Acts 1-9 Flashcards
• A1 To whom was the Acts of the Apostles written?
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, Luke (in his gospel) presented Jesus’ life up until what event?
The day Christ was taken up into heaven.
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, Christ gave His commandments to the Apostles through Whom or What?
The Holy Spirit.
• A1 How long was Jesus seen with the Apostles following His Resurrection?
Forty days.
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, where did Jesus tell the Apostles to wait for “the Promise of the Father?”
• A1 Who spoke to the gathered Christians immediately after Christ’s Ascension?
2 men dressed in white.
• A1 Fill in the blank: The men gathered at Christ’s Ascension in Acts chapter one were called “Men of __________.”
• A1 From what mount did Christ ascend in Acts chapter one?
The mount of olives
• A1 Which woman is listed as being in the upper room following Christ’s Ascension?
Mary, mother of Jesus
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, approximately how many Christians were in Jerusalem shortly after Christ’s Ascension (but before Pentecost)?
• A1 What did Judas Iscariot buy with the money he was paid for betraying Jesus?
A field
• A1 According to Acts 1, how did Judas die?
Fell headlong and burst open
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, what does “Akel Dama” mean?
The field of blood
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, the prophecy regarding Judas Iscariot’s death can be found in what biblical book?
• A1 According to Acts chapter one, what was the other name of Joseph called Barsabas?
• A1 Name the person who was chosen to be the twelfth apostle.
Who was nominated but not chosen to be an apostle?
Joseph called Barsabas called Justus
• A1 In addition to praying, how did the Apostles determine the replace for Judas Iscariot in Acts chapter one?
Cast lots
• A1 What command did Jesus give while eating?
Don’t leave Jerusalem
• A1 What did the disciples ask Jesus?
Are you going to restore the kingdom
• A1 What was the last thing Jesus said before being taken up?
Holy Spirit will come… You will be my witnesses…
• A2 Fill in the blank: “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with __________ in one place.”
One accord
• A2 the “sound from heaven” which filled the house at Pentecost sounded like what?
A rushing wind.
• A2 What appeared over the heads of the followers of Jesus gathered at Pentecost?
Tongues of Fire
• According to Acts chapter two, what did the people gathered for Pentecost hear from the house where the followers of Jesus had just been filled with the Holy Spirit?
a. They heard the followers of Jesus speaking in the languages of the different people
• According to Acts chapter two, what did some people in Jerusalem believe to be the cause of the Christians’ behavior at Pentecost?
Drunk on new wine
• A2 Which Apostle preached to the crowd at Pentecost?
• In Acts chapter two, how did Peter demonstrate that the followers of Jesus were not drunk at Pentecost?
Said: “it’s only 9 in the morning!”
• A2 In his sermon on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter stated that a certain prophet had stated: “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh…,” and went on to state how the events of this day had fulfilled the prophecy. To which prophet did Peter refer?
• Fill in the blank: In the words quoted in Acts chapter two by Peter from Joel: “Your sons and daughters shall ___________.”
• Fill in the blank in the words quoted in Acts chapter two by Peter from the Joel: “The sun shall be turned into ___________.”
• According to the prophecy by Joel quoted by Peter in Acts chapter two, what shall happen to those who call on the name of the Lord?
They will be saved
• According to Acts chapter two, how was Jesus accredited by God?
By miracles, wonders, and signs.
• Who spoke the following words quoted by Peter in Acts chapter two: “I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken”
• What was David referring to, as quoted in Acts chapter 2?
The resurrection
• A2 What two things did St. Peter tell the crowd at Pentecost to do after they asked him, “What shall we do?”
Repent and be baptized
• A2 How many people were baptized at the conclusion of Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost?
• A2 What did the followers devote themselves to?
Teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, prayer
• What did the members of the early Church in Jerusalem do with their possessions?
They sold their possessions and divided the money and goods among all as needed
• A2 – where did the early Christians meet everyday?
• According to Acts chapter two, how often did new members join the early Church in Jerusalem?
• A2 – What were the 2 responses to people speaking in tongues at Pentecost?
- They were perplexed/what does this mean? And 2. They’ve had too much wine
• A2 what will young men see?
• A2 What will old men do?
Dream dreams
• A2 What will servants do?
• A2 What will be the signs in the heavens and earth?
Blood and Fire and billows of smoke. Sun turns to darkness. Moon turns to blood.
• A2 What happened when people heard Peter’s message?
They were cut to the heart.
• A2 What did Peter plead with the people?
“Save yourselves from this corrupt generation”
• Which Apostles went to the Temple to pray in Acts chapter three?
Peter and John.
• A3 What did Peter first say to the lame beggar?
Look at us
• At what time of day were Peter and John going to pray when the lame man was healed?
Three in the Afternoon
• In Acts chapter three, how long had the lame man suffered from his infirmity?
Since birth
• What was the name of the gate to which the lame man was taken in Acts chapter three?
• Fill in the blank in Peter’s command to the lame man in Acts chapter three: “In the name of Jesus Christ ____________, rise up and walk.”
• A3 Which of the lame man’s hands did Peter grasp in Acts chapter three?
