Genesis 25-37 Quiz Flashcards
After Sarah died who did Abraham take as a wife? (25:1)
Who did Abraham leave all he owned to? (25:5)
How old was Abraham when he died? (25:7)
175 years
Who buried Abraham? (25:9)
Isaac and Ishmael
Where was Abraham buried? (25:9)
The cave of Machpelah near Mamre
How old was Isaac when he married Rebekah? (25:20)
40 years old
Why did Isaac pray to the Lord on behalf of his wife? (25:21)
She was barren
When Rebekah became pregnant what did the Lord say was in her womb? (25:23)
Two nations
Who gave birth to twins? (25:24)
How was Esau described when he was born? (25:25)
Red and hairy
How did Jacob come of of the womb? (25:26)
Grasping his brother’s heel
How old was Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born? (25:26)
60 years
When Esau grew up what did Esau become? (25:27)
A skillful hunter
Which of his sons did Isaac love? (25:28)
Which of his sons did Rebekah love? (25:28)
What was Jacob cooking when Esau came in from the field famished? (25:29)
What was Esau also known as? (25:30)
What did Jacob ask for in exchange for his stew? (25:31)
Esau’s birthright
Why was Esau willing to sell his birthright? (25:32)
He was about to die
After buying Esau’s birthright what did Jacob serve Esau to eat? (25:34)
Bread and lentil stew
When a famine was in the land in Isaac’s day who did Isaac go to? (26:1)
Abimelech, king of the Philistines
When a famine came on the land where did God tell Isaac not to go? (26:2)
When the Lord gave Isaac the blessing he gave Abraham what did he say Isaac’s descendants would be like? (26:4)
Stars of the sky
When a famine came on the land where did Isaac stay? (26:6)
When the men of Gerar asked Isaac about his wife what did Isaac say? (26:7)
She is my sister
Who lied to Abimelech and said their wife was their sister? (26:7)
Abraham and Isaac
When Isaac planted crops during the famine how much did he reap? (26:12)
A hundredfold
Isaac had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines did what? (26:14)
Envied him
Who stopped up all the wells Abraham’s servants dug? (26:15)
The Philistines
Why did Abimelech say he wanted Isaac to leave? (26:16)
Isaac had become too powerful
What did Isaac name the wells that he reopened that were dug in the days of Abraham? (26:18)
The same names his father had given them
How many wells did Isaac’s servants dig that the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled over? (26:21)
When Isaac’s servants dug a well that no one quarreled over what did Isaac name the well? (26:22)
Who was Abimelech’s personal adviser? (26:26)
Who was the commander of Abimelech’s forces? (26:26)
What did Abimelech his adviser and his commander of forces want to do when they came to Isaac? (26:28)
Make a treaty
What happened the day Isaac made a treaty with Abimelech? (26:32)
His servants found water
How old was Esau when he took two Hittite wives? (26:34)
40 years old
What were Esau’s wives a source of for Isaac and Rebekah? (26:35)
When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak he couldn’t see who did he call for? (27:1)
When Isaac got old what did he ask Esau to do? (27:3)
Hunt him some wild game
What did Isaac ask Esau to bring him so that he could bless Esau? (27:4)
Tasty food
Who overheard when Isaac asked Esau to hunt and bring him food? (27:5)
When Isaac asked Esau to bring him some tasty food what did Rebekah ask Jacob to get? (27:9)
Two choice young goats
When Rebekah told Jacob to take Isaac’s blessing what problem did he notice with the plan? (27:11)
Esau was hairy, Jacob was not
What did Jacob say Isaac would do if he found it was Jacob and not Esau who came for his blessing? (27:12)
Bring down a curse
What clothes did Rebekah have Jacob wear when he went to get Isaac’s blessing? (27:15)
Esau’s best clothes
When dressing Jacob like Esau what did Rebekah use to make Jacob hairy? (27:16)
What did Rebekah put goatskins on to make Jacob seem like Esau? (27:16)
His hands and neck
When Jacob came to Isaac to get the blessing who did Jacob say he was? (27:19)
When Jacob brought Isaac food what did Isaac want to know? (27:20)
