Bible Characters Flashcards
Adam and Eve were the first two people on Earth. Adam was formed out of dust and God breathed life into him. Eve was created out of the flesh of Adam by taking one of Adam’s Ribs and making Eve. A serpent tempts them into eating the forbidden fruit. That was the original sin and man has felt the consequences of that.
Noah, Ham, Shem, Japheth
Noah was called upon to build an arc to save two of every animal on earth. God was making a flood happen to create a “clean slate” with humans. Ham, Shem, Japheth.
Sarai/ Sarah
The half sister and wife of Abraham. God changed her name to Sarah when it was announced that Abraham would have the promised child. She was buried in the family burying place (a cave). Means Princess.
The oldest son of Abraham. Born by Hagar the slave.
Wife of Isaac. Buried in family cave. Means God Hears.
The beautiful younger daughter of Laben. Mother of Joseph. Jacob was so admiring of her that he worked for 14 years in order to marry her. She died in the birth of Benjamin.
The oldest daughter of Laben. Jacob was, after his first 7 years of work, tricked into marrying her since the oldest daughter should always marry first. Parent of Judah, Levi, Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun. Buried in family cave.
Son of Leah. Was spared by God since he stopped his brothers from killing Joseph.
A place somewhat near Jerusalem. Jacob had his vision of Angels ascending and descending a ladder here. He subsequently built an altar here. Means house of God.
Potiphar and his wife
Potiphar was the Egyptian Guard who Joseph was sold to.
He was sent to help Moses originally with speaking to the Pharoah.
One of the Egyptian midwives.
One of Moses’s son. He was not circumcised therefore not keeping with the covenant so he got a sudden illness. He was quickly circumcised and was fine.
The title of Egyptian Kings.
A prince/priest of Midian. Moses was exiled by the Egyptian courts and spent 40 years keeping his flocks.
Commander of the host of the Israelites. Leader after Moses dies. Leads people across Jordan River.
Took some gold from Jericho. All the gold was supposed to be left there for God. Because of his sin, the army was no longer good in battle. He was stoned to death and all his stuff was burned.
Valley of Achor
The place where Achan was stoned. Means valley of trouble.
The sister of Moses and Aaron.
Jordan River
A river in the Palestine.
A country. Name derived from son of ham.
The first Judge. Overthrowed Baal. Attacked the Midianites and won.
A judge. Killed King Eglon after he took Jericho. Was left handed so hid his sword on his left side.
Wife of Heber the Kenite. Killed Sisera.
Husband of Ruth. Required to marry her due to levirate law.
Daughter in law of Naomi. Went part of the way to Bethlehem with Naomi then returned to Moab.
Cain/ Abel
Cain was the first born son of Adam. Abel was the second born. Cain wanted to kill his brother so he was expelled from Eden with a mark. Abel was the first martyr.
Abram/ Abraham
Made a covenant with God. This is an unconditional covenant because God placed no stipulations. Covenant said that Abraham would have land and offspring that would lead nations. Means exalted ancestor.
Abraham’s secondary wife from Egypt. Bore Ishmael.
Abraham and Sarah’s one son. Married to Rebekah. Father of Esau and Jacob. Means he laughs.
Son of Isaac and Rebekah. Sold his birthright for some food to Jacob.
The cave that Abraham bought as a family burying place.
Brother of Rebekah. Jacob fled to his house and married his daughters.
Jacob/ Israel
Son of Isaac and Rebekah. Rebekah liked him more than Esau so they conspired to gain Isaac’s blessing. He successfully got his brother’s birthright and his fathers blessing. Means supplanter.
A bank of the Jordan where Jacob wrestled with an Angel. Sees God. Means face of God.
Son of Jacob and Rachel. Rachel died in his birth.
A religious leader. Saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and killed the Egyptian. The pharaoh found out about it so he fled Egypt. He saw a burning bush and God spoke to him. Produced many plagues in Egypt to convince the Pharaoh. Lead his fellow hebrews out of Egypt across the Red Sea. Received the ten commandments. Died before his people crosses the Jordan River. Means to draw out.
A midwife that feared God and didn’t kill the Hebrew baby upon birth.
Wife of Moses.
Son of Jacob and Rachel. Plotted to be killed by his brothers. After being convinced by Judah, was sold instead of killed. Worked in Poltiphar house, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard. Was sent to prison. Interpreted dreams and was later let out to interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams. Predicted a famine. His brothers, in the second year of the famine, came to Egypt to buy goods. Gave them wheat and a silver cup.
Mt. Sinai
The place where God gave the 10 commandments to Moses.
Ark of Covenant
The chest that the 10 commandments were stored and moved in. Carrying it into battle so God is with them.
Two hebrew spies were saved by her and so she was spared when destroyed the city of Jericho in exchange for saving them.
A city taken by Hebrews with the help of God. The city was to be fully destroyed and all spoils left for God.
A tribe that spread over Lebanon and the valley of the Jordan. They have had a war against the Hebrews.
A city in the hill city of Judah. Birthplace of Jesus.
A Judge. The only female one.
The captain of Jabin’s army. Killed by Jael when he took shelter in his tent.
Went with Naomi to Bethlehem.
Wife of Elimelech. Lived in Moab. When her husband dies, she returns to Bethlehem.
Name means heard of God. God spoke to him one night. Became a strong leader.
Mother of Samuel. Asked God for a son (since she was barren) and in return gave his son in service to God. Gives Samuel to the temple.
One of Eli’s sons.
Commander in chief of Saul’s army.
Son of Jesse. Second King of Israel.
Eldest son of Saul.
David committed adultery with her. Married David and bore Solomon.
Means lover of God. A christian whom Luke dedicated his Gospel to.
Mother of Jesus. Wife of Joseph.
A prophet of Judah.
Father of Jesus.
Son of Jacob and Leah.
Mary/ Martha
Mary was listening to Jesus and Martha went and complained to Jesus that Mary wasn’t helping with housework. Jesus says that Martha should let Mary do what is right.
Prodigal Son
A story where two sons get their inheritance early. The younger son goes away and spends it all foolishly. He comes back after many years and his father is overjoyed. The other son complains to his father and the father responds saying what is lost is now found and they should celebrate his return.
Judas Iscariot
Son of Simon. Betrayed Jesus and committed suicide out of guilt.
Simeon of Cyrene
The man that the Romans called upon to help carry his cross.
(Simon) Peter
An apostle of Jesus. The first pope.
An apostle of Jesus.
A robber who Pilate proposed to death instead of Jesus.
King Agag
An Amalekite king that was taken by Saul and spared because it would be better for Saul’s army.
A Jewish high priest of Shiloh when the ark was there. Took Samuel in as a child.
A son of Eli. Guilty of great crimes which the punishment came upon the house of Eli.
Person of wealth and power in Bethlehem. Father of David.
A giant who defied the armies of Israel and was killed by David.
David’s son. A king of Israel. Helped build a permanent temple for the Ark.
The place that Jesus was crucified.
The son of God. Born by Mary and Joseph. The Messiah.
Good Samaritan
A traveller is beaten, robbed, and left on the side of the road. A levite and a priest pass by ignoring him. The samaritan stops and helps him.
Pontius Pilate
The Judge who determined to have Jesus put to death.
The archangel who serves as a messenger from humans to God. Appears to Mary to foretell the birth of Jesus.
Joseph of Arimathea
The man who buried Jesus in the tomb that he had prepared for himself.
(Levi) Matthew
An apostle and one of the Evangelists. Wrote his Gospel.
Saul/ Paul
An apostle. Spread the word of Christianity.