• A3 Fill in the blank… He went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping and____________________”
Praising God
• A3 What were the people’s response to the lame man being about to walk?
Wonder and Amazement
• Where did Peter preach from in Chapter 3?
Solomon’s Colonnade.
• What does Peter say healed the lame man in Acts chapter three? x
Jesus name and the faith that comes through Him
• What will happen to those who don’t listen to the one Moses prophesied about?
They will be cut off from their people
• In Acts 3, who was the first prophet to foretell these days?
• Who arrested Peter and John in chapter 4?
Temple guard and Sadducees
• A4 what were Peter and John preaching about that disturbed the temple leaders?
Jesus’ resurrection
• A4 How many believers were there after Peter and John preached and go arrested?
• Who was the high priest in Acts 4?
• Who questioned Peter and John in Acts 4?
Annas, Caiaphas, John, Alexander
• According to Acts chapter four, by whose name did Peter and John heal the lame man in the Temple?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
• A4 Fill in the blank: The stone you builders rejected, which has become the ___________.
• A4 What characteristic did the Elders see in Peter and John?
• Why were the elders/high council astonished at what Peter and John said?
Because they were unschooled ordinary men
• What did the leaders of the Temple command Peter and John to do in Acts chapter four?
No speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus
• How severely did the Temple leaders punish Peter and John in Acts chapter four?
Threatened them and let them go
• Where to Peter and John go after being released?
Back to their own people
• According to Acts chapter four, how old was the lame man when he was healed in the Temple?
Over 40 yrs old
• What happened in Acts chapter four to the place where the Christians in Jerusalem prayed following Peter and John’s release from the Temple?
It was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit
• What does Barnabas mean?
Son of encouragement
• What was John’s response after they commanded them to not speak or teach?
Which is right, obey you or God?
• In Acts 4, who sold a field and put the money at the apostle’s feet?
Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, called Barnabas
• Couple who sold land and cheated the apostles.
Ananias and Sapphira.
• Who does Peter say convinced Ananias and Sapphira to lie?
• How long after Ananias’ death does Sapphira go to Peter?
3 hours
• What were Ananias and Sapphria guilty of?
Testing the Holy Spirit
• How did the apostles get released from jail?
An angel opened the doors
• Where were the apostles told to go after they were miraculously released from prison?
The temple courts
• Why didn’t the guards use force in bringing the apostles before the Sanhedrin?
They feared he people would stone them.
• At the apostles hearing by the Sanhedrin, who stood up and said that they should be put outside for a while?
• What did the Sanhedrin do with the apostles after they were bought in after escaping from jail?
Flogged and warned them
• According to Peter in Acts chapter five, Who — in addition to the Apostles — is a witness to Christ?
The Holy Spirit
• What was the apostles reaction to being flogged?
They rejoiced that they had been made worthy to suffer for Christ
• Chapter 5: Whose shadow did the people want to fall on the sick for healing?
• What 2 groups complained about food distribution?
Hellenistic Jews complained about the Hebraic Jews
• According to Acts chapter six, how many men were chosen to oversee the distribution of food to widows?
• Who was chosen to oversee food distribution?
• What was the requirement to be a part of the food distribution?
Known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom
• Who opposed Stephen?
Members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen
• What was Stephen falsely accused of?
Speaking blasphemous words against Moses and God
• How did the people sitting in the Sanhedrin visually see Stephen?
With the face of an angel
• According to Acts chapter six, did many of the Temple priests become disciples of Jesus Christ?
• According to Acts chapter six, what did the false witnesses claim Stephen taught about Jesus and the Temple?
Jesus would destroy it
• Chapter 6: Who was chosen to oversee food distribution?
Stephen, Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas
• What does Stephen call the Sanhedrin?
Stiff-necked people
• According to Acts chapter seven, Stephen was full of __________?
The Holy Spirit
• What was the Sanhedrin’s response to Stephens speech?
Furious and gnashed their teeth
• What did Stephen see when he looked up?
The glory of God, and Jesus standing at God’s right hand
• What did Stephen say as he was being stoned?
Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Do not hold this sin against them.
• Where were the coats laid at Stephens death?
Saul’s feet
• How many were scattered after Stephen’s death?
All the followers of Jesus, except the apostles
• Who buried Stephen?
Godly men
• Where did Phillip go?
Down to Samaria
• What was the name of the man in Acts chapter eight who practiced sorcery in Samaria?
• What did the people call Simon the Sorcerer?
The Great Power of God
• According to Acts chapter eight, was Simon the sorcerer baptized?
• In Acts chapter eight, the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit after who laid hands on them?
Peter and John
• What did Peter say about Simon the Sorcerer’s heart?
It’s not right
• What did Peter see in Simon the Sorcerer?
Bitterness and a heart captive to sin.
• Who told Philip to go south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza?
An angel of the Lord
• Who did Philip meet on the road to Gaza?
An Ethiopian Eunuch
• What was the Ethiopian Eunuch reading?
Isaiah 53
• What was the Ethiopian Eunuch’s job?
Treasurer to the queen
• Why had the Ethiopian Eunuch been in Jerusalem?
