Genesis Questions 3 Flashcards
the angel of the Lord to Abraham (Gen 22:12)
Who to whom, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him…”?
Sarah (Gen 20:12)
Who became Abraham’s wife?
because of the woman he had taken, for she is a man’s wife (Gen 20:3)
Why was Abimelech a dead man according to God?
Called on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God (Gen 21:33)
What did Abraham do where he planted a tamarisk tree?
In saving his life (Gen 19:19)
The two Angels showed Lot great kindness in what?
Abimelech (Gen 20:3)
God came to whom in a dream by night?
Abimelech and his kingdom (Gen 20:9)
A great sin was brought on whom?
Negeb (Gen 20:1)
Abraham journeyed toward what territory?
With Abimelech or with his descendants or his posterity (Gen 21:23)
With whom will Abraham not deal falsely?
In all that he does (Gen 21:22)
In what is God with Abraham?
The two angels as morning dawned (Gen 19:15)
Situation: Who said this and WHEN “Up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be swept away in the punishment of the city.”
no fear of God (Gen 20:11)
There is no what in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife?
heaven (Gen 22:11)
The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from where?
Abraham’s offspring (Gen 22:18)
In whom, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because he obeyed God’s voice?
Unleavened bread (Gen 19:3)
Lot baked what?
Isaac to Abraham (Gen 22:7)
Who to whom, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”?
a thousand pieces of silver (Gen 20:16)
What is a sign of Sarah’s innocence in the eyes of all who are with her?
His two daughters (Gen 19:30)
Lot lived in the hills with whom?
Laughing (Gen 21:9)
What did Sara see the son of Hagar doing?
Seven ewe lambs of the flock (Gen 21:28)
What did Abraham set apart?
Abraham has has not withheld his only son (Gen 22:16)
Because of what, I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring…?
Looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah and towards all the land of the valley (Gen 19:28)
Abraham went early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the LORD and he did what?
The angel of God (Gen 21:17)
Who called to Hagar from heaven?
The Moabites to this day (Gen 19:37)
Moab is the father of who?
Abimelech to Abraham (Gen 20:15)
Who to whom, “Behold, my land is before you: dwell where it pleases you.”?
They were about to destroy this place (Gen 19:13)
The two angels told Lot to bring anyone he has in the city out for what?
the angel of the Lord (Gen 22:15)
Who called to Abraham a second time from heaven?
She lifted up her voice and wept (Gen 21:16)
What did Hagar do as she sat opposite her child?
In the hills (Gen 19:30)
Lot went up out of Zoar and lived where?
God (Gen 22:1)
Who tested Abraham?
Lot’s wife (Gen 19:26)
Who became a pillar of salt?
That he will not deal falsely with him or with his descendants or with his posterity, but as Abimelech has dealt kindly with Abraham so shall Abraham deal with Abimelech and the land where he has sojourned (Gen 21:23)
What did Abimelech ask Abraham to swear?
Early in the morning (Gen 21:14)
When did Abraham take bread and a skin of water and give it to Hagar?
the burnt offering (Gen 22:3)
Abraham cut wood for what?
Urged Lot to take his wife and his two daughters (Gen 19:15)
As morning dawned, the two angels did what?
one of the mountains of which I shall tell you (Gen 22:2)
Offer him as a burnt offering on what?
Abraham and Abimelech (Gen 21:27)
Which two men made a covenant?
The LORD (Gen 19:16)
Who was being merciful?
About the distance of a bowshot (Gen 21:16)
How far did Hagar sit opposite the child?
Zoar (Gen 19:20)
What was a small city?
This favor also, that he will not overthrow the city of which Lot had spoken (Gen 19:20)
The two angels granted Lot what?
Fast with her hand (Gen 21:18)
How should Hagar hold the boy?
Abimelech (Gen 20:4)
Who had not approached Sarah?
Grew up (Gen 21:20)
God was with Ishmael and he what?
The angel of God (Gen 21:17)
Who called to Hagar?
Moab (Gen 19:37)
Lot’s firstborn daughter bore a son and called his name what?