How he found it so quickly
When Jacob pretended to be Esau what did Isaac want to do to make sure he was Esau? (27:21)
Touch him
When Jacob came to Isaac as Esau what did Isaac identify about him that was Jacob? (27:22)
His voice
When Jacob came to Isaac as Esau what did Isaac identify about him that was Esau? (27:22)
His hands
After Isaac ate the food Jacob brought him what did he ask Jacob to do? (27:26)
Come and kiss him
When Jacob came to Isaac as Esau what did Isaac smell when Jacob kissed him? (27:27)
The smell of his clothes
When Isaac blessed Jacob hat did he say the smell of his son was like? (27:27)
The field
What did Isaac bless Jacob to have happen? (27:28
God would give him an abundance of grain and new wine
What did Isaac bless Jacob to have happen? (27:29
Nations would serve him and peoples bow down to him
When did Esau return from hunting so he could get Isaac’s blessing? (27:30
Just after Jacob left Isaac
When Esau brought Isaac food after Isaac had already blessed Jacob how did Isaac react? (27:33
He trembled violently
When Esau learned that Isaac had blessed Jacob what did he do? (27:34
He burst out with a loud and bitter cry
How many times did Esau say Jacob had deceived him? (27:36
When Esau asked for a blessing what did Isaac say he blessed Jacob about? (27:37
To make him lord over Esau and his relatives
Isaac blessed Esau and said Esau’s dwelling would be where? (27:38
Away from the earth’s richness
In his blessing to Esau what did Isaac say Esau would do? (27:40
Throw Jacob’s yoke from his neck
When did Esau plan to kill Jacob? (27:41
After the days of mourning for Isaac
What did Rebekah tell Jacob to do when she heard Esau was planning to kill him? (27:43
Flee to her brother Laban
When did Rebekah say she would send word for Jacob to return? (27:45
When Esau was no longer angry
Rebekah told Isaac she was disgusted with living because of what? (27:46
Hittite women
What did Rebekah tell Isaac would make her life not worth living? (27:46
Jacob marrying a Hittite woman
Who did Isaac command Jacob not to marry? (28:1
Any Canaanite woman
Where did Isaac tell Jacob to find a wife? (28:2
Among Laban’s daughters
When Isaac blessed Jacob before he left to go to Laban what blessing did he ask the Lord to bestow? (28:4
When Esau learned how displeasing Canaanite women were to Isaac what did he do? (28:9
Married a daughter of Ishmael
What was Jacob using as a pillow when he dreamed at Bethel? (28:11
A stone
Jacob had a dream in which he saw what stretching from Earth to heaven? (28:12
A stairway
In Jacob’s dream what did he see on the stairway reaching to heaven? (28:12
Angels ascending and descending
What was above the stairway in Jacob’s dream? (28:13
The Lord
What did the Lord tell Jacob his descendants would be like? (28:14
Dust of the earth
When Jacob awoke from his dream of the stairway what did Jacob say the place was? (28:17
Gate of heaven and House of God
What did Jacob call the place he had the dream of a stairway to heaven? (28:19
What was the city called that Jacob renamed Bethel? (28:19
If God took care of him and he returned safely home what did Jacob say he would give God? (28:22
A tenth
After Jacob had his dream at Bethel whose land did he come to? (29:1
The eastern peoples
As Jacob fled from Esau how many flocks did he see lying around a well in a field? (29:2
What was Rachel’s profession? (29:9
Who rolled away the stone so the sheep could drink when Rachel came to the well? (29:10
When Jacob met Rachel what did he do to her? (29:11
Kissed her
When Rachel found out Jacob was Rebekah’s son what did she do? (29:12
Ran home and told her father
What did Laban do when he met Jacob? (29:13
Embrace him and brought him home and Kissed him
How long did Jacob stay with Laban before Laban asked what Jacob’s wage should be? (29:14
One month
Who was Laban’s oldest daughter? (29:16
What was wrong with Leah? (29:17
Weak eyes
What wage did Jacob ask Laban for originally? (29:18
How long was Jacob originally to serve for Rachel? (29:18
Seven years
