:6)
He acted with a clear conscience
What did God say would happen when Abimelech returned Sarah to Abraham? (20:7)
Abraham would pray and Abimelech would live
The morning after God told Abimelech to return Sarah who did Abimelech summon and tell all that happened to? (20:8)
His officials
What did Abimelech say Abraham had done to him? (20:9)
Things that should not have been done
What did Abraham tell Abimelech that he thought was not in Gerar? (20:11)
Fear of God
How was Abraham related to Sarah? (20:12)
Siblings by their father
When Abimelech returned Sarah to Abraham what did he give Abraham? (20:14)
Sheep cattle and slaves
How much did Abimelech give Abraham to cover the offense against Sarah? (20:16)
1000 shekel of silver
What did Abraham do after Abimelech returned Sarah? (20:17))
What did Abraham name the son Sarah bore him? (21:3)
When did Abraham circumcise Isaac? (21:4)
When he was 8 days old
How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? (21:5)
100 years old
When Isaac was born what did Sarah say God had brought her? (21:6)
What did Abraham do on the day Isaac was weaned? (21:8)
Held a great feast
When Abraham threw a great feast because Isaac was weaned who did Sarah see was mocking? (21:9)
Hagar’s son
Why did sending Hagar and her son away distress Abraham? (21:11)
It concerned his son
What did God tell Abraham that he would do with Ishmael? (21:13)
Make him a nation
What did Abraham give Hagar when he sent her away? (21:14)
Some food and a skin of water
When Hagar was sent away where did she wander? (21:14)
Desert of Beersheba
When the water was gone what did Hagar do to her son when she was sent away? (21:15)
Put him under a bush
When the water ran out how far away did Hagar go from her son so she wouldn’t see him die? (21:16)
A bow shot
Why did Hagar put her son under a bush then sat down about a bow-shot away? (21:16)
So she didn’t watch her son die
When God heard Hagar’s son crying who called to Hagar? (21:17)
The angel of God
When Hagar was told her son would be a great nation what did Hagar see when God opened her eyes? (21:19)
A well
What did Ishmael become? (21:20)
An archer
Where did Ishmael get a wife? (21:21)
From Egypt
After Isaac was born who came to make a treaty with Abraham? (21:22)
What did Abimelech ask Abraham to swear? (21:23)
To not deal with him or his children falsely
When Abraham and Abimelech made a treaty what did Abraham give to Abimelech? (21:27)
Sheep and cattle
Why did Abraham give Abimelech seven ewe lambs? (21:30)
As witness that he dug the well
What was the place called where Abraham and Abimelech swore an oath? (21:31)
What did Abraham plant in Beersheba? (21:33)
A tamarisk tree
How did God test Abraham? (22:2)
Asking him to sacrifice his son
Where did God tell Abraham to take his son to sacrifice him? (22:2)
Region of Moriah
How many servants did Abraham take with him when he set out to sacrifice Isaac? (22:3)
How much wood did Abraham bring with him when he set out to sacrifice Isaac? (22:3)
Enough for the burnt offering
How long did Abraham travel before he saw the place to sacrifice Isaac in the distance? (22:4)
Three days
Who did Abraham leave with the donkey when he went to sacrifice Isaac? (22:5)
The servants
What did Abraham have Isaac carry when God tested Abraham? (22:6)
The wood
What did Abraham carry when he went to sacrifice his son? (22:6)
The fire and knife
What did Isaac notice was missing as he and Abraham went to sacrifice to the Lord? (22:7)
The lamb
How did an angel stop Abraham from slaying Isaac? (22:11)
Calling to him
When the angel commanded Abraham not to harm Isaac what did the angel say he knew? (22:12)
Abraham feared God
When Abraham and Isaac reached the place God told Abraham about what did Abraham do to Isaac? (22:9)
Bound him and laid him on the altar
What did Abraham sacrifice instead of his son? (22:13)
A ram
When the angel stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son where did Abraham get a ram to sacrifice? (22:13)
One was caught in the thicket
What did Abraham call the place where the angel stopped him from sacrificing his son? (22:14)
The Lord will Provide
What did the Lord swear he would do because Abraham had not withheld his son? (22:17)
Bless him
How old was Sarah when she died? (23:1)