The two angels (Gen 19:5)
The men of Sodom called to Lot to bring who to them?
Many days (Gen 21:34)
For how long did Abraham sojourn in the land of the Philistines?
Abimelech (Gen 20:2)
Who was king of Gerar?
Lot to the men of Sodom (Gen 19:7)
Situation: who said this to whom “I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly”
in a thicket behind Abraham (Gen 22:13)
Where was a ram caught?
This slave woman (Hagar) and her son (Ishmael) (Gen 21:10)
Who did Sarah tell Abraham to cast out?
Abraham (Gen 20:11)
Who thought, “There is no fear of God at all in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.”?
The hills (Gen 19:19)
Lot cannot escape to where?
A tamarisk tree (Gen 21:33)
What did Abraham plant in Beersheba?
Abimelech (Gen 20:8)
Who rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told them all these things?
Abraham (Gen 22:1)
God tested who?
the angel of the Lord to Abraham from heaven (Gen 22:11)
Who to whom and from where, “Abraham! Abraham!”?
Overtake him and he dies (Gen 19:19)
Lot cannot escape to the hills lest the disaster what?
Sarah (Gen 20:4)
Abimelech had not approached who?
Moab (Gen 19:37)
Who is the father of the Moabites to this day?
Lot’s two daughters (Gen 19:33)
Who made their father drink wine?
In the evening (Gen 19:1)
When did the two angels come to Sodom?
built the altar, laid the wood in order, bound Isaac and laid him on the altar (Gen 22:9)
When they came to the place of which God had told Abraham, what four things did Abraham do?
his hand (Gen 22:10)
Abraham reached out what and took the knife to slaughter his son?
In Beersheba (Gen 21:33)
Where did Abraham plant a tamarisk tree?
Lot’s firstborn daughter to the younger daughter (Gen 19:32)
Situation: “Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.”
On the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God (Gen 21:33)
On whom did Abraham call where he planted a tamarisk tree?
Conceived and bore him a son (Gen 21:2)
What did Sarah do for Abraham in his old age?
live (Gen 20:7)
Return the man’s wife and you shall what?
his donkey (Gen 22:3)
Abraham saddled what?
Before the two angels laid down (Gen 19:4)
When did the men of Sodom surround the house?
Laugh (Gen 21:8)
Everyone who hears will what over Sarah?
Seven ewe lambs (Gen 21:30)
Abimelech shall take what from Abraham’s hand?
at every place to which they come, say of him, “He is my brother’ (Gen 20:13)
What kindness must Sarah show to Abraham?
a thicket (Gen 22:13)
A ram was caught in what?
Strongly (Gen 19:3)
Lot pressed the two angels how?
the angel of the Lord to Abraham (Gen 22:17)
Who to whom, “And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies”?
withheld your only son from me (Gen 22:12)
For now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not what?
Break the door down (Gen 19:9)
The men of Sodom pressed hard against the man Lot, and drew near to what?
“On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided” (Gen 22:14)
What is said to this day?
his horns (Gen 22:13)
A ram was caught in a thicket by what?
The outcry against its people has become great before the LORD and the LORD has sent them to destroy it (Gen 19:13)
The two angels were about to destroy this place because why?
From the LORD out of heaven (Gen 19:24)
Sulfur and fire rained from where?
Sarah (Gen 20:12)
Who is indeed Abraham’s sister, the daughter of his father though not the daughter of his mother?
God to Abraham (Gen 22:2)
Who to whom, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering…”?
Made a great feast (Gen 21:8)
What did Abraham do on the day that Isaac was weaned?
Remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in which Lot had lived (Gen 19:29)
When God destroyed the cities of the valley he what?
An expert with the bow (Gen 21:20)
Ishmael lived in the wilderness and became what?
Because he is Abraham’s offspring (Gen 21:13)
Why will God make a nation of the son of the slave woman?
his offspring (Gen 22:17)
Who shall possess the gate of Abraham’s enemies?
Lot to the two angels (Gen 19:18)
Situation: Who said this to whom “On, no, my lords.”
Abimelech (Gen 20:6)
God did not let who touch Sarah?