What did the seven years working for Rachel seem like to Jacob? (29:20
When Jacob had served seven years for Laban who did Laban bring to Jacob as his wife? (29:23
Who was Leah’s maidservant? (29:24
When did Jacob discover he had married Leah? (29:25
The morning after
Why did Laban say he had given Jacob Leah instead of Rachel? (29:26
Custom said the oldest must marry first
How long was Jacob to work for Rachel after Leah became his wife? (29:27
Seven more years
How long after marrying Leah did Jacob have to wait before he married Rachel? (29:28
One week
Who was Rachel’s maidservant? (29:29
Why did the Lord open Leah’s womb? (29:31
Because she was not loved
Who was Jacob’s oldest son? (29:32
Why did Leah name her firstborn Reuben? (29:32
God had seen her misery
What was the name of Leah’s second son? (29:33
Why did Leah name her second son Simeon? (29:33
God heard she wasn’t loved
What was the name of Leah’s third son? (29:34
Why did Leah name a son Levi? (29:34
Her husband would be attached to her
What did Leah name her fourth son? (29:35
Why did Leah name her son Judah? (29:35
She would praise the Lord
How did Rachel react when she saw her sister bear children but she did not? (30:1
She was jealous
What did Rachel say would happen if Jacob didn’t give her children? (30:1
She’d die
What was Rachel’s solution when she saw she wasn’t bearing children? (30:3
Gave Jacob Bilhah
What was Bilhah’s first son’s name? (30:6
Why did Rachel name Bilhah’s firstborn Dan? (30:6
God had vindicated her
What was Bilhah’s second son’s name? (30:8
Why did Rachel name Bilhah’s second son Naphtali? (30:8
She had a great struggle with her sister
What did Leah do when she realized she had stopped having children? (30:9
Gave Jacob Zilpah
What was the name of Zilpah’s firstborn? (30:11
Why did Leah name Zilpah’s first child Gad? (30:11
Because of her good fortune
What was Zilpah’s second son’s name? (30:13
Why did Leah name Zilpah’s second son Asher? (30:13
She was happy
Who found some mandrake and brought it to his mother? (30:14
What did Rachel give Leah in exchange for mandrake? (30:15
The right to sleep with Jacob that night
Why did Leah say she had bore a fifth son? (30:18
God rewarded her for giving her maidservant to Jacob
What was Leah’s fifth son’s name? (30:18
How many sons did Bilhah have? (30:8
How many sons did Zilpah have? (30:11
How many sons did Leah have? (30:19
What did Leah name her sixth son? (30:20
What was Leah’s daughter’s name? (30:21
Why did Rachel name her firstborn Joseph? (30:23
God took away her disgrace
What was the name of Rachel’s firstborn? (30:24
After Rachel gave birth to Joseph what did Jacob ask Laban to do? (30:25
Send him on his way
How did Laban say he had learned that he was blessed because of Jacob? (30:27
By divination
After serving for Rachel and Leah what wage did Jacob say he would work for? (30:32
All speckled and spotted sheep and goats and dark colored lambs
Who did Jacob put in charge of his flocks when he took his wage from Laban? (30:35
His sons
When Jacob received his wage from Laban how far a journey did he put between himself and Laban? (30:36
Three days
Why type of wood did Jacob put in the water troughs of the flocks? (30:37
Poplar and plane and Almond
What happened when the flocks mated in front of the branches Jacob peeled? (30:39
They bore young that were streaked, speckled or spotted
When which animals were in heat did Jacob place branches in the trough? (30:41
Stronger females
As Jacob tended the flocks what animals went to Laban? (30:42
The weak
What did Laban’s sons say Jacob had done? (31:1
Taken everything their father owned
When Jacob noticed Laban’s attitude towards hm had changed where did the Lord tell him to go? (31:3
Back to the land of his fathers
How many times did Jacob say Laban had changed his wages? (31:7
Ten times
How did Jacob say he had ended up with Laban’s flocks? (31:9
God had given them to him
What was true of the male goats in the dream Jacob had during breeding season? (31:10
They were all streaked, spotted and speckled