127 years
When Sarah died who did Abraham ask to sell him some land? (23:3)
The Hittites
When Abraham asked to buy land to bury Sarah what did the Hittites say? (23:6)
He could bury his dead in any of their tombs
Who did Abraham ask the Hittites to intercede with so he could bury Sarah? (23:8)
Where did Abraham want to bury Sarah? (23:9)
At the cave of Machpelah
When Abraham asked to buy the cave of Machpelah from Ephron what did Ephron respond? (23:11)
I give you the field
How much did Abraham pay for the land to bury Sarah? (23:16)
400 shekels of silver
Where did Abraham bury Sarah? (23:19)
The cave of Machpelah near Mamre
Who did Abraham make swear to him that he would get a wife from among Abraham’s relatives for his son? (24:2)
The chief servant in his household
Where did Abraham not want Isaac to get a wife from? (24:3)
The Canaanites
What did Abraham say the Lord would send before his servant when he went to find Isaac a wife? (24:7)
His angel
If the woman the servant found to be Isaac’s wife was unwilling to return with the servant what did Abraham say would happen? (24:8)
He’d be released from his oath
When the servant went to get Isaac a wife how many camels did the servant take with him? (24:10)
What time was it that the servant looking for a wife for Isaac arrived at the well outside of Nahor? (24:11)
The time women go out to draw water
What sign did Abraham’s servant ask for to know which woman was to be Isaac’s wife? (24:14
She would offer him a drink and offer to water his camels
What was Abraham’s servant doing when Rebekah came out to get water? (24:15)
What did Rebekah reply when Abraham’s servant asked her for water? (24:18)
Drink, my lord
What did the servant do while Rebekah watered his camels? (24:21)
Watched her closely
After the camels finished drinking what did the servant take out to give to Rebekah? (24:22)
A gold nose ring and 2 gold bracelets
How much did the gold nose ring weigh that Abraham’s servant gave Rebekah? (24:22)
A beka
How much did the gold bracelets weigh that Abraham’s servant gave Rebekah? (24:22
Ten shekels
After giving Rebekah jewelry what did Abraham’s servant ask about Rebekah’s father’s house? (24:23)
Room for him to spend the night
When Abraham’s servant asked about a place to stay what did Rebekah say her family had plenty of? (24:25)
Room and Straw and fodder
What did Abraham’s servant do when Rebekah said who she was? (24:26)
Bowed down and worshiped the Lord
Who was Rebekah’s brother? (24:29)
What did Laban do after he saw the jewelry Rebekah wore? (24:30)
Went out to the servant
What did Abraham’s servant refuse to do until he told Rebekah’s family all he had to say? (24:33)
When talking to Laban what did Abraham’s servant say the Lord had done to his master? (24:35)
Blessed him abundantly
How was Rebekah related to Abraham? (24:48)
Granddaughter of his brother
After explaining to Laban what had happened what did Abraham’s servant ask Laban to do? (24:49)
Tell him so he knew which way to turn
When Abraham’s servant had explained all that had happened to Rebekah’s family what did Laban and Bethuel tell him to do? (24:51)
To take Rebekah and go
When Abraham’s servant heard that he could take Rebekah and go who did he bow before? (24:52)
The Lord
Who did Abraham’s servant give costly gifts to when he was told Rebekah could return with him? (24:53)
Her brother and mother
What did Abraham’s servant give Rebekah when he was told she could return with him? (24:53)
Gold and silver jewelry and articles of clothing
When did Abraham’s servant want to leave with Rebekah? (24:56)
How long did Rebekah’s mother and brother want Rebekah to wait before she went with Abraham’s servant? (24:55)
Ten days
How did Abraham’s servant and Rebekah’s family decide when she would leave with Abraham’s servant? (24:57)
They asked Rebekah what she wanted to do
Who went with Rebekah to Abraham’s household? (24:59)
Her nurse
What did Rebekah’s family do just before Abraham’s servant took her away? (24:60)
Blessed her
What was Isaac doing when Abraham’s servant returned with Rebekah? (24:63)
What did Rebekah do when Abraham’s servant identified Isaac for her? (24:65)
Put on her veil
Whose tent did Isaac take Rebekah into? (24:67)
His mother’s