The city of which Lot had spoken (Zoar) (Gen 19:20)
The two angels will not overthrow what?
When Isaac was born (Gen 21:5)
Abraham was a hundred years old when what?
Beersheba (Gen 21:31)
Where did both Abraham and Abimelech swear an oath?
Kadesh & Shur (Gen 20:1)
Abraham journeyed toward the territory of the Negeb and lived between where?
1000 (Gen 20:16)
How many pieces of silver did Abimelech give to Abraham as a sign of Sarah’s innocence?
Looked back and became a pillar of salt (Gen 19:26)
Lot’s wife did what?
Lest he be swept away in the punishment of the city (Gen 19:15)
The two angels urged Lot to take his wife and his two daughters lest what?
Well of seven or well of the oath (Gen 21:31)
What does Beersheba mean?
Their lives (Gen 19:17)
One of the two angels told Lot his wife and his two daughters to escape for what?
Isaac (Gen 21:4)
Who was circumcised when he was eight days old?
Sarah (Gen 20:16)
Who is vindicated before everyone?
Lot (Gen 19:14)
Who seemed to be jesting?
Sarah (Gen 20:3)
Abimelech took who?
when Abraham and Isaac came to the place of which God had told Abraham (Gen 22:9)
When had Abraham built the altar and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood?
his father’s house (Gen 20:13)
God caused Abraham to wander from where?
Abimelech (Gen 21:23)
Who dealt kindly with Abraham?
Lot’s house (Gen 19:4
The men of Sodom surrounded what?
For Sarah (Gen 21:8)
For whom has God made laughter?
Sodom (Gen 19:13)
The LORD sent the two angels to destroy what?
the stars of heaven and the sand that is on the seashore (Gen 22:17)
I will surely multiply your offspring as what two things?
To the earth (Gen 19:1)
Lot saw the two angels and bowed himself with his face where?
When he was eight days old (Gen 21:4)
When did Abraham circumcise Isaac?
Isaac (Gen 21:3)
What did Abraham call the name of his son whom Sarah bore him?
heaven (Gen 22:17)
As the stars of where, I will surely multiply your offspring?
One of the two angels to Lot (Gen 19:20)
Situation: who said this to whom “Behold, I grant you this favor also, that I will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken.”
The disaster overtake him and he dies (Gen 19:19)
Lot cannot escape to the hills lest what?
Abimelech (Gen 20:18)
All the wombs of whose house were closed?
From heaven (Gen 21:17)
From where did the angel of God call to Hagar?
his heart (Gen 20:5)
In the integrity of what, Abimelech had taken Sarah?
Opposite the child, a good way off (Gen 21:16)
Where did Hagar sit?
The hand (Gen 19:16)
The two Angels seized Lot and his wife and his two daughters by what?
When God opened her eyes (Gen 21:19)
When did Hagar see a well of water?
She saw a well of water (Gen 21:19)
What did Hagar see when God opened her eyes?
early in the morning (Gen 20:8)
Abimelech rose when and called all his servants?
Abimelech to Sarah (Gen 20:16)
Who to whom, “Behold, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. It is a sign of your innocence in the eyes of all who are with you, and before everyone you are indicated.”?
a burnt offering (Gen 22:7)
Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is a lamb for what?
The men of Sodom to Lot (Gen 19:5)
Situation: Who said this to whom “Where are the men who came to you tonight?
Lot (Gen 19:16)
The LORD was being merciful to whom?
the wood of the burnt offering (Gen 22:6)
Abraham laid what on Isaac his son?
By God (Gen 21:23)
By Who did Abimelech ask Abraham to swear?
the fire and the knife (Gen 22:6)
In his hand, Abraham took what?
On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from where?
Abraham to Abimelech and Phicol (Gen 21:24)
Situation: Who said this to whom “I will swear”
Abraham (Gen 20:1)
Who sojourned in Gerar?
The boy, Ishmael, and his slave woman, Hagar (Gen 21:12)
Abraham should not be displeased because of whom?
Hagar (Gen 21:16)
Who said, “Let me not look on the death of the child”?