When Jacob told Rachel and Leah of his plans to leave Laban what did they say Laban treated them as? (31:15
What did Jacob do with his children and wives when he left Laban? (31:17
Put them on camels
What did Rachel steal from Laban? (31:19
His household gods
How long after Jacob left did Laban find out that Jacob had fled? (31:22
Three days
How long did Laban pursue Jacob? (31:23
Seven days
When Laban caught up with Jacob what did God warn Laban not to do? (31:24
Say anything to Jacob either good or bad
Where did Laban catch up to Jacob? (31:25
Hill country of Gilead
If Jacob told Laban he was leaving what did Laban say Jacob would have left with? (31:27
Joy and singing and Music of harps and tambourines
After Laban caught up with Jacob what did he tell Jacob he had the power to do? (31:29
Harm Jacob
What did Laban accuse Jacob of stealing? (31:30
His gods
If Laban found his gods with anyone with Jacob what did Jacob say would happen to the person? (31:32
They would die
Where did Rachel hide Laban’s household gods that she stole? (31:34
In her camel’s saddle bag
When Laban could not find his idols among Jacob’s people how did Jacob react? (31:36
How long did Jacob say he had been with Laban? (31:38
Twenty years
How did Jacob say every loss of Laban was dealt with? (31:39
Jacob bore the loss
How long did Jacob say he worked for Laban’s daughters? (31:41
Fourteen years
How long did Jacob say he worked for Laban’s flocks? (31:41
Six years
What did Jacob call the heap that was setup when he and Laban made a covenant? (31:47
What did Laban say was a witness between him and Jacob? (31:48
A heap of rocks
What did Laban say Jacob could not go past to harm him or the other way around? (31:52
The pillar and heap
The morning after making a covenant with Jacob what did Laban do before leaving? (31:55
Kiss his grandchildren and daughters and blessed them
After leaving Laban who met Jacob? (32:1
Angels of God
When Jacob saw the angels of God after leaving Laban what did he name the place? (32:2
After leaving Laban what did Jacob send messengers to tell Esau? (32:4
He’d been staying at Laban’s and He had donkeys, sheep and goats
When Esau received Jacob’s message saying that Jacob had been with Laban what did Esau do? (32:6
Come to meet him
How many men did Esau bring to meet Jacob? (32:6
When Jacob heard Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men what did Jacob do? (32:7
Divided the people and flock and herds into two groups
Why did Jacob divide into two groups? (32:8
So if Esau attacked, one group would escape
When Jacob heard Esau was coming Jacob prayed and said he had become what? (32:10
Two groups
When Jacob heard Esau was coming what did he ask God to do? (32:11
Save him
How many female goats did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:14
How many male goats did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:14
How many ewes did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:14
How many rams did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:14
How many female camels with their young did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:15
How many cows did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:15
How many bulls did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:15
How many female donkeys did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:15
How many male donkeys did Jacob send Esau as a gift? (32:15
What were the servants told to tell Esau when he asked who the flocks belonged to? (32:18
They are a gift sent to Esau and Jacob is coming behind
What did Jacob hope to do by sending gifts to Esau? (32:20
Pacify him
What did Jacob spend the night doing before meeting Esau doing? (32:24
Wrestling with a man
When the man Jacob wrestled with realized that he could not overpower Jacob what did he do? (32:25
Touched the socket of Jacob’s hip
Why the man Jacob wrestled with want Jacob to let him go? (32:26
It was daybreak
What did the man Jacob wrestled with say Jacob’s name was? (32:28
When Jacob asked the man he wrestled with what his name was what was Jacob told? (32:29
Why do you ask my name?