To Worship
• What did the Spirit tell Philip to do in Acts chapter 8?
Go to the chariot an stay near it
• What did Philip ask the Ethiopian Eunuch?
Do you understand what you are reading?
• What happened after Philip baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch?
Philip was taken away
• Where did Philip go after he was taken away in Acts 8?
Azotus and then to Caesarea
• Which verse was the Ethiopian man reading?
He was lead like a lamb to slaughter
• Where was Saul going to when he was blinded?
• What happened to make Saul fall to the ground on the road?
A bright light flashed around him
• Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter nine: “Saul, Saul, why are you ___________ me?”
• What does Saul call the voice on the road?
• How long was Saul blind?
3 days
• Where did the Lord tell Ananias to go in Acts 9?
The house of Judas on Straight Street
• Where is Saul originally from?
• Who does the Lord tell Ananias Saul is?
His chosen instrument
• Who will Saul proclaim Jesus’ name to, according to Acts 9?
The Gentiles and their kings and the people of Israel.
• What happened after the scales came of Saul’s eyes?
He was baptized and ate food.
• According to Acts 9, how long did Saul stay in Damascus?
Several days
• Where did Saul first begin to preach?
Synagogues in Damascus
• Who tried to kill Saul in Acts 9?
The Jews
• How did Saul escape Damascus?
In a basket through the opening of the wall
• What happened when Saul first approached the disciples in Jerusalem?
They were afraid of him.
• Who took Saul to the apostles?
• Who tried to kill Saul in Jerusalem?
The Hellenistic Jews
• Where did the believers take Saul after his life was threatened in Jerusalem?
To Caesarea then to Tarsus
• Who lived in Lyyda?
Aeneas, a paralyzed and bed ridden man
• How long had Aeneas been paralyzed?
8 years
• What was the peoples reaction to Aeneas’ healing?
They turned to the Lord
• Who lived in Joppa?
Tabitha (Dorcas)
• What was Tabitha known for?
Doing good and helping the poor
• Who did Peter stay with in Joppa?
Simon the tanner
• Where did Paul have his vision?
Simon the tanners house in Joppa
• What happened to Dorcas in Acts chapter nine?
She became sick and died
• In Acts chapter nine, what did the widows show Peter while they wept in Dorcas’ room?
robes and clothes she had made
• What do the women call Tabitha?
• What does Tabitha’s name mean?
• In his speech to the high priest what patriarchs does Stephen reference?
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Solomon
Under whose authority was Saul going to Damascus?
High priest
• What did Ananias call Saul when we laid his hands on him?
Brother Saul
• What was the land of Israel called in 63BC?
• Approximate date of Jesus’ birth.
• Language spoken in NT Times?
Koine Greek
According to Acts 9, why was Ananias sent to Saul?
See again and be filled with the Holy Spirit
• Who was at the top of the Jewish Social classes?
Priests -> Levites -> Full blooded Israelites
• Who was at the top of Hellenistic social classes?
Senatorial class -> Equestrians (civil servants) -> Women
• Who were at the bottom of Hellelistic social classes?
Plebians -> Slaves -> Freedmen -> Women
• Who were at the bottom of Jewish social classes?
Gentiles and Non-Jews
Vocab: • Dyadism =
Greek for two
• What is honor in the NT world?
The value of a person, dependent on their power, sexual status, and religion
• Kerygmatic =
(Christian proclamation) = Gospel’s purpose in Redemptive History [Preaching]
• Apologetic =
(Christianity is not a political threat to Rome) = Interaction with secular history [defense or justification of doctrine]
• Conciliatory =
(shows Peter and Paul in parallel, not in conflict) [peacemaking]
• Prophetic =
(fulfilled OT prophecies)
• Who was the missionary to the Jews?
• Who was the missionary to the Gentiles?
• How does the outline of Acts advance as it pertains to cities?
Jersalem -> Judea and Samaria -> The remotest parts of the earth
• Stories that happened in Jerusalem?
Pentecost, Stephen
• Who went to Samaria?
• Who when to Judea?
• What were the three supernatural signs at Pentecost?
Sound of wind, tongues of fire, speaking in tongues
• Who were the positive and negative examples of giving?
Joseph and Ananias & Sapphira
• Why were there so many widows in Jerusalem?
That’s where Jewish men are buried.
• What did Stephen have to say about obeying the law?
It was given by the angels but they didn’t obey it
• What is the cause and effect chain of Stephen’s death?
Martyrdom -> Persecution -> Dispersion -> Evangelism
• What are the 4 levels of belief?
Jew -> Proselyte -> God-Fearer -> Gentile
• How was Peter chosen as a leader?
He stood up and talked; close to Jesus; understood forgiveness
• What was the 1st church problem?
Lying to the Lord
• What was Tarsus known for?
Good schooling; Cilicium (waterproof goats hair for tent making)
• What tribe was Paul from?
• After meeting Jesus, how long does Paul disappear for?
3 years
• Who was Philip (not the apostle)?
One of 7 to oversee food distribution. Fled to Samaria. Helped convert Simon the Sorcerer and the Ethiopian man.