What did Jacob call the place where he wrestled all night? (32:30
What do the Israelites not eat because of Jacob’s wrestling experience? (32:32
The tendon attached to the hip
When Jacob saw Esau and his 400 men coming what did Jacob do? (33:1
Divided his children among their mothers
When going to meet Esau who did Jacob put in the back with her children? (33:2
When meeting Esau how many times did Jacob bow as he approached? (33:3
Seven times
When Jacob returned to Esau what did Esau do when he saw Jacob? (33:4
Ran to him
Upon returning to Esau what did Jacob treat Esau like? (33:5
His master
When Jacob told Esau the droves Esau met were to find favor in Esau’s eyes why did Esau tell Jacob to keep them? (33:9
He had plenty
Jacob told Esau that seeing Esau’s face was like seeing whose face? (33:10
Why did Esau accept the gift Jacob sent him? (33:11
Because Jacob insisted
What reason did Jacob give for not wanting to travel with Esau? (33:13
The children and ewes and cows would make it slow going
Where did Jacob say he would come to Esau at? (33:14
What did Esau offer Jacob when Jacob said Esau should go ahead? (33:15
Some of his men
After meeting Esau where did Jacob settle? (33:17
How much did Jacob pay for a plot of ground that he bought from Hamor? (33:19
A hundred pieces of silver
What did Jacob call the altar he set up on the plot of ground he bought from Hamor? (33:20
El Elohe Israel
Who did Shechem tell to get him Dinah as his wife? (34:4
His father, Hamor
What did Hamor ask of Jacob? (34:9
To intermarry with his people
If Jacob let his daughter marry Shechem what did Hamor say he could do? (34:10
Live and trade in the land
What did Shechem say he was willing to give Jacob and his sons for Dinah? (34:12
Whatever they asked
Who killed all the men in the city where Hamor and Shechem lived? (34:25
Simeon and Levi
Who did Simeon and Levi kill in the city where Hamor and Shechem had lived? (34:25
Every male
After Simeon and Levi killed all the men of a city who did Jacob say they had made him a stench to? (34:30
The Canaanites and The Perizzites
When God told Jacob to go to Bethel and settle there what did Jacob tell his household to do? (35:2
Purify themselves and get rid of foreign gods and Change their clothes
Where did Jacob bury all of his households’ foreign gods? (35:4
Under the oak at Shechem
As Jacob took his household to Bethel why did no one pursue him? (35:5
The terror of God fell upon the towns all around
Who was Rebekah’s nurse? (35:8
What did God change Jacob’s name to? (35:10
When God blessed Jacob and changed his name what did Jacob set up? (35:14
A stone pillar
What did Jacob pour on the stone pillar he set up after God blessed him? (35:14
A drink offering and Oil
What did Rachel name the son she died giving birth to? (35:18
What did Jacob name his youngest son? (35:18
Where did Rachel die and get buried? (35:19
On the way to Ephrath
What did Jacob put at Rachel’s tomb? (35:20
A pillar
How many sons did Jacob have? (35:22
How old was Isaac when he died? (35:28
180 years
Who buried Isaac? (35:29
Jacob and Esau
Why did Esau move some distance from Jacob? (36:7
Their possessions were too great for the land
Where did Esau settle after he and Jacob reconciled? (36:8
Hill country of Seir
How old was Joseph when he brought his father a bad report about his brothers? (37:2
Which son did Israel love the most? (37:3
What did Jacob give Joseph? (37:3
A richly ornamented robe
How did Joseph’s brothers feel towards Joseph? (37:4
Joseph told his brother of a dream that there were binding what? (37:7
Sheaves of grain
What did Joseph’s brothers think Joseph’s dream about the sheaves of grain meant? (37:8
He would reign over them
In his second dream what did Joseph see bowing to him? (37:9
Sun and moon and eleven stars
How did Israel react to Joseph’s dreams? (37:11
Kept the matter in mind
Where were Joseph’s brothers when Israel sent Joseph to them? (37:17
What was Joseph to find out when Israel sent him to Shechem? (37:14
If all was well with his brothers and the flocks
When Joseph’s brothers saw Joseph coming to Dothan what did they plan to do? (37:18
Kill him
What did Joseph’s brothers plan to do with Joseph’s body after they killed him? (37:20
Throw it into a cistern
Who tried to rescue Joseph from his brothers? (37:21
What did Reuben say they should do with Joseph? (37:22
Throw him into a cistern
When Joseph came to his brothers what did they do to him? (37:24
Stripped him of his robe and threw him into a cistern
What were the camels of the Ishmaelites going to Egypt loaded with? (37:25
Spices, balm and myrrh
Which brother suggested selling Joseph to the Ishmaelites? (37:26
Who did Joseph’s brothers sell Joseph to? (37:28
What did Joseph’s brothers receive in exchange for Joseph? (37:28
20 shekels of silver
Who tore their clothes when they found Joseph was not in the cistern? (37:29
After selling Joseph what did his brothers dip his robe in? (37:31
A goat’s blood
After seeing Joseph’s bloody robe what did Israel believe had happened? (37:33
Some ferocious animal had devoured him
How long did Israel say he was going to mourn for Joseph? (37:35
Until he went to the grave
Where did the Midianites sell Joseph? (37:36